“So selfless,” Andre whispers, a blip of sadness lining his eyes. “Hell doesn’t deserve you.”

Oh, but it does.

Licking my lips, I part my mouth and lean forward, preparing to suck his massive cock into my mouth, uncertain I can even open my jaw wide enough to make it fit. I barely touch my tongue to his tip before he moans and tightens his fingers through my hair.


I jerk away and throw myself back at the bellowing voice. My heart thrashes against my ribcage, and I expect Cassius to smite me for managing to get Andre’s pants down. But it’s not Cassius. It’s Zade.

He whips his attention from me to Andre and frowns. “You told me to warn you when Cassius was on his way, but had I known it was because of this—” Zade waves his hand at me. “What exactly are you doing?”

“I was about to get a blowjob,” Andre responds like it’s the most normal thing to say. “You should experience what it’s like to be so close to her. Her soul—she doesn’t deserve to go to Hell.”

Zade grabs Andre by the shoulders. “It’s out of our hands. Now hurry, we must return to our posts.”

Without even looking at me, the angels vanish in a flash of light.

If only Cassius didn’t glower at me, now standing in their place.

Chapter 23

Devil in Disguise


“STAY AWAY FROM me, you asshole!” I crawl on my hands and knees until I manage to get to my feet. The air hums with energy, sizzling static across my skin. “You can’t kill me. I know you can’t. So stay back!”

Cassius flaps his massive wings, hitting opposite walls with his wingspan. The gust of wind blows my hair in a tangled mess around my face. “You are like every Hell-bound mortal. You think you know everything. It’s pathetic.”

Spinning around, I search the floor for anything to protect myself with. I can’t exactly lug the microwave around as a weapon and the blankets won’t do shit. I can try to throw one over Cassius’s head, but he’d just blow it away with a flap of his brilliant wings. Fuck, he could blow me into a wall if he wants.

“Maybe we wouldn’t be so pathetic if you fuckers did your jobs. You failed me. I never wanted to be in this position. Do you honestly think I willingly made a deal with Lucian? I was trying to save myself because no one else would.” I clench my fingers into fists as a dozen angry thoughts crash over me.

“Just like everyone else in Hell. Selfish,” he snaps.

I glower. “Cut the righteous shit. If you were in my position, you would’ve done the same thing. Burn in Hell for eternity or rise up and claim Purgatory? You can’t lie to me. Anyone with even an ounce of intelligence would choose the latter.”

Cassius’s eyes widen, and I realize I might’ve said too much. Fuck.

I give up on figuring out how to fight the righteous bastard and rush as fast as I can toward the bathroom. Cassius doesn’t chase me or try to blast me off my feet with his heavenly light. His torment lies in his lack of doing anything except waiting. Like a snake, he’ll rattle his tail but won’t react until it’s least expected. I know he’s dangerous. He has immense power behind him and his cockiness proves it. This is nothing but a game to him. He wants to give me hope just to steal it away.

But he can’t get to me on that level. I’ve accepted there is no hope for me.

Slamming the door shut, I press in the lock like the guy isn’t strong enough to kick it down, but it makes me feel like I’m trying everything I can to keep him away. If I go down with a fight, maybe Lucian will relent and not hand my ass over to some twisted monsters for eternal punishment. He has to know the kind of power I face, and if I manage to get out of this alive, I will tell him as much.

“You can’t escape me.” Cassius’s voice booms from behind me. “It’s ridiculous that you even try.”

I startle, my soul nearly jumping from my skin at him popping into the bathroom instead of attempting to get me to open the door. “How are you even an angel? You’re a fucking monster with a god complex. Who needs the Higher Power when the almighty Cassius thinks he holds all the answers? You’re a dick and an idiot if you think I don’t know that,” I snap, backing up to feel for the door handle.

His looming presence takes up the entire small bathroom. Claustrophobia kicks in with a wave of panic, and I slide to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest. The fact that he chooses to keep open a line of communication instead of just striking me dead proves that something is up. I just need to figure it out. Maybe because he can’t kill me, he feels the need to act as if he can, flexing his power to try to put me in my place.

But what he doesn’t know is that I’m partly a masochist. I’m not afraid to push him until he gives up or breaks. Kase and Dante’s psychotic tendencies and justifications for some of the crazy shit they do has numbed me. Desensitized me. I will use it against this angel. He’s obviously afraid of me if he tries so hard to get under my skin.

“You will be so fun to break,” I add, summoning the darkness Lucian left clinging to my soul. “It won’t be long. I didn’t even have to do anything to Micah. I imagine all it will take is a bit of effort, and you will bow at my feet. It’s inevitable. You’ll see. I’m not the only one destined for Hell.” I brace for him to slap me, blast me with power, or stab me.

Maybe pushing him into something he shouldn’t do is the answer I’ve needed all along. Pushing them off the path set forth for them by the Higher Power is how angels fall. Cassius is so caught up on what he feels is right that he can’t see anything else.

It’s now that I realize where he will land in Hell’s Kingdom. I’ve heard the stories about Lucifer and his pride, but the devil I know him as—Lucian—embodies all of the sins. It’s Cassius, the one bonded to him through their creation, who embodies pride. Now that I know this, I can figure out his downfall.