I spin and slam my foot into the ground, shaking the world enough to send Elias to his knees. Why Raven wants to spend another moment with a dying traitor, too concerned with himself that he doesn’t even ask where I’m taking Raven, is beyond me.

“You can’t keep up with us where we’re headed,” I say, adjusting Raven in my arms as she pummels my back with her fists, screaming every obscene word she can think of. “Now be a good little mortal and stay inside. Don’t answer the doors for strangers, and if Kase and Dante return before we do, you better come up with something believable to tell them or your end will be just a glimpse of the agony I can inflict on you.”

Slamming the door, Elias swears to the Higher Power. I grin, loving how I’ve gotten under his skin. It’ll serve him right for stealing unwarranted sympathy from Raven.

“Damn it, Micah. I swear to damnation if you don’t stop and talk to me, I will make your time here worse than Hell.” Raven thuds her fists harder to my shoulder until I bring her down to face me.

Like the action leaves her speechless, she clings onto me, locking her ankles together on my lower back. The closeness of her body sets me off even more, and I wonder what it would take to cure the ache in my testicles aroused from her beauty and fight.

So I drop her down a few inches until our bodies align with only our clothes between us.

“Troubles, Micah?” she asks, her face lighting with amusement. The way she keeps saying my name digs under my skin to bury inside me. I crave to hear her say it over and over again.

I shift her back up and growl under my breath. Just her closeness failed to work, and my body throbs, the hard tightness annoying. “Yes, I’m having trouble. I don’t know what kind of devil’s curse this is, but I have a persistent erection around you. It’s uncomfortable.”

Tipping her head back, Raven releases a bout of laughter that echoes through the air. “You sound so proper. It kills me. You’re one of the rulers of Hell. You should be shouting boner and blue balls. It’s more fun.”

I purse my lips, narrowing my eyes. “My word choice causes no harm. Not like you, you wicked heathen. Now stop it with your control over my penis or give me the cure.”

She laughs harder, her amusement setting off fiery heat in my face. “For being a stalker, peeping angel who used to watch the devils get me off, you’re shockingly naïve.”

“I never watched such things with mortal vision. Angels use focus and light as blinders. We grant privacy,” I say, rubbing my hard shaft through my pants. It only helps ease the ache a little.

She covers her face with her hands, trying to suppress her laughter. “Okay, okay. How about we make a deal? You stop being so proper, and I’ll tell you how to take care of that.” Reaching between us, she cups my manhood in such a way that I tense and grunt, the sensation so incredible I crave for her to do more.

But she pulls her hand away.

“Is it a deal?” she asks, prodding at my devilish side with her words.

I swallow and nod. “You’re unhelpful and disobedient, you know.”

A smile stretches across her full lips and she bobs her head. “Which you obviously like.” Again, she touches my erection through my pants. “It’s kind of exciting to see what turns you on.”

“I don’t need it on. I need it off. I can’t concentrate on anything but my erec—boner, and I would prefer to not have it in the way for our plans. It’s inconvenient.” I remain expressionless, hoping she will finally see the seriousness of this moment. “Now, please. Give me the cure.”

She smirks and covers her mouth, trying to hide her continuous amusement. “Sex. Masturbation. A blowjob. Those are usually quick fixes, but things I will not be helping you with, so don’t even ask.”

I sigh. “Surely there is something else.”

She shrugs. “Time? Something you dislike?”

I rack my mind for things I find unpleasant.

Patting my cheek, she leans in and whispers, “Why don’t you pray about it? Maybe the Higher Power will show you mercy this time around and smite your boner away.”

Fire sizzles through my veins at her words, and I flare my nostrils. My hellish façade breaks through my skin. Raven doesn’t try to shove away from me. Instead, she clings on as I grow several feet in height to tower over the world around us. Like my monstrous side enchants her, she laces her slender fingers around my tusks and strokes them like they’re the most attractive, fascinating things in the world to her.

“Did it help?” she asks, tilting her head as she studies my beastly features.

I close my eyes and regain control over my façade. Licking my lips, I nod. “It’ll do until you realize you’re only punishing yourself for not letting me have you like Kase and Dante. They might’ve seen and claimed you first, but we’ve bonded on another level.”

“You keep saying that, but it means nothing if you don’t remind yourself that this isn’t a competition, nor is it about having me because you think you deserve me. It’s about that bond we had—have—Micah. You didn’t return to this plane just because you were bored.”

Her words slice through my hellish armor, power, and fire, opening me up in a way that leaves me antsy. Because she’s right. The sudden change in my existence destroyed everything I thought I knew about humanity and souls. But having my life explode in a raging ocean of hellfire never meant it was over. All it meant was that it was time for me to rebuild and create my existence to better fit my new purpose—Raven.

“I returned because I can’t keep away from you,” I say, locking away my beast completely. I comb her hair behind her ear with my fingers. “You’re my purpose in this existence. Not Hell. Not this seemingly impossible mission. You.”

Her face lights up as if the sun shines from her very being. Clutching my cheeks between her palms, Raven leans in and caresses her lips to mine, the feather-light sensation like a whisper of appreciation before she eases back, not getting carried away. It makes me crave more. Need more. I realize how tightly Raven holds onto me without letting go. I want to prove myself as worthy as Kase and Dante. I know I must if I’m to ever compete with their fire constantly lighting her beautiful eyes.