The hilt hits him in the face, my knife throwing skills non-existent. It surprises him enough that he launches toward me, his sword blazing. His fury sparks through the air with bolts of electric energy, but I don’t run away and cower behind Kase and Dante. I remain tall in place, bracing for the worst.

“Micah belongs to Hell, and you can’t change it. It is fate,” I say, holding steady as the wind from his wings tries to knock me on my back.

Zade and Andre shoot power at my devils, keeping them a foot away. A war erupts between the angels and devils with me in the middle.

Cassius leers, aiming his sword at my chest. “It’s time to go where you belong.”

I do the only thing I can think of.

I pray to Micah. I pray that he realizes this isn’t the end for him, and that just because he lost his angelic light and turned his back on his brethren, doesn’t mean it’s over. I pray that he realizes his purpose is still here, and his path awaits, one where we will travel together.

The ground shudders and shakes. I kick my feet into the ground, shoving myself away from Cassius and his flaming sword. A looming figure towers over him, fire blazing from cracked and burning skin of a monstrous beast. Tusks jut from the chin of the demon, and the ground sinks under its weight as it charges toward Cassius.

“That soul is mine!” the beast yells, dropping onto four legs.

It still towers over Cassius, the boar-like demon the size of an elephant. Fire billows from its mouth, its fangs glistening with molten saliva. The ground scorches around Cassius, the fire clawing toward the sky, trapping him. Ramming its head into Cassius’s stomach, the demon impales him with a long tusk and flings him into the air so fast that Cassius spirals out of control before smashing into the ground.

Zade and Andre abandon their fight against the devils and take flight, scooping Cassius up and launching into the air. I tip my head back, staring at the sky, watching the angels disappear from my sight completely.

A deep, guttural growl sounds from in front of me. My body trembles in uncontrollable fear, the world quaking as the ferocious demon clomps closer, cracking the concrete beneath his hooves. Fine, wire hair prickles across its massive body, and it rises onto two feet, towering fifteen feet into the air, taller than Kase and Lucian in their devil forms. I remain frozen in my spot, my heart thudding in erratic beats. The beast might look animalistic, but the humanoid features like bulging muscles and abs, oval eyes and black curls of soft hair trigger something familiar inside me. This isn’t some demon here to drag me to Hell. It’s Micah in his Hellish glory.

“Look at that perfectly monstrous cock,” Dante says, stepping up beside me. “That thing looks like it was made for your g-spot. Feeling brave, pretty soul? Micah looks like he could use a good time...actually, we all can.”

As Dante says his twisted words, Micah morphs into his mortal façade and falls to his hands and knees. The ravaged skin of his back bleeds down his sides as he bows naked before me. I ignore Dante and Kase and crawl toward the fallen angel, hovering my hand over his body like I can summon some sort of miracle that can fix him.

But I’m helpless.

Micah’s fate lies with the universe now.

All I can do is wait to see what damage his jump from grace left behind. Or what Lucian will do now.

“Micah, I’m here, okay? So are Kase and Dante. You are not alone,” I whisper.

Dante strides around me and hooks his hands to Micah’s sides, flipping him onto his shoulders. “All right, pretty soul. We’ve been out here long enough. It’s time we take this fucker home.”


“Give him space, angel-girl. He needs to rest and heal.” Kase tugs me away from Dante’s messy room, still caked in dried blood from the demon-bound mortal invasion. “And we need to talk. Come on, Dante’s waiting.”

Kase laces his fingers through mine and leads me across the hall to his bedroom. Two heavy blankets hang over the window and slider door, blocking the view of anyone who could attempt to spy on us. Dante rests his back against Kase’s headboard, offering me a whisper of a smile, his green eyes dark with something indecipherable. He pats the spot next to him, and I climb onto the high bed, letting him pull me onto his lap. I straddle his legs, and graze my fingers across his bearded cheek, feeling as if it’s been forever since I’ve been so close to the man who has sworn to protect me for the rest of eternity. One of the men who staked a claim on my soul.

I lean in to kiss him, my body begging to give my affection in hopes of softening his hard features. A hot hand grabs my neck, and Kase tips my head back and steals a kiss first, arching my body back to bend to his desire. There is nothing soft and sweet about the heat of his mouth against mine. His lips start a fight I can’t win, and he nips and sucks, and explores the taste of my tongue through his heated passion.

I clutch Dante’s legs, feeling his desire awaken as he watches me kiss Kase. Like he can’t stand it a moment longer, Dante pries Kase’s hand from my throat and pulls me to him. Flipping me onto my back, he sandwiches me to the bed under his weight, using his wings to keep Kase away. Dante slides his tongue into my mouth at the same time he rubs his fingers between my legs, exciting me through my jeans. I gasp and pull away, and Kase shoves Dante off me.

“We agreed there wouldn’t be any foreplay or sex until we get the important things out of the way,” Kase says, pinning Dante beneath him on the bed. And damn, do they look hot. “Will you be able to control yourself?”

Dante licks his lips and nods, not putting up a fight. “As long as she does.”

Heat blooms across my cheeks, my body going haywire.

“Knowing that she nearly had Andre’s cock in her mouth drives me crazy,” Dante adds, reaching over to stroke his fingers along my jawline. “You have no idea how hard it is for me not to pin you down and fuck those pouty lips of yours.”

I smirk at him. “It was your idea to start with. I was taking advantage of the situation. You have no idea just how naïve and easy that angel was. I think he’ll be the one to lose his wings next.”

Kase chuckles and hugs me from behind. “You love the idea of screwing the Heaven right out of the bastard, don’t you?”

Blush warms my face. “It’s so wrong, isn’t it?”