I rub my chin, trying to still my racing heart. “But what about for you?”

She groans. “I don’t know, Micah. I fucking don’t know.”

Chapter 26

For Hell’s Sake


THE FUCKING ANGELS just love ruining everything. Not only did they kill my spirit boner, they decimated any chance of corrupting Micah and bonding with Elias. Tonight was incredible with them, and I felt like everything would work out with our eternities since Micah and Elias seemed to be getting along.

Damn Cassius.

Damn him to Hell with Lucian. The two of them deserve each other and can spend the rest of eternity arguing over who’s right and wrong while I help my guys bring real balance to the universe. Because Elias was right. There is no way there will be balance if the saviors were guiding the devils’ rule over Hell. And for me to kill Kase and Dante in the process? That would be like ending a piece of myself. They hold a piece of my soul as well as my heart, and I will not destroy the two men who have been fighting against the entire universe for me while managing to fulfill my needs and also welcome in the other devils as part as our family. I don’t know how else to describe it. We’re together and will rule together. I can’t just give in to the righteous bastard who tried to tell me there was no hope in saving me. Who threatened to make it his sole purpose to end me. Who went through great lengths to try to set things his way, thinking he knows it all, and what he knows is all.

“Raven,” Micah says, his low voice wrapping around me a second before his arms do.

I twist around and fall into him, desperately wanting him to pick me up and hold me. To drown me in affection and anything else he can do to pull my mind out of my spinning thoughts.

“Why don’t you come to my room and get some rest. Elias is already in there, and I think he could use your attention. He doesn’t look great.” Micah eases away and peers into my eyes. “I’m not sure what to do without my grace.”

My heart stalls, my soul screaming in fear that maybe I pushed him too far earlier. Maybe Cassius and Zade stressed him out. Whatever it is, I can’t help worrying that something will happen to him before Kase, Dante, and Andre return. I need them here. I need to be surrounded by the strength of all the devils to ensure everything goes as planned.

Micah groans and hugs me tighter. “Relax. He’s not dying tonight. Soon but not before Kase and Dante return. I would sense it. See it even. His soul clings onto his body.” Micah scoops me up and carries me from the balcony of Dante’s room. “He just needs you. Your presence helps.”

I rest my head on his muscular shoulder, savoring the sensation of his protective arms around me, and within them, the promise of a powerful eternity with him by my side. “How much longer do you think the others will be?” I ask, wishing Micah would just bring Elias to me, so I can continue to watch the summoning circle.

“I don’t know. They’re not as connected to Hell as Lucian is. It could be hours or even days, but don’t worry. The longer it takes, the more powerful they’ll grow. And who knows, perhaps they’ve chosen to check in on their kingdoms.” Micah clicks open his bedroom door. “It’s an enormous place, you know.”

“I really don’t, though,” I muse, straightening up to catch sight of Elias, lying on his side on the edge of Micah’s bed. “Not yet, at least.”

Micah crosses his room and climbs onto the bed with me in his arms, sandwiching me between him and Elias. I turn on my side and caress my fingers to Elias’s cheek, stirring him awake long enough to smile at me. Sadness clings to my soul, seeing him like this. Some moments he seems fine, well even, and then in others such as now, he looks fragile and weak, summoning sorrow from my soul.

Pushing away my morbid thoughts, I lean in and caress my lips to his as Micah spoons me from behind, twining his fingers through one of my hands while I cup Elias’s hand in my other. The soft sounds of crickets chirp in through the open window, allowing in fresh air from outside. I tilt my head, letting my hair fall away from my neck, and wait for the sensation of Micah’s lips on my throat.

How can a moment feel so good yet so...miserable? I shouldn’t worry about Kase and Dante. I shouldn’t worry about Andre taking his throne in his kingdom forged from lust. I damn well shouldn’t allow Cassius and Zade to take up any more of my headspace either. But fuck.

“Raven, can I ask you something?” Micah’s voice trickles into my mind as he opens his thoughts to me. “It’s about Cassius’s offer.”

I close my eyes for a second, trying to summon my nerve to let him open this door. “Yeah, sure, but there isn’t much to talk about.”

Sliding his arm under me, he gets me to roll over and face him. I rest my head on his pillow and lose myself in his gorgeous brown eyes, lit with soft firelight. We share the same breath, his scent still crisp and fresh, though hints of smoke, like a bonfire on the beach, waft over me. In this moment, Micah looks nearly angelic again—his features soft, his expression embodying concern with his furrowed brows and oh-so-pouty full lips.

“I just want to know what your soul is worth to you,” Micah says, surprising me. “If you didn’t have a contract with Lucian, what would you exchange it for? Family? Elias’s life? Something I have yet to learn about you?”

I pucker my lips in thought. His question throws my guard off that I have no idea how to respond. What would I trade my soul for? Had he asked me weeks ago, I’d have said nothing. I didn’t want the contract with Lucian in the first place. But now? I don’t know.

“If I had a soul, I’d trade it for you. I’d give up everything to ensure you could find peace in your eternity. It’s why I fell, Raven. You were my purpose and still are. I feel my darkness siphoning your light, and as much as I enjoy it, the part of me still clinging onto my life in Heaven’s grace knows that I’m bad for you now. I don’t want to see you in Hell, even if it means I lose you.” Micah’s words crack as his eyes sheen over.

I thought seeing an angel cry was heartbreaking. But this? It’s torture. I hate it. “Micah, please never try to do that, and especially not for me. I know you think I deserve more than Hell, but it sure as shit isn’t Heaven. Not with fucking Cassius. Not without all of you.”

His frown deepens. “But—”

I cut off his complaint with a kiss, waiting until his muscles loosen and he pulls my body closer, pressing his hardening cock to my pelvis. “I have made my decision. Purgatory is mine. I’m tired of the fighting between Heaven and Hell and all the assholes in between, which says a lot considering I’ve only known about this crap for weeks. If I traded my soul for anything, it would be for Purgatory. It would be for the chance for souls not to feel stuck like I feel I am under Lucian. I’d trade my damn soul to get Lucian to knock his shit off and let us finish the plan he, Kase, and Dante came up with before Hell got to his head.”

Micah’s eyes flicker with a dozen thoughts. “Heaven really screwed up, losing you. That is the most unselfish thing I’ve ever heard. Cassius was wrong. He thought you were selfish for not sacrificing yourself for Heaven, but in reality, what you want is far more powerful and greater, no matter what anyone thinks.”

“Which is why Lucian doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want me to have Purgatory. He doesn’t want Purgatory at all.” I crinkle my nose at the thought.