She knows exactly what to say and do to him to suppress his innate envy over her giving me whatever I want before him. It’s not even about the fucking for Dante. It’s about wanting something another bastard has and keeping it from him to get him truly riled up. He knows he has Raven, and as long as he doesn’t feel like he’s left out, he’s good. It has always been our thing. I’m the one who blows the fuses, not him. He’s chill with small gestures of affirmation. We both know when it’s him who loses his shit that we’re in trouble, which is why I’m always hard on him. Thankfully, we know each other better than anyone. If we didn’t, Raven might’ve found her soul ripped in half.

“You gotta tell me now, angel-girl. Are you ready for Dante to bang you yet?” I ask her, lowering my voice. “I need to know.”

“If I say yes, does that mean you two will each take a hole? Because my ass isn’t ready for that adventure. You’re both too big.” She eases away and smirks at me. “I’m serious. No D.P. unless it’s...” Reaching behind me, she sneaks her hand under my shirt and digs her fingers into my lower back until I reveal my tail.

I never should’ve fucking showed her where to tease to get me to do it, because she loves using it against me. Lacing her fingers around the base, Raven slides her hand up my tail as she pulls it to her. My nuts tighten, and I uncontrollably moan at how brazen she’s become with my hellish nature. She loves it. Loves what she can do to me. It’s one of the few things in her life she can control, so I let her get away with it, even if she fucking gives me a hard case of blue balls.

“If you take Dante’s dick, you’re taking mine. I’m sure he will be happy to help you stretch,” I tease, pulling her close so I can draw my finger between her ass cheeks. She puckers that naughty back hole of hers and locks me out. “I will not wait in fucking line when there is enough of you for the both of us.”

Her blue-green eyes widen, and she purses her lips. “Then I won’t fuck either of you.”

That’s what she thinks.

Lifting her into my arms, I use my free hand to unzip my pants and whip my cock out. I grind her damp panties up and down the length of my shaft, making her moan and bow forward, tightening her grip on my tail.

I press my tip against the thin fabric of her thong. “I’m fucking someone, and if you don’t want it to be you, then Dante wi—”

Raven silences my threat with her mouth, kissing me hard and deep with enough passion to heat up the room hotter than Hell. Releasing my tail, she reaches between us and shifts her panties out of the way, inviting me in before we make it to the bathroom. I slowly slide into her, wanting to enjoy how tight her pussy feels as it stretches around my girth. Fuck she’s so wet. I can feel her dripping on my balls, and I fucking love it.

Her warmth sets off every nerve-ending in my cock, and I moan through her kiss, rocking her body to me. Steam from the shower fogs the air, and I break away from Raven’s mouth to meet Dante’s gaze. His muscles ripple as he stands hard and naked like Raven commanded him to, and I motion for him to come help me undress her.

Raven arches her back and stretches her arms over her head. “Kiss me, Dante. I’ve missed you too.”

Dante tugs off her dress and kisses her bare shoulder, sliding his hand around her neck to guide her face to his mouth. Bowing down, I suck her tit, rolling my tongue over her nipple. She moans hot and loud, locking her ankles together behind my back like she only wants me to push deeper inside her.

“Wanna ride me, angel-girl? Let me see how much you can take of me?” I ask, turning around.

Dante helps me slide my pants off without me having to ask, and I spin Raven around and sit on the edge of the tub. I brace myself in place as Raven bounces on my cock, moaning in quick bursts. Dante hums under his breath and steps into the shower, massaging his fingers into my shoulders in anticipation. He’s so damn lucky Raven fucks me like she’s riding me in my beast form. If I didn’t have to concentrate on not dropping her through the intense pleasure, I’d flick his fucking balls for him resting them on my shoulder.

But damn that sexy body of our soul.

Raven parts her pouty mouth and sucks Dante’s tip between her lips. I have one helluva view and watch as she slobbers all over his cock until he locks his fingers into her hair and gets her to deep throat him. Her moans gurgle, but she doesn’t stop bouncing on me. I’ve never seen, heard, or felt anything as incredibly sexy as she is in this moment, treating us as her kings instead of her soul keepers the world claims us to be.

“My fucking beautiful angel-girl,” I murmur, weaving my tail around her waist until I slide it between us to rub her clit. “I hope you know I will worship every inch of you as you deserve.”

She responds with a moan of agreement, and I hook my hands to her hips and take over, guiding her up and down my cock, giving her a chance to enjoy the ecstasy of our passion.

Dante keeps her hair out of the way, gathering it to use it to guide her mouth over his dick. His balls slap against my shoulder with his rocking, but I no longer care. We’re all having a fucking amazing time with each other, and that’s all that matters.

Our moans of passion fill the air, and the three of us merge together almost as if Raven shares the light of her soul, tangling it with our darkness and ensuring nothing can ever tear us apart. Raven’s body tenses, and she clenches me, the tightness of her pussy pulsating around my cock, making me cum with her. She gasps and leans away from Dante, feeling the power of my orgasm zinging through her.

Dante moans and rubs himself, blowing his load across her chest instead of in her mouth like I know he wants. But after last time, he won’t for a while. Raven’s high enough on our passion, and he knows as well as I do that she needs to be clear-headed. Because now that we all got off, we have some catching up to do. Dante knows it. I know it. If only Raven did.

Fucking Elias. He’s going to continue to be a buzzkill even if he’s not here. Unfortunately, none of this can wait.

Raven stretches her arms over her head, silently asking Dante to lift her off of me. I quickly rinse off, unable to ruin Raven’s mood this second, and kiss her cheek. She frowns, realizing that I’m leaving.

“I’m going to make you something to eat. Check to ensure no one is stupid enough to try anything else tonight. Why don’t you let Dante wash your hair like he wants, okay?” I sling a towel around my hips and twirl my finger at Dante. “Don’t get carried away. I know you. Once you start, you won’t want to stop, and she needs food.”

Dante waves me away. “We’re waiting until we know there won’t be any damn interruptions, so don’t worry. All of the fun stuff is in my room anyway.”

He doesn’t have to say it, but when Raven finally lets him fuck her, it’s going to be when I’m gone and can’t join in. The bastard can’t help it. Once he knows the pleasure her pussy brings, he won’t want to share with me. Neither of us has time to deal with that bullshit.

Raven giggles, her voice light and breathy. “I don’t know, Dante. Your tongue is...”

I shut the door, leaving Raven and Dante to finish showering together. If I listen to her tease him, I’m going to want to fuck her all over again. If I do, I’ll lose my nerve to tell her about Elias.

Fuck. I really don’t want to. I had no idea that he had fallen from grace and had refused his throne in Hell for mortality. Not even Lucian would’ve known he chose to die on this plane to return as a mortal. The asshole. Elias’s decision might’ve ruined everything.