“Help!” I scream, hoping to cause a commotion.
I spin to run, but hands lock into my hair.
“Damn it. Why can’t you just do as you’re told?” he asks, hoisting me onto his shoulder.
Kicking and screaming, I try my best to fight him off, but it’s no use. It’s like his determination makes him the most powerful asshole in existence in this moment. Elias pops open his trunk and prepares to throw me into it. If he locks me in, my life could be over. My soul will be done for.
In one last attempt to fight, I jab my fingers into his eyes. Pain explodes in my back as I hit the sidewalk. Elias can’t get to me fast enough.
Once again, I run.
Chapter 3
Lust and Sin
SWEAT DRIPS FROM my hairline and down the back of my neck. I swear to the devils, if I survive this bullshit, I’m going to work on my strength and stamina. And not just in the bedroom like Kase and Dante want. I’m talking about treadmills, cardio, and weights. The works.
Pushing my thoughts away, I try my best to keep a steady pace. Elias shouts from behind me. He’s pissed, but I’m determined. There is no way I’m letting him catch me again, even if he has a car. I can go places by foot that he can’t. And with how hard he’s coughing and wheezing? Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll just die and go to Hell, solving my demon hunter problem.
Headlights flash as a red sedan turns onto the street at the stop sign. I hop from the sidewalk, my feet slapping on the asphalt. Waving my arms above my head, I get in the middle of the road. The light stings my eyes, and I pray the driver doesn’t decide to run me over. I need someone to pity my ass right about now. A Good Samaritan, soccer mom, whatever. I’ll even take a creepy uncle as long as he has a phone.
“Stop! Please, stop! I need help!” I hop up and down, waving my hands. “There is a man after me!”
The sedan slows to a stop, and the driver’s side door flings open. I don’t hesitate, jogging closer. Blinking my eyes, I clear the hazy light from my vision. A man stands halfway out of his red vehicle, clutching the doorframe.
“Please, help me. My husband has lost his mind. I need help.” I swivel and look behind me, spotting Elias finally getting his shit together to pull from the driveway. “Please. You don’t have to take me far. Just long enough to make a phone call.”
“Let me call the police,” the man responds, pursing his mouth.
Shaking my head, I rush toward the passenger’s side door. I fling it open and slide into the front seat, thankful for the unlocked doors. The man only stares at me for a second before climbing back in. A car horn blares, and I screech and smack my hands on the dashboard.
“Hurry, please! He’ll hurt you if you try to call the cops here. Please. Go! Go! Go!” I bounce on the seat, anxiety clinging to me. If the man doesn’t drive soon, I don’t know what Elias will do. He could really hurt the older man or do something insane like crash his car into this one. “Go!”
The man groans and slams his door closed, stomping the throttle of the sedan. He peels forward with a holler, clearly not used to driving under this sort of pressure. I can’t stop the laugh from escaping my mouth, and I smack my hands on the dashboard again, cheering as we barrel past Elias.
My relief and excitement rubs off on the man, because he starts laughing too...okay, it’s not exactly the same. He sounds scared out of his mind and maniacal, but it’s far better than hearing him scream in terror. Hysterics, I can handle. Acting like a chicken? I need someone that can get me at least a mile away.
I shift in the seat and peer through the back window. Elias pulls into another driveway to turn around. “Faster! Run the stop sign.”
“Ah shit,” the man says, barreling through the stop sign like I ask. “He is crazy, isn’t he?”
“You have no idea. He’s tripping. Tied me up in the closet and claimed that—never mind. Where’s your phone?” I glance at the side of the man’s face. “Please. I need to call my...brothers. They can calm my husband down. He listens to them. I don’t want the cops involved.”
The man grips the steering wheel tighter. “But—”
“Now!” I don’t mean to screech, but I’m running out of time. If Elias catches up, or another demon, I’m screwed. “Give me your damn phone!”
Hollering in surprise, the man scrambles to grab his phone from the cup holder and drops it on my lap. If a horn didn’t honk from behind us, I’d throw my arms around the man and hug him. Hell, I’d kiss the damn phone. Instead, I shout for him to unlock it and tap my finger across the digital keypad. Who knew the number of my devils would be one of the handful that I’ve memorized.
It doesn’t even ring before Kase growls into the line and says, “This better fucking be Raven or I’ll rip your spine out through your asshole for calling this number.”
I blow out a breath. “Kase...” His name comes out a whisper from my lips. Just hearing his voice sends tears watering my eyes. It’s like my body knows that I’ll soon be in the safest place in the world, sandwiched between my sexy devils.
“Where the fuck have you been? We’ve been trying to locate you. You okay?” Kase’s deep voice wraps around me, his concern palpable enough to twist my soul strings. “It wasn’t the bird-brains. I had them in my sight.”
“I’ve been better, but I’ve also been worse,” I manage to spit out as I flick my attention behind the car again. I don’t see Elias’s headlights but that doesn’t mean anything. “I’ll explain everything. Just come and get me. I’m...” I lean forward and peer at the man’s navigation system within the dash. “I’m near Seraphim Drive and Main in Angel Canyon.” Now that I see the street names, I realize I’m not that far from my old apartment that I had to give up when I lost my office manager job. “I’m going to head to Tony’s and wait for you—”