Kase growls and locks his tail around her throat, squeezing as he dangles her out. “You know that isn’t true. We had a plan. Purgatory is what we need. Starting over won’t accomplish anything. It will just end up right back here or not at all. Souls need to learn and grow. It’s what the Higher Power wanted with the soul cycles, but it just wasn’t effective.”

“Don’t speak for the Higher Power.” Meri locks her fingers around Kase’s tail, trying to squeeze. I grab her by the throat and rip her away, spitting venom in her face again until her mouth melts together and she can no longer talk.

“Shut the fuck up. You are done.” I hold my hand out to Kase, locking my fingers around him as I launch into the air, flying him with me while I continue to strangle the bitch angel. If I could strangle her until her head popped off, I would. And then I would carry her head and drop it at Raven’s feet so she could kick it across the universe.

“Raven is going to be so fucking excited. I can’t wait for her to destroy this bitch.” Kase ruffles his fingers through my hair, smiling at me.

I chuckle. This psycho is hot as fuck in his excitement over giving our soul such a gift. I love the shit out of him for it. Craning my head, I snuggle against his hand, getting him to rub my head a bit more. Raven’s panties would melt off if she saw his affection toward me in this moment. I want to capture his good mood until she can see for herself. She could use something to cheer her up, and if it involves a damn devil dogpile with her climbing on top and hanging a flag on my cock to declare herself as queen, I’ll happily oblige.

Kase opens a portal for me, and we fly through and land in the middle of the apartment. Meri’s muffled scream breaks the silence. I drop her to the floor and slam my boot into her back, restraining her with my bodyweight.

“What is going on?” Zade peeks his head out of the bedroom he shares with Andre and Raven. His eyes widen, flicking to the fallen angel beneath me.

“Where is Raven? She can’t be sleeping still. I know that sexy woman gets horny too often to sleep for days, even with Andre’s help.” Kase steps from the summoning circle first, crossing his arms over his chest.

Raven’s voice sounds from behind Zade, her breathy concern striking me in the balls. They were at it. I don’t even have to see her to know that she probably walks funny after spending so much time with Andre. It only feels like hours since we’ve been gone, but I know it has been days. Hell was a complete shitshow. Micah and Lucian are still cleaning the mess up. Lucian feels the need to control things a bit, thinking that he is still the strongest devil.

“It’s best if you stay here. Dante and Kase brought someone.” Zade holds his arm up, blocking Raven’s exit.

She doesn’t let him stop her for long, ducking under his muscular body and managing to squeeze her way through the doorframe, even though Zade moves his body so she doesn’t squish her belly.

“Yeah, asshole. We brought this bitch for Raven. Finally caught her hiding in my kingdom. We thought she would want to do the honors of destroying her. She doesn’t deserve everything that has been given to her.” I twist my foot back-and-forth, making Meri yell and struggle beneath me.

“What do you say, angel-girl? Shall we add to your power? Serve some justice? Really stab Mikail in the gut when he realizes his companion will never be joining him again?” Kase laces his tail around Raven, pulling her to him until he can wrap her in his arms.

Raven doesn’t respond right away, looking from Meri to me and then to Kase. Something dark flashes across her face, and I wish I had Micah’s power and could hear what’s on her mind. I don’t know if Andre told her what we had discussed involving Cassius or not, but I wouldn’t put it past him. It’s fucking torture keeping anything from her these days. It’s like she just knows when we’re not telling her everything, despite us wanting to protect her.

If she knows, it might make her more volatile and aggressive. It’ll make her angrier and in need of revenge. I wouldn’t blame her. I don’t think I could survive hanging out with Cass-hole for more than a day. He gets on my nerves more than Lucian’s asshole attitude does.

“Hold her, Dante.” Raven slides herself from Kase’s arms and waddles in my direction. And not just a pregnancy walk. I think that Andre and Zade fucked her so good that she’s not going to be able to walk normally ever again, especially with her cute belly.

I bend down and grab Meri by her hair, yanking her up to hold in front of Raven. Raven enters the Hell circle, baring her teeth in her fury. Fire light flashes in her eyes, but she doesn’t unleash Hell power. Instead, she summons angelic light, making Meri flinch and buck her body. I grip her tighter, wrapping my arm across her throat to silence any noise.

“What? Are you afraid? You shouldn’t flinch away from the power you so carelessly sacrificed in the name of ruining the world. Open your eyes and look at me, Meri. I want to make one thing clear to you.” Raven jerks her hand out and grabs Meri by the chin, forcing her to pay attention.

Meri finally stops fighting and opens her eyes, meeting Raven’s gaze. “You’re undeserving of such power. You claim that it was me to ruin the world, but you need to look at yourself. You are a disgrace. An abomination. We’ve had to do this because of you.”

Raven stiffens at Meri’s accusations, and I hiss and dig my fingers deeper into her throat, ensuring that she can no longer respond to Raven. Heaving a couple breaths, Raven gets herself in control. A dozen thoughts flicker with the fire in her eyes, and once again, I crave to know what’s on her mind. I just hope she doesn’t think twice about Meri’s words. They’re far from true. Meri is a psychotic, wannabe righteous angel who deserves absolutely nothing.

“Fuck you. Fuck you and everything you have done against humanity. I’ll save them. I won’t let the angelic army get away with trying to reset the universe. Hell is ours. Purgatory is mine. Heaven will no longer be in control of the souls who manage to escape their cycles for their supposed paradises. Do you understand? This is over. You’ve lost. You’ve sacrificed everything for absolutely nothing.” Raven gathers hellfire and heavenly light in her palms, her whole body blazing with energy.

My cock hardens at the sight of her power, and I imagine dropping this bitch to grab my pretty soul, lift her up and prop her against the wall to fuck her over and over again the way she likes.

Raven smacks her palms to each side of Meri’s face, knocking me out of my new lustful haze.

The bitch screams, flailing and fighting as hard as she can, but it’s no use. Raven uses the light and darkness of the twins to devour the angel’s very essence until she explodes in a lightshow of rainbow color that flashes through the air.

Raven gasps, and the world trembles. I don’t get the chance to snatch her before she falls back and disappears.

“Fuck! She slipped into her plane. Can anyone find a crack?” Kase spins on the balls of his feet, searching around the room.

Raven grows more powerful than ever. If she keeps walking through the different realms, she could very well find herself somewhere she can’t escape or somewhere none of us will be able to go.

“It’s gone. It’s completely sealed off.” Andre tugs on a pair of shorts, feeling the world around him with his eyes closed.

“We need to find Cassius. I don’t think we can wait much longer. I’m afraid we could lose her.” Zade scrubs his fingers into his scruffy face in desperate need of shaving. He hasn’t done so in a while, and I don’t know if it’s because he’s coming into his devil side or if he just gave up on his mortal appearance. Either way, it doesn’t matter. It’s as if my thoughts want to distract me from the fact that Raven vanished.

“I’ll summon Lucian. He might be able to find him the quickest.” Kase shoots red power at our summoning circle, choosing to jump back into the Hell plane instead of calling Lucian to us. It’s faster if he just goes to find him.