The man slams the brakes, sending me crashing against the dash. I lose the phone, the small device flying from my grip to land somewhere on the floor. Kase’s muffled voice calls my name, but I don’t attempt to look for the phone. It’ll do nothing to help me, not if Elias cut us off.

Bright light illuminates the dark world, snagging my attention.

Fuck. The man didn’t stop because of Elias.

I tense and stare out the window as Andre unfurls his brilliant wings, expanding them from one side of the road to the other. The headlights set his white wings aglow, the tips sparkling with iridescent rainbow color as if holographic glitter coats each of his feathers. Heavenly light engulfs him in a golden halo. Crossing his arms over his chest, he looks steeled and ready against anything I could possibly pull with him. I guess my angelic hand job didn’t make the impression I had hoped for. I’m going to have to work on that.

The man beside me inhales a sharp breath. “My God. Is that...?”

“A righteous bastard on a hellish mission?” I quip, popping open the glove compartment. “Yeah. Now put the car in reverse. He’s just as bad as the guy chasing me.”

“No. My savior requests a moment of your time.” The man snatches my wrist, stopping me from digging for a makeshift weapon. “Come on. He’s asked me to bring you to him.”

My chest tightens at the strange monotonous tone of the Good Samaritan’s voice. I had no idea that angels could influence mortals in such a way. If I had, I would’ve scrambled out of the car immediately, not letting this man get a hold on me.

I yank my arm away from him. “No. I’m not going. Now get out if you’re going to turn all high and mighty.”

Unbuckling his seatbelt, the man flings his door open. The tropical scent of coconut wafts on a breeze, and I swing my attention to Andre. He flaps his enormous wings, sending the fragrance of his body to me. And damn it. He smells so fucking delicious, reminding me of my short time with him when the brethren kidnapped me.

“Raven, listen to the mortal. He is one of the Higher Power’s faithful and will stop at nothing to obey what he feels is his purpose.” Andre’s voice bellows through the night, sounding like a supervillain or some shit. “Right now, his mission is bringing you to me.”

I twist in the seat and kick my foot at the man. “Then make him stop!”

“I can’t. A servant of God will only stop when their mission is complete. Don’t make this any harder on him than it has to be, little hellion. Haven’t you been enough trouble? I just want to speak with you. Your soul keepers have been blocking you from us.” Andre takes another step closer.

The man grumbles under his breath and laces his hand around my ankle. Hoisting me over the center console, he attempts to drag me out of his vehicle. I yell and thrash, locking my fingers to the steering wheel.

There is no way I’m leaving this car. Andre could swoop at me and fly me away to a remote island that he and the other brethren spoke about. I refuse to spend the rest of my mortal life alone and waiting for it all to end. Andre has a whole lot of Hell coming to him if he even thinks for a second I’ll accept that it’s his mission in the universe to send me to Hell before I can hold up my end of the contract. I will not be a damn demon slave. I won’t. The only plans I have for Hell are taking my own throne and rising as the ruler of Purgatory.

“Last chance to call him back,” I say, hanging on with all my devilish strength. “If Kase and Dante show up and see his hands on me, they’ll surely cut them off. I don’t want that as much as you don’t.”

“Then stop resisting,” Andre argues.

I swear talking to angels is like shouting at a brick wall. They’re dense as fuck. Naïve. So full of faith that it’s infuriating.

“Fuck off, Andre! I thought I could like you, but you’re just another one of Cassius’s bitch boys. Where is the righteous psycho, anyway? I highly doubt he’d send you to retrieve me alone, knowing how you nearly stuck your dick in my mouth.” I kick my leg again, managing to finally knock the mortal man away.

He lands on his ass and yells in exasperation. “Don’t speak to the divine with your vile, Hell-tongue.”

Leaning out of the car, I grab the door and slam it shut. Revving the engine, I lock my fingers around the steering wheel and glower at Andre. His eyes shine metallic gold in the headlights, and he still doesn’t move, choosing not to back down.

And neither do I.

The man slaps his hands on the window and tugs the door open. I screech and stomp the throttle, sending me barreling forward. To my utter shock, the man doesn’t let go of the door and lets me drag him as I zoom forward at Andre. Flapping his wings, Andre stands tall in place, squaring his shoulders. Even though I will plow into him in seconds, he refuses to move. Yelling, the man steals my attention from Andre’s hard features, and I ease my foot on the brake pedal and roll to a stop. I can’t crash into the angel, nor can I risk hurting the man.

Andre’s chest rises and falls, and he locks his gaze to mine. “I knew you would do the right thing, Raven. You might have darkness claiming you, but your soul still shines so brightly. It’s the most mesmerizing, enchanting thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Why is he even out here?” I mutter to myself, popping the car into reverse.

“You know why.” Andre’s voice remains even. I can’t believe he heard me. I know that Micah could speak to me telepathically, but this isn’t the same. Andre’s voice came clearly through the air.

I flick my gaze in the rearview mirror. “I’m going to need confirmation. As far as I know, all I can think is that you have a hard-on for my soul and want to spirit fuck me once more before Cas—”

“You devil’s whore!” The man startles me, throwing open the door.

I stomp my foot on the pedal, sending the sedan in reverse. He hollers and chases after me, waving his hands and shouting for me to stop in the name of God. I ignore him and swivel in my seat to peer out the back window.

My heart slides into my stomach.