
I expand my wings and fly into the air, putting two dozen feet between me and the ground as it explodes wider and Vincent crawls back out, whole again, glowing with molten power. His eyes glow red and a smile crawls across his face. I clench my fingers into fists and prepare to send him to Hell again.

“You can’t destroy me! Lucian gave me control of the Earth Realm in exchange for sending Raven to Hell,” he hollers, gathering hellfire in his palms.

“The fuck I can’t!” I shout, dead-set on tearing him apart over and over again until he decides to remain in the bowels of Hell instead of facing me. And even then, I’ll hunt him down. I’ll show him Kase isn’t the only one capable of wrath.

Like the coward he is, Vincent throws power at me and spins, bolting away instead of fighting. I let him go. I need to find Raven’s body. I need to see the truth for myself before I open the gates of Hell and tear the fucking place down to get her back. I will not let Lucian get away with this bullshit. I won’t.

Tugging out my cellphone, I call Kase as I rush toward the door. If Vincent came through it, I can enter it. The hunters must’ve destroyed the protective shields to keep Hell out.

“You get our girl?” Kase asks, his voice growling through the line. “You better have fucking got her.”

My insides twist, and I hesitate.

Agony rolls through me. I can’t tell him. I can’t do it over the phone.

I run deeper into the building and fling open another door, catching the lingering scent of Hell.

“Dante, you fuckhead. Answer me. Now!” Kase roars.

I exhale a breath, my whole body buzzing.

And then I see her.

Raven rests in Andre’s arms, blood covering her, but she’s not dead.

“I got her. Get your ass here quick,” I finally respond to Kase. I disconnect the line without waiting for his response. Holding my arms out, I reach for Raven. “Give her here.”

Andre glowers and hugs Raven tighter, unfurling his featherless wings, seared by hellfire but as tough as ever, reminiscent of bat wings. His Hell façade peeks through, and he flares his nostrils, showing off his hellish features.

Raven flutters her eyes open, and Andre banishes his devil façade, not letting her see him. “Dante...” Her voice caresses my ears.

I ignore Andre’s warning glance and kneel beside them, touching her face. “Let’s get you home, pretty soul. I meet Andre’s gaze next. “You too, you awesome fucking bastard. I think we need to talk.”

Raven wiggles from Andre’s arms and onto my lap. Her big blue eyes sheen with tears. “You have no fucking idea.”


“Just look at that cock. It’s huge. Like a stacked set of soda cans.” I flick my fingers to Andre’s thigh. “I feel bad for you. Half of that thing will never get wet inside Raven. I thought I had it bad.”

Andre rubs the back of his neck. “Please stop. I can’t think about that.”

I cock my head, staring at his swinging dick in the mirror as he studies his naked body. Raven wanted to be in here, hugging and loving up on Andre, but I knew he needed time to get himself in control. I know how fucking horny she makes me, and damn. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like for Mr. Lust the second he finally sheds the rest of his heavenly thoughts.

“Why not? I love thinking about that sexy woman. All the time. I love her. How she licks her lips when she’s turned on. How her hands tighten stronger than you expect when she rubs one out for you. How fucking hot her snatch is and how she creams so much that she’ll glaze your damn face with her just as sugary sweetness. Elias’s essence infused her with fucking Heaven, and we get to have every part of it without all the other bullshit.” I adjust my junk while watching Andre grow even more. And damn. He’s lucky I have the perfect toy for him.

“Shut up!” he yells, fire licking across his skin. A deep growl escapes his mouth, and he unfurls his webbed wings, his features shifting. “My erection hurts. My testicles throb. I can’t stand this. It’s torture.”

I chuckle, striding across my room to my special He-Shelf, dedicated solely to my cock. Grabbing my mega stroker, I toss the ring-like contraption toward Andre. He catches it, furrowing his brows. I scoop up a bottle of my favorite lube next and shake it at him.

“This will do the trick, at least temporarily. Hurry up, though. Everyone’s waiting for you to get your shit together.” I slam the bottle of lube on the dresser. “Who knows? Maybe Raven will want to love up on all of us.”

Andre doesn’t even hesitate or wait for me to leave as he slathers on far too much lube, moaning before figuring out the toy.

I clap my hands once and laugh. “Damn. Look at you prep. I might allow you to try to convince Raven to spread those smooth, biteable ass cheeks of hers for you to see that monster slip inside her backdoor. But I’m getting her first.”

Andre waves his hand. “You’re going to get me first if you don’t leave.”