“That’s it, my queen. Look at the bastards and pick which one you want to bow at your feet,” Gia encourages, standing beside me. Heat radiates from her body, her brunette hair shining in the dim light. Her light brown complexion complements her dark eyes, sparkling with a red glow similar to Kase’s. Even though I study her face, she still takes care not to look at me. It’s a bit uncomfortable, because I’m used to eye contact, but I’m not pressing anyone’s buttons. She seems loyal enough to gut herself if she fails to comply with my devils’ demands.

I dangle the head in front of me, trailing my eyes across the crowded bar. None of the demons look in our direction, and I kind of feel like I used to as a teen in school, silently praying that if I don’t look that the teacher won’t call my name. The demons act exactly like that, which makes me only want to pick the one sweating the most.

“Any suggestions? Who pissed you off today?” I ask, deciding to use this chance to discover a bit more about the demonic lifestyle. “I’d like to see them bow before us.”

Gia claps her hands and bolts forward, running so effortlessly in her tall stilettos I consider asking her for pointers.

“Now you’ve done it, angel-girl,” Kase mutters from behind me. “Gia takes her commands very seriously.”

I swivel my torso to look at him. His smile never fades. In fact, it widens at the grunts and growls rumbling behind me. Scrunching my nose, I slowly spin back around to face Gia. She shoves two demons on the floor and grabs a third one from a table by the bar and drags him closer, her strength freaky as fuck with her petite frame.

“Meet the fuckers who think they can swoop in on my territory and steal souls out from under me.” Gia kicks the middle demon and steps on his back, impaling him with her high heel between the shoulder blades. “Fuckers, this is your queen.”

The two demons kneeling growl and threaten me. My body screams to run but my head reminds me that these predators love a game of chase. So I do the only thing I can think of. Swinging the severed head, I clock the two demons across their faces.

Gia pumps her fist and shakes her ass in a happy dance. “It looks like the queen has chosen. Bow to your superior.”

Dante hisses from the table, his threat getting the two demons to join the third one bowing on the floor. I drop the severed head in front of them and step back, my adrenaline pumping like crazy. This feels like a freaky-ass nightmare, or a twisted fantasy, but I can’t wake up. If I could, I wouldn’t even want to. Gia’s excitement is contagious, and I laugh and kick the head at the guy on the right.

“Look at her and swear your loyalty,” Gia adds, straightening her back.

The three demons all tilt their heads up.

Unsheathing a long sword from nowhere, Gia brings it up only to swing it with enough force to cut off the three demons’ heads at once before they can utter a word. I gasp and hop back, covering my mouth in surprise.

“Disobedient fuckers. I’m not their ruler. They shouldn’t have obeyed me.”

I blink a few times.

This. Bitch. She’s awesome.

“You’re evil,” I say, laughter lightening my voice. “I love it.”

Gia’s features light up with a wicked grin. “I’ve been at it for over a century. Being female means you gotta really cement your place. Be ruthless. Don’t let any asshole push you around. And if he tries, take their heads.” Peering over her shoulder, she glances at Dante and Kase. “May I have permission to look at the queen?”

Before either of them responds, I say, “Of course you can. You don’t have to ask them. You’ve proved yourself fucking badass, and I think I want you to teach me more.”

Gia still looks in their direction, waiting for them to respond. It annoys me more than it should, and I strut between her and the booth and meet her face straight on. Fire lights her eyes, and we stare at each other in silence for a moment.

“I want you to tell me more about what it’s like for you,” I add, nudging her back. “All I’ve been currently taught is things about breaking angels.”

“That sounds more entertaining than dealing with desperate mortals.” Gia click-clacks a few feet away from me and stops next to a man hunched over a glass of whiskey at the bar. “I mean, look at Mr. Douchebag. He just wears away at this bar because when he made a deal to have a demon kill his boss so he could get a promotion, he didn’t think to include the part about being able to succeed at the new position. Isn’t that right, little dick? No soul and now no job.”

The man doesn’t look up or respond, continuing to stare at his glass of whiskey.

“And he’s not even the most pathetic.” Gia slaps the man on his shoulder and turns back to me. Her dark eyes flicker with red light, and she draws her gaze over my face, taking advantage of the ability to look at me. “If you speak with the kings, I’ll gladly arrange for some one-on-one training with you, my queen. We would have a blast putting all of these bottom feeders in place. Under one of his majesties supervision, of course.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Dante’s voice drifts from behind me before the heat of his body blazes at my back. “Raven’s time is better served—”

I spin around to face him. “I’m sure it won’t be that time consuming. It could be helpful—”

Dante’s second lids blink with the release of his devil form. It’s been a while since I noticed them. “There is no need for you to get involved in demonic affairs more than you already are.”

I place my hands on my hips. “But—”

Flicking out his forked tongue, Dante hisses. “The answer is no. We already split your time enough as it is. Gia serves us well, and I’d like it to stay that way. She—”

“You don’t need to be jealous.” I grab the front of his shirt, cutting him off.