“He’s right, Micah. And I’m sorry. I’m so incredibly sorry. I should’ve paid better attention to the signs. I shouldn’t have forsaken you like I had. But I was scared.” Cassius raises his hands, showing he is unarmed. “I couldn’t see what you see.”

I clench my jaw. “And now?”

“I’ve made a grave mistake. I let things go too far, and now I’ve lost not only you but Andre.” Cassius scrubs his hand through his beard, reminding me of Lucian from long ago. Though where Lucian’s eyes look like obsidian, Cassius’s glow purple like amethysts, reminding me of a winter sunset behind a stormy sky. “We’re devastated.”

Rage bursts through me, and I charge forward, smashing into Cassius. He doesn’t put up a fight or anything as I swing my hooved hand and clock him in the jaw. “You’re devastated, you selfish bastard?” I ask, raising my voice. “What about me? About Raven? You stole my wings!”

Cassius glows with his grace, his mere existence burning me. “And I regret it. You just—”

“Enough! I don’t want to hear it. Regret changes nothing. Apologies do nothing. I’ve claimed my throne in Hell, and it won’t be long until I tear those wings from your back and toss you in the pits myself.”

“Please, Micah. Listen to me. If you continue down this path, Heaven will be lost. I spent time reflecting on the situation and was given a moment to share a vision of Lucifer. What I saw...we can’t let it happen. It goes far beyond the prophesized nine kingdoms. Lucifer will not allow the seven sinners to rise, nor will he let the light of the brightest soul in existence to create Purgatory.” Cassius turns his gaze from me to Raven. She slides up beside me and nestles herself in the safety of my side. “You have to believe me. I will give you what you’ve been praying for.”

I frown, unsure if he is speaking to me or Raven. “You have nothing we want.”

Cassius crosses his arms over his broad chest, narrowing his eyes at me. “Not even Raven’s redemption? I can grant her the miracle...if she’s willing to help.”

Raven stiffens next to me. “You mean you can save my soul? I don’t understand. Lucian owns it until I complete my mission.”

“Things have changed,” Cassius says.

“You’re lying,” she argues.

I tighten my fingers around hers. “He can’t lie. If he says there is a way to redeem you, then there is a way.”

“How?” Raven steps forward but not out of my reach. “How the fuck can you redeem me?”

“You must get the original devils to fall by your hands, including Lucifer. Only then will Heaven bring you the peace you deserve.” Cassius tightens his jaw, flicking his gaze from mine to Raven’s. “I will assist you in any way I can.”

“And what of me? Andre?” I swivel and motion to Elias, hovering inside the house, clutching onto the doorframe. “Of Elias?”

“You will still be Hell’s keepers, but under Heaven’s guidance. It’ll be the true balance of the universe Hell’s brethren somehow think doesn’t exist.” Cassius extends his hand to Zade, drawing him closer. “We wouldn’t have to fight.”

“It sounds like you’d be in control,” Elias mutters, his voice raspy. “The same beings who think we are lost and forsaken.”

Cassius clasps his hands together. “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Turning his attention to Raven, he adds. “Please, Raven. You’ll have your soul and peace.”

“No. You can fuck off, you righteous bastard,” Raven snaps, surprising me.

Cassius brings his hand to his chest. “What?”

“You said you could redeem me if I destroyed the original devils, so no. I will not hurt Kase and Dante. I won’t do it. They’re mine.” Raven waves her hand. “So fuck off.”


She grabs my dagger and rushes forward. “I said, leave!”

“This is the only way, Raven. It might be our only chance,” Cassius pleads.

“Go!” Raven yells, swinging her arm.

Cassius and Zade erupt in a burst of light, vanishing from in front of her. Spinning on her feet, she searches the sky above, but they’ve concealed themselves from us. They disappear like the cowards they are.

Raven groans and pulls at her black tresses. “The fuckers. How could they ask that of me?”

I press my lips together, my words lost to me.

“It’s fucking crazy, right?” she asks, speaking her thoughts out loud. “I could never do it. Not for him.”