Until they reach the shopping center they abandoned their vehicle in. How I know? I watched them myself. I don’t know why they do strange things like that, but I’m sure they have their reasons.
“I need to do this alone, Zade. She’s been scared enough, and after what happened with Micah...please. I’m still earning her trust.” I silently pray for Zade to agree. If he knew how desperately I wanted a moment alone with Raven and why, he’d try to intervene. He’s not as worried as Cassius, but his reluctance shines clearly in his gaze.
“Andre...” He scrubs his face again. “Are you sure everything is okay? You can tell me anything on your mind.”
Except this. I can’t tell him this.
“I know, I can, and I will if something were wrong. I just—please let me go. I need to know the miracle the Higher Power granted me to give to her hasn’t gone to waste. I know truly and deeply that it was my purpose tonight, and I must do this alone.” Opening my arms, I engulf my dearest companion in a hug. “I will catch up, Zade. Be safe.”
“The same goes to you. Call upon me for anything. I will listen.” Zade gives me one last look and launches into the air, spreading his ethereal white wings, glittering with tips of gold, wide overhead.
I wait until he disappears from view, watching the dark mansion as if it’ll come alive with the flames of Hell, but it remains quiet. Gathering my nerve, I remain on foot and cross the street to the vast property. I hop over the wrought-iron fence, using my wings to give me height, and sneak around, narrowing my vision to gaze past the exterior in search of Raven’s soul, the only thing I can see in my heavenly view. The bright light of her soul shifts and moves on the upper floor, drifting across the room. I blink my eyes, clearing the light and replacing it with the mansion’s sturdy walls once more in search of the nearest window I can peer in.
The soft click of a door closing draws my attention away from the window directly above me, and I still at the sight of Raven wagging her finger at Kase. She flicks her fingers at him, motioning for him to go back inside. My heart picks up pace as he leaves her alone on the balcony, and a huge part of me knows that he does so on purpose. I haven’t been exactly stealthy in watching over Raven, and despite my good senses not to mistake Kase’s dark thought-out plans as small mercies to visit with Raven, I can’t help myself. I will take advantage of it. I know as long as I remain clear-headed and aware of what the devils want from me and expect from Raven, I will never fall to their darkness.
There is nothing wrong with getting to know the most tragically beautiful soul like this. If there was, then it would feel as such. If anything, staying away will be the only cause of my downfall. She needs me. She needs my grace and my company to remind her that there is more to her life than completing the devils’ deeds. There’s me.
“Andre? If you’re going to be a creep, at least come up here and be a creep I can see,” Raven says, clutching the railing to peer over the side.
I smirk at her silly comment and bend my knees, flying the short distance to where she stares at the backyard below. My boots thump on the balcony, and I fold my wings, concealing them from sight. A wave of something strange washes over me at the sight of this breathtaking mortal in a silk robe over a nightie, the sheer fabric tight and revealing, showing off the curves of her body. I never noticed how perfect she was before this moment, and I can’t stop my feet from shuffling me closer.
My heartbeat pounds, and I raise my hand, feeling the thuds in my chest. “I’m sorry for the intrusion but I couldn’t get myself to leave until I knew for certain you were okay. What Lucifer almost did—” I snap my mouth closed and shake my head. I shouldn’t remind her of the dreadful moment I’m sure will remain present as an invisible scar on her very soul. No one can face Lucifer’s anger and not feel the aftermath, even if he never touched her.
Raven surprises me by sliding her fingers through mine and squeezing my hand. “I’m okay because of you. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for risking your life and wings to save my ass.”
I pull her closer to me, wanting her to feel the thumping of my heart like I do. She catches herself against me, pressing her free hand to my chest, steadying herself. Her bottom lip quivers as whatever thoughts or comment she had planned to say disappears with one look into my eyes. Like her body and soul call to mine, I give in to my deep-seated need to close the space, and I kiss her softly, her lips against mine being the only thing to stop me from scooping her up and flying away. I can sense Kase lurking nearby, but he remains out of sight.
Easing away, Raven smiles, her whole face lighting up brighter than the silver moonlight. “What was that about? It should be me who kisses you,” she says, sliding her hand up to my shoulder.
The thought of her lips on mine again awakens my body. “I’m unsure exactly. I can’t seem to keep away from you. And after tonight? After you prayed? I’m not sure I will ever leave again. Who else will protect you?”
Her smile falters, and she flicks her gaze toward the balcony door. A rumbling growl trickles through the air, and usually, I would heed to Kase’s warning, but a shift inside me weighs me down, keeping me in place.
“Careful, Andre. Lucian put us in a terrible position tonight. My devils wanted to help me, but it was impossible. It was either watch me be punished or watch me die.” Her voice cracks with her words, the darkness of her thoughts stealing away her beautiful smile completely.
“I do not need a warning, little hellion. I need you to know that I’d never stand by and watch you suffer as they had. I do not fear the dark deeds of Lucifer. I fear that you can somehow accept that it is all your life could ever be.” I unfurl my wings, my muscles rippling with the foreign emotions crashing over me. I dislike how they make me feel, so I do the only thing I know can shoo them away. I bow down and cup Raven’s cheek. “I’m sorry for speaking my mind. Being near you does strange things to me. Will you kiss me? The closeness of your body seems to be the only thing that forces this disconcerting emotion away.”
Raven doesn’t hesitate and stretches on her tiptoes, brushing her lips to mine again. Parting her lips, she glides her tongue into my mouth, sending a new wave of feelings exploding through me. I devour her offering as if her affection is the only thing important in this moment and the only thing that’ll keep me fighting for her for the rest of existence.
With her body so close and the sweetness of her soft tongue exploring mine, the chaotic world around us settles. My heart stops racing, and I can finally think clearly and without the dark rage threatening to consume me.
I release a deep breath and bow my head, resting it against hers. “I’m sorry. I should go. Your soul keeper will grow tired of this game he plays, and I don’t want you getting hurt if you get trapped in the middle.”
Grimacing, Raven pops out her bottom lip as if my words pain her as much as they pain me to say. “Kase would never put me in...” Her voice trails off with her words. She won’t lie to me about something we both know might not be true, even if it might not be intentional. “Fuck me.”
My eyes widen at her words, and I lean back and meet her gaze. “Raven, I don’t think that is the best idea right now.”
Her frown melts away and she gasps a laugh, covering her mouth to stifle the sound. “Andre, you sweet angel. I wasn’t asking you to have sex.”
I blink in confusion, warmth burning up my cheeks as if the gates of Hell open nearby. “I’m sorry. Your comment...I don’t understand it. I thought...” The heat intensifies, and I step back and touch my cheeks, making sure I’m not on fire.
She releases another breathy laugh, the sensation of her whispery voice sending goosebumps prickling over my body. “Don’t be embarrassed. It was cute. So...innocent and honest. And now I want to know if you won’t fuck me now, when were you planning to?”
“I—I—” I ruffle and expand my wings, growing flustered as she continues to beam her radiant smile. “You’re teasing me.”
She laughs. “You’ve made it so easy. I couldn’t resist.”
“Like I can’t resist being near you, especially seeing how much happiness joking with me brings to you.” I push away my embarrassment and return her smile, losing myself in her gravitational pull that reels me in to keep me close to her.