“Want?” My voice rises with my question.

He only smiles. “It will only take a second.”

I blink, my body tensing. “What will?”

Fire flashes in his eyes. “I’d like to touch your beautifully broken, irresistible soul.”

Chapter 4

Give Her Hell



My nuts tighten just at the thought of penetrating that sexy, beautifully broken mortal’s soul the way Lucian does. Her achingly bright essence twirls and twists as the void of darkness radiating from Lucian sinks and blends with her light in a way I haven’t felt since—I can’t even remember.

Time passes in the Earth Realm without me. All I know for certain is that I’ve seen the cycle of wars, plagues, natural disasters, and the destruction of different civilizations over and over again. Hell, I’ve been blamed for them too.

A soft moan escapes from the mortal, and she tips her head back, sending her black hair cascading toward the floor. Her hands press into Lucian’s chest like her soul wants to resist the one thing the rest of her body wants—the closeness of Lucian’s power pulsing from his heart. Power strong enough to make the saviors scatter like the pigeon-brains they are when it comes to mortals.

“This is giving me a fucking boner,” I mutter, adjusting my cock in my pants. “He’s taking his damn sweet time with her.”

“Can you blame him?” Kase stands with his arms crossed, keeping his gaze locked on Lucian and the broken soul. He whistles lowly and lifts an eyebrow. “Shit, look at her. She’s going for his horns.”


My boner jabs harder against my zipper, threatening to poke through the tough fabric of my jeans. I shift my junk again, considering just whipping out my damn cock to rub one out. I don’t give a fuck. If Lucian gets to enjoy her hands traveling up his neck to lace her fingers around his horns, stroking them like they’re the sexiest things she’s ever seen, then I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this too.

I grab my zipper. My skin ripples in anticipation. If I don’t satiate my burning desire soon, my true body will explode free from this form. And damn it. I really fucking want what Lucian has. I yearn to feel that mortal’s body wrapped around me so much so that I step closer. He’s taking too long, and I saw her first. He has enough souls. This one should be mine.

Lucian suddenly roars as the light of the broken soul rips free from his all-consuming darkness, and the beautiful mortal throws herself back and out of the Hell circle. Before she can scramble to her feet, I charge and scoop her up, covering her mouth with my hand. Like the power of Hell still clings to her, she presses my fingers harder to her lips until she sucks my middle one into her mouth and chomps down. Fuck, do I enjoy it.

I jerk my hand away more in surprise than pain, and I flip her around and capture her with my gaze. Fire flickers in the blue-green depths of her irises before it vanishes. She blinks and gasps a few breaths, her tits pressing into my chest. Our closeness does nothing for my raging boner, and she widens her eyes as she realizes what exactly keeps space between us. Without having to hear her thoughts, I know what she plans to attack next on me. But this time, it won’t be with her pouty mouth.

I don’t let her hand get within an inch of my junk and drop her on her ass. Laughing, I say, “Don’t tease me, broken soul. You touch my cock and I won’t want you to stop. Control yourself. We will have time for this later.”

Her face flushes and she tries to kick me, but her leg isn’t quite long enough to get close and personal with my throbbing shaft. I wish it was. Either she’ll kill my boner or bring me the fucking desperate release I need—I don’t fucking care which one. I want her body pressing against mine. Lucian enjoyed their soul bonding far more than I’d have liked. He doesn’t hold the only key to our kingdom, and it’s time mortals realize that just because he made the biggest scene doesn’t mean my jump from grace didn’t create its own level of Hell.

“You went too far, Lucian,” Kase snaps, fisting his hands.

His true body fissures his skin, peeking through. The red devil is far more impressive than Lucian, and I can’t wait to see the pretty soul’s face when she gets the chance to confront him. She’ll piss her pants...unless she realizes all the fun she can have with him and me. I don’t mind working her up to it.

“Now look at her. She’s a fucking mess. What did you tell her? You know we must be careful with revelations in her state of uncertainty,” Kase adds, touching the pretty soul’s tear-stained cheek.

Like Lucian and I, Kase also fought and abandoned the Higher Power set on controlling us while all its playthings ruined a world that could’ve been ours. It still can as long as Lucian didn’t do what Kase accused and break the mind of the pretty damaged soul. Mortals are fragile—pathetic even—but this one is different. She’s who we’ve been waiting all our eternities for to come along. She might be a savior’s biggest mistake, but she’s perfect for what we have planned.

“Do not question my judgment!” Lucian yells, dragging me from my thoughts of the power I hunger for. He rubs his hands over his horns like he savors the memory of the broken soul touching him in fascination instead of fear. “I had to be certain she was the one we want. You know it takes a special kind of angel-kissed soul to do what we need.”

“And?” I ask, anticipation coursing through me.

I already know the answer. I glimpsed it for myself even without familiarizing myself the way I crave, especially now. The pretty soul might be broken and damaged from this particular life, but she’s strong. Her light comes from a powerful savior—stolen like she would have stolen his wings.

Fire lights his obsidian eyes. “What do you think?”

Fucking Lucian. He takes his current hellish state for granted. The circle gives him more power and is why he doesn’t come to this realm completely because he is the current anchor and power source in Hell. He can’t leave because of this, but he only bitches about it—fuck, all the time. But he wanted the infamy. Kase and I, on the other hand, prefer to be a bit more inconspicuous and a lot more involved in flesh bag affairs.

Lucian doesn’t take his eyes off the mortal as she crawls away from us, the little firecracker lit by the flames of Hell, turning her more into an explosive on the verge of destroying the world. “Raven is perf—”