“Lucian,” I correct, my voice low. The last thing I need is for someone to hear me. I don’t know exactly what Lucian is truly capable of. “He will gut you for calling him by the name he despises.”

“I wonder what they’re meeting about.” Elias flicks the lock on the window and eases it open. The putrid smell of Hell trickles in through the crack, but we both pretend like we can’t smell the rancidness of Lucian’s arrival.

“Me too. Let’s go find out.” I lace my fingers through Elias’s hand and try to tug him with me. “We can sneak around front. If they think I’ll show up, they’ll expect me to strut through the backdoor.”

He plants his feet to the floor, resisting me. “I knew you were crazy, but going out there? That’s fucking nuts, Raven. You don’t know what’s going on. They could be plotting something you aren’t supposed to know and hurt you for finding out.”

“Now, look who’s crazy. They would never. At least, not Kase, Dante, and Micah.” I drop his hand and cross my arms, so he can’t latch onto me. “If you’re scared, you can stay here. I’ll go alone. I don’t trust Lucian not to do something despicable. I’ve seen him beat the shit out of my devils and I won’t let him get away with it ever again.”

“What the fuck?” he mutters, his eyes widening with my words. “You can’t say shit like that and expect me to let you go alone out there.”

“Sure I can. I’m capable of taking care of myself. Lucian doesn’t scare me any longer. He just pisses me off.” Without waiting for him to respond, I stride toward the door.

Elias rushes after me, his footsteps clomping loud enough to make me slow down. “Raven, wait. I know you can. I just...I don’t want you to have to. I can help.”

I press my lips together and close my eyes for a moment. I don’t want anyone to know we’re heading their way, but Elias seems determined to back me up. Spinning, I face Elias. “It’s better if you don’t, but I get it. Just stay behind me and keep quiet. I only want to eavesdrop if I can manage.”

He frowns, scrunching his nose and rubbing his scruffy facial hair. “They’re going to punish you if they find out.”

I shrug and motion for him to follow me. “So what? You know I like that shit.”

Groaning, he laces his fingers through mine, pulling me in close. “I’ll remember that for when the fucker leaves. This tough-babe attitude infuriates and turns me on. I never thought I’d be jealous as fuck of the devils. They’re the last beings who need your protection.”

“I think you’ve forgotten. I want to protect you the most.” I smile teasingly and nudge him to start moving his ass, striding to the stairs and heading down.

We exit through the front door and stick to the shadows as we stroll to the backyard of the expansive property. Muffled voices sound through the air, and I duck behind one of the huge trees. Kase, Dante, and Micah stand outside of the fiery summoning circle with Lucian throwing his hands up in the middle, looking as if he pitches a tantrum once again for not getting his way.

“I should gut the lot of you for being bested by a fucking bottom feeder. If you want my help, one of you must take my place.” Gathering hellfire in his palms, Lucian chucks it at the devils, but it only explodes against the shield. “Otherwise, no.”

Kase scratches his hand on the back of his neck. “Raven will not—”

“Her opinion doesn’t matter!” Lucian hollers, his skin rippling with his fury. The tips of his horns peek through the skin of his forehead. “She’s made you lose sight of our mission. You’ve given her far too much power. I want her dead. We don’t need her help any longer.”

“Now look who has lost fucking sight. You have a contract with her. If you break it, you know what will happen.” Dante hisses and flashes his long fangs. “Raven must claim the throne of Purgatory. It can only be someone of light and dark. She’s who we’ve chosen.”

“I don’t care,” Lucian snaps, fisting his hands. “Go get the bitch now. You will give her to me to care for through the remainder of the mission.”

Elias tenses beside me. “We have to go, Raven. Now.”

Lucian sends another blast of hellfire at the summoning circle, causing the ground to shake. I stumble and crash into Elias. Dropping to his knees, Elias coughs and tries to scramble out of sight, but it’s too late. The four devils stare at us.

Lucian morphs into his beastly form. Towering several feet above us, he snarls and points. “Bring them to me now!”

Elias yanks a dagger from a sheath attached to his belt and throws it at Lucian, hitting him with perfect accuracy in the chest. “Go back to Hell, Lucifer! Go, or I’ll send you myself!”

Fire sets the world aglow.

Chapter 18

Demonic Bonding


MICAH BLOWS ANOTHER breath of fire, creating a second flaming wall between Elias and Lucian. Whipping his tail, Kase lassos it around Elias’s torso and drags him off his feet. Elias hits the grass and coughs, slumping on the ground. I rush forward, my heart thrashing in wild beats as panic over Elias’s health consumes me. He’d never admit it, but he’s not resilient. He’s weak, in pain, and absolutely no match against the rulers of Hell.

“Be careful with him!” I shout, huffing a breath, dodging past Dante.

I drop to my knees besides Elias and pull him onto my lap, combing his mess of hair from his forehead. He winces, his features twisted in pain. Seeing him hurt and in agony ignites annoyance through my very being. This is Lucian’s fucking fault.