Raven stomps closer and snatches my discarded dagger from the ground. “Are you fucking insane? What do you think would happen if you stab him? He’s an angel for fuck’s sake. He can flick his damn hand and smite you straight to the pits of Hell.”

I flare my nostrils and glower. “Then why doesn’t he do that instead of cry on my behalf like it’ll somehow make a damn difference?”

“Because it hurts him that he can’t do anything,” Raven says, surprising me. “He’s not lying—he can’t lie—Elias. Andre would save both of our souls if it were possible.”

Swiveling, she peers over her shoulder at Andre, and he offers her a whisper of a smile. One just obvious enough to get under my skin. How can she stand up for him? How can she be okay and have accepted the fact that she’s just as damned as I am? She can’t love demon cock so much that she’d be okay getting fucked, punished, and who knows what else for the rest of time...can she?

I shudder. I don’t even want to know.

“I would,” Andre says, affirming Raven’s words. “You don’t deserve this fate—”

An earthquake rocks the world around me, and Raven stumbles at the suddenly shaking ground. With a quick shriek, she catches herself on the road and remains there, not bothering trying to get up. I scoot away from her as Andre unsheathes his flaming sword. White light glows from his eyes, radiating across his skin. Fear tightens my chest, and I cough, my ribs aching with the force.

Red fire cascades through the air and into Andre, knocking him back with the hellish force. I scramble to get up, my body hollering to give it a break. It nearly forces me back to my knees, but the deep-seated urge to run keeps me moving. This isn’t an earthquake. Demons are coming, and they’re powerful enough to scare the angel.


Waving her arms, Raven gets Andre’s attention from the ground. “Go! Get out of here. They’ll try to take your wings.”

Andre tightens his jaw, standing tall and stiff. His muscles ripple and flex. I search the area in the direction he studies, wondering what the fuck I’m dealing with. I don’t see anything yet, but I know whatever demon it is closes in on us because Andre relents to Raven’s words and bends his knees, launching into the air.

“Wait!” I shout, tipping my head back. “Take us with you!”

Andre disappears.

A guttural roar echoes through the night with another explosion of red fire crashing into the ground where the angel had stood. Pushing myself off the ground, I manage to grab my knife and steady myself. The loud thuds of the demonic beast fade until I only hear the soft sound of bare feet.

I rush toward Raven and lock my arm around her waist, pulling her into my chest. I’m torn between wanting to protect her, so I can see if I can find an angel powerful enough to help me, or using her to get my ass out of the demon’s way. A gust of wind blows from behind me, and I twist, expecting to see that Andre returned, but a tall, scaly, freaky-as-fuck demon folds black wings on his back.

And then I recognize him. It’s the demon I kidnapped Raven from.

Fuck my life.

Shoving her away, I break into a sprint to make a run for it. Something snags my ankle, sending me sprawling to the asphalt. I feel around for my knife, but it’s out of my reach, and whatever restrains my legs doesn’t break no matter how hard I fight against it.

Red light explodes above my head and rains sparks over me. I blink and cringe, trying not to react as it burns my skin. A looming shadow cuts over me, blocking out the glittering stars above. I feel across my jacket, looking for my last chance to save myself.

“I should rip you open to see if your intestines taste like Heaven or the bowels of Hell,” a sharp voice says. “Or better yet, I will feed them to you, and you can tell me.”

I heave a few breaths and tilt my head up to face the demon head-on. “Fuck off.”

“You were always a brave bastard, Elias,” the demon says, narrowing his red-glowing eyes. “It makes things more fun.”

Bending down, the demon grabs the front of my shirt and yanks me upright. My stomach twists at the sight of his skin rippling and moving as his demon body starts to break free. Shoving my hand in my pocket, I finally manage to find what I’ve been looking for.

The demon is too concerned with flexing his evil in an attempt to scare me that he doesn’t see me pop open the cap of my flask. Summoning my own damn miracle, I throw the blessed water into the demon’s face.

I hit my back on the ground and laugh. There is nothing else to do as the demon hollers and prepares to kill me.

He unleashes Hell.

Chapter 5

Demon Bound


“WHAT THE ACTUAL fuck!” I yell, shooting red hellfire from my palms to light a circle around Elias. I can’t remember the last time someone doused me with holy water, and the stuff this shithead used is legitimate, demon-burning, blessed with heavenly light by some asshole angel. But I know he isn’t one. He would’ve flown away with the coward Andre.