She slaps a hand over my mouth, cutting me off. “Kase mentioned he had some business to take care of, so you don’t have a choice. I’m coming.”
“Not in the way you think,” I mutter under my breath, peering toward Kase’s shadow looming in the hallway. I don’t know what kind of business he claims he has to do, but it better be important.
“If you’re good, maybe I’ll say the same about you.” Licking her lips, she bows closer. “Kase promised he’d look into a bigger place for us. He feels bad about you giving up your room...though I like being in the middle of you two. It’s hot.”
“Don’t let him fool you. It’s about his need to have you to himself,” I murmur.
“Maybe it’s also about me having you to myself as well. I know you and Kase have fun together, but I love having your undivided attention.” Her voice lowers with her words, and she slides her hand across my shoulder and to the back of my neck. “He won’t let me have it if we have to share a room.”
I hum in my throat, her whispery voice awakening my cock. And damn it. I want to prop her on the wall, tug my pants down, and fuck her until she screams my name like I’m the one she worships.
Sliding my hand down her back, I pull up her shirt and dig my fingers into her ass cheek. “If you’re teasing me or trying to distract me—”
Her lips mold over mine as she silences me. Kissing me deeper, she explores my mouth with her tongue, not giving me the control I crave. Raven knows exactly what she’s doing to me and she relishes every second of turning me on. She even reaches down to feel my cock through my pants, not caring that we’re being watched by Elias.
She breaks away from my mouth. “Kase, grab Elias. I need you to pin him down, so Dante can help him.”
Elias raises his hands up. “That’s not necessary. I’ll fucking let him bite me as long as you swear I don’t have to go alone with him.”
Raven nods. “I promise. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
I flash my fangs at Elias. “At least for now.”
“Are you sure it was here? It’s a playground.” Raven tightens her jacket around herself, peering at the dozens of children playing while their parents, nannies, and other relatives watch them. “It’s fucking creepy.”
“Parks, stores, bars, restaurants—demons will go where the humans go, pretty soul. This park happens to be the breeding ground for a lot of despicable behavior. I mean, look at that asshole over there. He’s been stalking the babysitter for weeks, waiting until he catches her alone.” I blink my eyes, letting loose my Hell power to get a better reading on the souls in the area. The stalker is bound to Hell without even a contract.
Raven covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh, my God. We have to do—”
“The woman’s soul isn’t exactly shining. She’s done some shitty things too,” Elias says, speaking up. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out a pack of smokes and waves the box.
Before he can light up, Raven surprises the both of us and steals the pack and hands it to me. I wonder if she knows and has been ignoring the fact that he’s been sneaking cigs in my room.
“You can see her soul?” Intrigue laces Raven’s voice. Look at her, not giving him a hard time. I’m torn between wishing she would and knowing if she did that it might mean she cares more about his health than she lets on. The guy is dying already. There is no stopping it.
Elias rubs the back of his neck and shifts on his boots. “I read auras. Always have. It’s how I got into hunting demons.”
“You mean it’s what got the demons hunting you.” I crack my knuckles and peer around the park. “Your soul matches Raven’s. You’re a beacon, and it’s getting on my nerves.”
Raven smacks my arm. “Knock it off.”
I return the gesture, but instead of her arm, I spank her ass hard enough to make her jump. “Make me.”
Her eyebrows peak on her forehead. “Don’t test me.”
Elias twitches his fingers, bouncing with anxiousness. “Yeah, don’t. Anytime she gives you a little attention, you try to devour her completely. We don’t have time. I don’t want to be out here longer than I have to. My demon—”
Unfurling my wings, I flap them and throw him off his feet with a gust of wind. Raven tries to dodge out of my reach, but I’m faster. I hook my arm around her waist and scoop her into my arms. She doesn’t get a chance to fight me to stay before I launch us into the air. Wind whips Raven’s hair into my face, and I inhale a breath of her floral fragrance like the cherry blossom shampoo she picked out.
“Hey! Wait! Don’t leave me here!” Elias swings his arms over his head and runs a dozen feet like he’ll sprout wings to chase after us.
I adjust Raven’s legs around me and wave. “You’ll be fine, demon bait. Get your master to come out, and I’ll get you.”
Raven screeches as I fly us higher and land on a nearby roof. No one notices our dramatic exit, the power of Hell compelling them to mind their damn businesses. Raven gasps a few deep breaths, her heart thudding against mine. She clings on tighter, burying her face into my shoulder. Fuck, I love it. I love it so much that I plop her sexy ass on the ledge, so her instincts kick in and refuse to let me go.
“Dante, what are you doing? We need to go back.” Raven eases away and realizes there is a four-story drop behind her.