I crack my neck and finish morphing, giving myself several feet more of height. Launching from my place, I land amid the fiery grass and put out the flames. Andre circles above us, his wings casting shadows on the ground. I hate how persistent the damn saviors are. I roar and jump toward him like a lion trying to snatch a falcon from the sky, missing him by inches. He tries to blast me away, and I hear Raven inhale a breath and smack her hands against Dante.

Suppressing my urge to pluck every last white feather from Andre’s wings in front of Raven, I clomp my way towards her, transforming into my mortal façade. I greet her with a smile, drinking her in as she squirms against Dante, filthy with blood, smelling of him, and only wearing my shirt. Her perky tits harden at my closeness, and I snake my tail over her tight nipples, pressing against the cotton fabric.

She flutters her eyelashes and licks her lips, shivering under my touch. “Angel-girl, there is a difference between being naughty and disobedient. I know Dante wouldn’t have willingly brought you out here until you offered him a deal he couldn’t refuse. Do you know what kind of trouble you’re in?”

“I was worried,” she whispers, her seductive voice striking me in my dick.

I probably shouldn’t have touched her tits with my tail, because I now want more of her. Just the caress of our bodies hardening my cock, the reminder of how tight she was as I slid my dick into her hard and fast giving me the need to bend her over.

I step closer and grab her chin, sandwiching her to Dante. He keeps a firm hold on her with his arm around her stomach. His green eyes flash, and he mutters a growl under his breath. I don’t have to ask him to know he wants me to hurry the fuck up and convince her to go back inside with him. I’ve been gone for hours, and it’s obvious they haven’t fucked and he’s growing envious that she wants to give me her attention, but it serves him fucking right. It’s his damn problem if he can’t take what he wants from her like I did.

I slide my tail under the hem of her shirt to poke at his hellish side. “Are you sure you were worried, angel-girl?” I finally respond, purposely drawing out the silence. “Or did you just miss me and all the ways I can fuck you?”

Gliding my tail between her thighs, I hum under my breath at how wet she is. Dripping even. And then she tenses and throws herself at me, her moan so fucking sexy that I pull her from Dante’s arms and into mine. I tug up her shirt enough to confirm my suspicions. Dante marked her in a way that will make her cream herself for at least another day. The fucking bastard.

I narrow my eyes at him and spin Raven away, leaning close to her mouth. “No wonder he’s antsy. I bet he hasn’t had the chance to blow his load. I know Dante wouldn’t have fucked you when you were teasing Hell on his high, so his balls ache. Why don’t you be a nice soul and repay him for the good time? Let me handle the saviors.”

Flaring her nostrils, Raven inhales a breath. “Weren’t you the one who said we have shit to do? What about Micah? I heard—”

I can’t cover her mouth fast enough to shut her up. It’s not her fault that Andre has super-hearing, but it is my fault that I didn’t warn her that whispers wouldn’t work. Spinning around, I toss Raven toward Dante and transform, letting my hellish beast side take over. Raven shrieks in surprise, but she doesn’t resist Dante as he engulfs her in his arms.

“Take her home. Now! I mean it,” I say, unleashing a guttural snarl.

Andre swoops toward Dante and Raven, pissing me off even more. Spinning, Dante turns his back on the savior and shields Raven with his wings. Light explodes through the air, and Dante roars as Andre chucks his heavenly power at his wings. I leap from my spot and tackle the fucker mid-air.

We crash to the ground and skid across the dead grass. Dante runs toward the apartment with Raven, only making it a dozen feet before another savior arrives and lands in their path. Fucking angels. They flock together like the bird brains they are if they think something is wrong with someone in the brethren. Micah’s already too far along the edge for them to communicate with them, even if he prayed. All it will take is another day at most to get him to bow before Lucian. The only reason I was returning to the apartment was because I wanted to check on Raven. Fuck her for a while. Make sure she knew I would take care of things. But then the bastard had to interrupt.

My wandering mind gets the best of me, and Andre lights up my face with his holy power, kicking me into action. I sink my fangs into his shoulder and rip him off his feet. I thrash my head and toss him at the wall of the building hard enough to crack the stucco. Pain explodes in my back, and I jerk forward and twist, flinging a flaming sword from another savior out of me.

“Get the fuck out of here, or you’ll end up like Micah,” I say, transforming into my human façade completely. “Five seconds, Cassius.”

“Stop it! Leave him alone!” Raven’s voice cuts through the air as Zade ravages Dante’s wings with his heavenly light.

Mortals think demons survive on punishment, but they’re wrong. It’s the saviors. We’re about serving justice to the souls too dark to even see the light of the Higher Power. Hell always gets shit on and blamed for causing such things, but mortals damn well make their own choices.

“Please! Please!” Raven screams.

I gather hellfire in my palms and dodge Cassius in an attempt to blast Zade away. Launching into the air, Cassius uses his power to knock mine off course. Raven screams again within the shield of Dante’s wings, her desperation pushing me to fight harder. But the fucking saviors block me. Andre and Cassius won’t let me get within reach of her.

“Where’s Micah, Kase?” Andre asks again. “Tell us and we’ll stop.”

I flare my nostrils, summoning more fire into my palms. “Stay out of Hell’s affairs.”

Dante roars in pain, snatching my attention away from the assholes. My gut clenches at his guttural voice. I’ve never heard him sound like this, and it sets me off. Jerking my hands, I blast Andre with hellfire, launching it again and again, not caring that the ground shakes and the scent of Hell begins to permeate the air. If I unleash enough of it, I might open a portal to Hell, and it could suck Raven into it because she’s the only Hell-bound soul nearby.

“Stop it, you fucking bastard!” Raven manages to get out of the protection of Dante’s wings. Slapping Zade across the face, she sears the angel’s cheek with Lucian’s mark, her palm glowing with the fissuring portal.

Dante’s body gives out on him, and he drops to his knees. His wings are unrecognizable, burned with holy light and barely hanging onto his back. Raven’s fury turns her into a naughty fucking soul, and she tries to hit Zade again.

“Raven, don’t!” I yell, ramming my shoulder into Cassius, finally getting through the angelic barricade.

She ignores me and snatches one of Dante’s daggers. “I thought Hell was bad, but you’re—”

Raising his hands, Zade lights up the world with his light, blinding her. I can’t run fast enough as the angel hooks his arms around Raven’s waist and bends his knees. I kick off the ground and leap toward Zade, but Andre flies at me from the side. I hit the grass and skid, not staying down for long.

“Kase!” Raven shouts, her voice drifting on the wind.

Dante attempts to get to his feet, flapping his charred wings. There is no way he can chase the fucking angels. Raven can’t fight them off either. I roar in anger, throwing another ball of hellfire into the air. Nothing works to stop them.