I jerk my attention to the summoning circle and spot Micah towering so tall that he has to hunch to stand on two legs. My heart kicks into overdrive, the frantic beats trying to freak me out at the sight of Micah in all his hellish glory. Seeing him like this—with two long tusks curving from his wide mouth, hooves instead of hands and feet, bristly hair, orange glowing eyes instead of gold, and a tail that looks ready to flog me if I get any closer—reminds me of the angel I broke to turn him into this beast. I blink the tears away before they can sheen my eyes and suck up my mortal instincts that scream at me to run and hide. Instead, I want to prove to him that no matter the form he takes, he is still the stalker angel I’ve gotten to know and that seeing him now...I’ve missed him.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself, heathen?” Micah asks, his voice swirling through my mind.

Kase and Dante continue to fight, rolling around the floor in an attempt to see who calls mercy first. With one look at them, I gather my nerve and step closer to the summoning circle. Hellfire dances around Micah, heating the air. I stop short of him and tip my head back, staring into his orange-glowing eyes.

“It’s really fucking weird to hear you say intercourse,” I say, responding to his prodding a little late. “Does Hell not automatically give you a filthy mouth?”

“I could’ve said fornicate.” A smile widens his mouth, giving me a view of his sharp teeth.

I crinkle my nose. “Can you please just call it sex and then we can move on? This wasn’t exactly the conversation I expected to have with you when—”

Reaching through the ring of hellfire, Micah hooks his thick arm around me and drags me across. I gasp in surprise, a yelp escaping my lips. Lucian couldn’t cross the barrier, and I had assumed Micah couldn’t do it either.

“I’m not tethered to Hell, Raven,” Micah says, his voice dancing through my head as he reads my mind.

And fuck. I knew he could speak telepathically but this? I grab one of his massive tusks like it’s going to somehow make a difference. It’s not like I can control him. Maybe I do it to try to stay calm. I don’t know. But feeling the heat radiating from him ignites a strange sensation in my core.

“Get out of my head, Micah. I did not give you permission to listen to my thoughts,” I snap, saying the words out loud. “And put me down.”

He huffs a hot breath in my face. “No and no. I need to know what you think of me now that I control the power you demanded I take.”

“And what have you found out, sneaking into my mind?” I try not to let it get to me, but having him able to peek into my head to discover things I’m not even sure I know unnerves me. What if he sees something he doesn’t like? What if—

“You want to see me as I was,” he responds, interrupting my thoughts without commenting on my nerves.

“I’ve missed you, Micah. I’ve been thinking about you every chance I get.” I suck my bottom lip into my mouth. I don’t know why I admit it, but it’s like a part of me opens up to him, even in his devil form.

“You’ve been worried about how I’ve been handling Hell,” he thinks to me as if he doesn’t want me to hear the sound of his voice coming from his monstrous form. “You shouldn’t be. It’s not an eternity of punishment like you think. I’m stronger than ever. Let me show you.”

A part of me wants to resist him, because I’m afraid of what I might see. Too bad I’m curious as fuck. It suppresses my urge to protect myself and encourages me to feel him on a soul-deep level and feel exactly what his jump from grace did to him. His alluring darkness weaves around me, prodding my essence until I meet his orange glowing eyes.

His beastly façade melts away, leaving me staring into the metallic gold depths of his penetrating gaze. Glowing against his dark skin, Micah’s eyes capture me and refuse to let me go, not that I want them to.

“You really did miss me, Raven,” he says, greeting me with a smile that lights his face. “I thought that perhaps I might’ve been a means to an end for you.”

His words steal the lightness from my heart at seeing him in his former angelic glory. It hurts me deeper than I expect it to, and I wonder if his harsh honesty is because of Hell or because I’m the one who sent him there. Maybe both.

“Of course, I missed you, Micah,” I say, keeping my voice low. I don’t want it to break. “I never wanted you to actually go to Hell and stay. I just thought—I don’t know what I was thinking, to be honest. I’m just happy you’re here and are okay.”

He twists his lips into a cocky smile. “Does this mean you will get your act together and do your job in a timely manner?” The fact that he doesn’t say anything about me doesn’t go unnoticed. “I’d prefer you not to wait decades.”

Maybe the part of him that cared enough about me and my soul is gone now, and I’m just the woman who is supposed to break angels. Whatever I am now...I don’t like it. It might be selfish of me, but I miss the angel who turned me into his purpose. The man—the devil standing before me—is far from being that same person.

“I have been doing my job. Why do you think we’ve been trying to summon Lucian?” I press my hands to his bare chest, the smoothness of his pecs pointing out the fact that he stands naked before me. Markings decorate his velvety-smooth skin, and I notice a red and black tattoo on his arm—one forged from Hell, I guess, representing the gluttonous boar-like beast he encompasses. I was so caught up in his gaze that nothing else mattered.

But now that I realize it, I look down to see him in all his delicious glory. He’s as buff, if not more so, than ever. The sharp definition of the V of hips point directly at his cock, the thick rod of flesh at least eight inches semi-hard. I narrow my gaze, willing it to grow to its full length, so I can see how big he truly is.

Micah pinches my chin, guiding my face back up to look into his eyes. “I don’t know why. You haven’t brought one of my brethren.” It takes me a minute to realize he’s answering my remark about why we’re trying to summon Lucian. I need to get my shit together. These devils need to keep their cocks covered or I’m just going to be brain fucked forever.

“Any other reason doesn’t matter, and Lucian will not be coming to your call,” he adds, tightening his jaw, his eyes flashing with fire.

A dozen questions flit through my mind, and I frown. Lucian is confusing as hell. He was nearly overbearing before, demanding things happen instantly, but now he’s absent. What is wrong with him?

“I will, though. Mostly. If you make the journey from my kingdom worth my while.” Micah rubs his thumb across my lip and graces me with a grin that leaves me weak in the knees. I love the way he looks at me way too much, and his comment? His desire for me gets to me in a good way. “For now, all I ask from you is a kiss. I mean, if you want me to come at your summons.”

I don’t even have to think about it before I lean in and caress my lips to his. His fingers tighten on my hip, and he slides his other hand from my face and into my hair. My soul zings at his closeness. I slide my hands from his taut pecs and to his shoulders, letting his presence consume me. It’s not our bodies that truly tangle and touch in this moment, but my soul with his essence as he experiences me on another level.

“I can’t wait to have your body,” he thinks, his voice coming from everywhere and nowhere as his lips tease and taste mine, sweetly but with a devastating passion I know he’ll unleash at any moment. “I need you in your corporeal form. It’s all I have thought about, Raven. I never did get enough from you, especially with your soul keepers standing in my way.”