Kase snarls and Micah’s grip on me releases. I fall and land on my ass in the damp bathtub, my mind whirling and my thoughts mush. My body goes to war with itself. A part of me wants to get between Micah and Kase, stopping them from attacking each other. Yet, another part of me enjoys seeing them confront each other over me.

I don’t have to make the decision about what to do, because Dante unfurls one of his wings and cuts Kase and Micah off from each other. The tips of Dante’s feathers caress my cheek, and he smirks at me in amusement.

He ruffles his black feathers, purposefully rubbing them in Micah and Kase’s faces. “You two bastards need to get your shit together. Kase, get our pretty soul. She must be the one to give Micah to Lucian.”

Dante lowers his wings and steps into the small bathroom, towering over Micah. He grabs him by the shoulder and sinks his fingers into the wounds from his severed wings. Micah drops to his knees and scowls through the pain, but he doesn’t fight Dante.

“And you, Micah, you son-of-a-bastard glutton. This is your one and only warning. You cannot claim what doesn’t belong to you. Get your Hell side together and remember who she will be to our kingdom. She is not a doll to fuck and own. That addictive, sweet, glorious pussy of hers must be earned.” Dante flicks his forked tongue at me, sending tingles between my thighs with just his words. “Plus, there is no fucking way I’m going to let you get your dick wet by her before me.”

Micah shifts his jaw and offers a sharp nod. Turning his gaze to me, he bathes me in all of his silent intensity. “He better work fast, because the second I can escape Hell, your body is mine.” His lips don’t move as his voice drifts into my mind. His ability to speak telepathically to me remains the same, reminding me of just a day ago when he was whispering a prayer to me. Who knew I’d like his telepathic promises more.

“I think you’ve forgotten already, Micah,” I think back to him, “but I’m the one who brings men to their knees.”

Firelight flickers in his golden gaze, and he remains expressionless as Dante manhandles him, shoving him out of the small bathroom, not even allowing him to dress. Though I don’t think earthly possessions last long in Hell. I never thought much of it.

Kase strides the short distance to the tub and lifts me into his arms. Brushing his lips to mine, he kisses me for a moment like it’s all he craves to do. And I can’t blame him. I’m sure Micah’s comments got to him. The two of them have bitter history, and it might take more than losing his wings for Micah to get into a neutral place with Kase.

“This is harder than I expected it to be,” Kase murmurs against my mouth. “You need to stop being so damn tempting. Every single one of these bastards will try to take you as if you belong to them and them alone.”

I ease away and meet his gaze. “Do you feel threatened by them?”

“Far from it. More annoyed than anything.” He kisses me again. “You have to realize that I’ve only ever shared anything with Dante...and occasionally Lucian before coming to this plane. But I also know mortals. I can’t expect you to hit it and quit it with the saviors because they’re hard to get. I’ve always known you could get attached, especially letting them near your soul.”

I pout my bottom lip, a wave of emotions rising through me with Kase’s admission. I knew behind his total possessive, asshole façade lingers the softness he carried as an angel. I don’t point it out though. I know he’ll shut down if I do.

Instead, I brush my fingers through his hair, playing with the soft strands. “I honestly don’t know what to expect from any of this. It’s hard for me to even grasp the idea of eternity. But I want you to know that whatever happens from here, I’m already attached to you and Dante. You think I belong to you, but you psycho bastards are mine.”

He smiles. “I love when you think you have power over me, angel-girl.”

I shake my head with a laugh. He won’t admit it, but I do. He wouldn’t have gone through such lengths if I didn’t. Lucky for him, the feeling is mutual.

A snarl rips through the air, Lucian’s arrival stealing away the sweet emotions I wanted to savor for the rest of time. Tensing, Kase carries me the whole way to the living room where a flaming circle sets the room aglow. Dante stands tall, his skin rippling with his hellish beast, and I stare in fascination at his blossoming scales.

“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t call upon Hell’s army to send you back to me,” Lucian says, his massive hooved form standing tall, caressing his horns to the ceiling. “Where is the soul? She has failed to follow through with our contract, and I will not wait any longer.”

Kase sets me on my feet and spins me around to face Lucian. The devil keeps his back toward me, focusing his vicious rage on Dante. He’s so consumed by his desire to drag Dante and Kase to Hell that he doesn’t notice Micah standing silently just outside the flaming circle.

Caressing his lips to my ear, Kase whispers, “Go put that dickhole in his place, angel-girl. Don’t let him scare you.”

I swallow and nod, gathering my nerve. Squaring my shoulders, I saunter across the room as quietly as my bare feet allow. Micah crosses his arms over his chest, refusing to even look at me. A part of me aches for his attention, but another part of me knows it’s best for the both of us if we remain clear-headed. This can’t be easy for him, facing the angel he rejected so long ago.

“Where is she?” Lucian asks again, his voice shaking through the room.

“I’m right here, Lucian. Open your damn eyes.” Yeah, it’s probably not the best way to respond, but his demands and high and mighty attitude grate my nerves.

Lucian spins around, and the hellfire explodes toward the ceiling. His black gaze glows with flames and he jerks his head from me to peer at Micah by my side. A growl escapes from Lucian, and it takes everything in me to obey Kase’s comment about not being scared of Lucian, but how can I not be? He looms over me, his beastly form looking on the verge of devouring me, and instead of smiling that I have brought him Micah, he looks furious.

“I did not fail to fulfill my contract, Lucian,” I say, keeping my voice low to stop it from quivering. “I’ve brought you the first angel, and in doing so, I get as much time as it takes to hold up my end of the deal.”

Lucian flexes his bulging muscles. “The fallen angel must bow to me. If he doesn’t, your soul is mine...” Clomping toward the fiery barrier, he meets Micah’s gaze. “And I’m willing to offer it to you, my dear brethren. You have no idea how happy I am to have you home. You will serve me well.”

Micah growls and transforms into his new Hell beast form and crosses through the hellfire. My heart stalls as he faces Lucian, towering over him. Micah has to bend slightly to stop his head from hitting the ceiling.

“You have always been a traitorous fool,” Micah says, sending billowing fire into Lucian’s face. “I know my rightful place and will not accept anything less. Why would I serve you when a throne in Hell is mine? Or have you forgotten? That soul isn’t worth such a trade,brethren.”

His words get to me in a way they shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I’m really fucked up by thinking I want him to prove how much he wants me by accepting Lucian’s offer even if I don’t mean it.

“I knew you wanted to be mine,” Micah thinks to me, his voice drifting into my mind. “Don’t worry, my beautiful heathen. That is still my plan. I will not fail where Kase and Dante have, letting Lucifer know how much control you have over them. I plan to change things and soon. Don’t miss me too much.”