I shiver and rest my head on his shoulder, letting him stand with me in his arms. Kase grabs my dress from the hanger on the door and motions for me to spin around. Digging his fingers into my hip, he slowly uses his other hand to zip up the body-forming number, short enough that my vagina will show if I bend over. Hell, my devils better be careful. If they mess with me too much while I sit on one of their laps, they’ll end up with a puddle on their pants because lace does nothing to prevent such occurrences.

“She’s so fucking enchanting. I can’t get over how we can have her whenever we want for the rest of time,” Kase murmurs to Dante. “Why don’t we have Elias drive and we can have some fun in the backseat?”

I release a breath of desire and push my way out from between them. “He doesn’t deserve that kind of show yet.”

Kase smirks. “You’re right, angel-girl. The bastard has far from earned anything. He’s lucky he didn’t fuck up his deal with us or he’d be staying in a closet.”

Swatting my ass with his tail, Kase herds me from the bathroom and into the living room. Several quiet men work at packing up the place, and I can’t help but think good riddance to this whole apartment complex. My devils promise that the summoning circle will no longer bring Hell into the house we move in to tonight. I can’t wait. Like, I really fucking wish we could just go there now.

But alas, we have a demon to hunt and angels to tease.

Elias stares at me in silence as he stands by the door, dressed in a button-down shirt and dark jeans Kase probably forced him to borrow. I give him a long once-over, drinking in how much better he looks now than what he looked like this morning. Dante’s venom definitely helps him some. If I didn’t know any better, I’d never guess he was terminally ill.

Elias opens the door for me and murmurs that I look good under his breath. I can’t blame him for being nervous about complimenting me in front of Kase and Dante. I almost wish he hadn’t. A part of me wants to keep my distance. I can’t trust him, not like I can trust Dante and Kase.

Kase grabs Elias and drapes his arm over his shoulders, making him stiffen. “Raven looks far better than good. If you can’t think of a compliment worthy of her, then keep your mouth shut.”

I can’t stop the laughter bubbling from my throat as I climb into a car I’ve never seen before. The black Maserati looks fitting for Dante, and I wonder if he’d ever let me drive. Surprisingly, Kase and Dante take the front, leaving Elias in the back with me. I wonder if it has to do with keeping their desire in check...maybe mine. I wasn’t kidding about not allowing Elias to watch and judge my intimacy with my soul keepers, but shit happens. Sometimes I can get on board with dropping my inhibitions and letting loose my filthy, naughty side.

Elias watches me the entire ride to the Demon’s Den, one of the many establishments owned by the demonic legion under Kase and Dante. A man in an all-black suit opens my door for me, but Dante hisses and towers behind him faster than my mind can even grasp that he abandoned the passenger’s seat. I realize how I must be cautious, even with my devils protecting me, and I inwardly kick myself for almost letting the man take my hand.

“These two mortals are off limits,” Dante snaps, flashing his fangs. “Make it be known. I will gut anyone who dares even glance at them. Understand?”

Dante helps me from the car and touches his hand to my lower back. I can’t tell if he’s being protective or possessive, but either way, I love having my psycho devil on my arm. Knowing that he saves his soft side for me makes me weak in the knees.

“There will always be one to disobey,” Kase says, coming up on my other side. He keeps his hand locked on Elias’s shoulder, forcing him to walk in front of him instead of behind. “I call dibs on gutting them.”

I widen my eyes. “Seriously? You’re going to gut someone for looking at me?”

“Or him. But mostly for you.” Kase gives Elias a shake.

“Always you.” Dante pulls me closer until I practically melt into his side. Bowing down, he presses a kiss to the top of my head and waits for me to tip my face up so he can meet my mouth.

Scooping me up, he hums, teasing me with his tongue the entire way inside. Music blares through the bar, but Dante doesn’t let me look around. His mouth doesn’t leave mine until my heart raps against my ribcage, and I’m breathless.

A deep, familiar roar echoes over the pulsing music, and a woman laughs, her melodious voice like a sultry singer. Dante slides into a booth and finally lets me pull away. I gawk at Kase tossing the head of a man into the air with his tail. Spinning, a gorgeous woman in a sparkly silver dress catches the demon’s head and plants her burgundy lips to the man’s.

I cover my mouth, trying not to gag. Elias stands rigid at the edge of the booth, his face losing color by the second.

“Three o’clock, my king,” the woman calls, throwing the head toward another male demon.

The demon unleashes his Hell façade in an attempt to fight, but Kase towers over the demon and sends a breath of red fire over his beastly form. With a slash of his claws, Kase rips the demon’s middle open, spilling its innards across the shiny black floor.

“Yeah, babes! You see that? Look what happens when you disobedient pricks try to test our kings!” The woman picks up the decapitated head from the gut pile and swings it as she saunters behind Kase in our direction. She drops the head on the table in front of me. “A gift, my liege. For your queen and her...jester. It’s a displeasure to see you again, Elias. You look like shit.”

I continue to gape at the severed head on the middle of the table. Who the fuck is this demon and how is it possible she might be more psychotic than my devils?

“Uh-oh. You haven’t spoiled her with presents yet, have you?” the demonic woman asks, leaning closer. She doesn’t look at me, keeping her gaze down as Kase had instructed the man outside to tell everyone. “The poor doll is in awe. She doesn’t even know how to react.”

“Uh, thanks?” My voice rises in question. The demon is right. I have no fucking clue how to react.

Dante shifts me onto the booth seat beside him and bumps his shoulder to mine. “Now what do you expect, Gia? Raven has no use for a severed head.”

Gia laughs and shakes her head. “Of course she does. She can use it for entertainment. Come on, my gorgeous queen. Pick it up by the hair and give it a good throw. Hit any bastard here you please, and they will bow before you.” Gia taps her coffin-shaped nail to the tabletop. “You can pierce the eyes, if you prefer. Give it a good toss.”

I glance from Dante and then to Kase, sliding into the booth across from me. The two of them shrug at the same time, leaving the decision up to me. A part of me wants to throw up at the idea of touching such a repulsive thing, but damn it. I don’t want to seem weak. Mortal. I love the fuck out of being called the queen to my devils, and if this is how I should accept a gift, I guess the heads will roll—or fly. I’m not messing up the manicure Dante spent time giving me.

Sucking in a breath, I reach for the severed head and lock my fingers through the demon’s oily hair. It’s heavier than I expect it to be, and I ignore the black liquid dripping onto the table. Kase and Dante grin with so much pride I expect them to pat their own backs or at least each other’s that I don’t back down. Elias, on the other hand, grimaces at me like I’m about to catch the plague.