“Raven, shut the fuck up. Now is not the time to call for saviors. They’re circling like the damn demons.” Dante tosses me on the bed and heads to Kase’s weapon collection. “All the activity has them sniffing around, and as much as I want to send your sexy ass out there to bone them until they can’t survive without you, we need to plan more thoroughly.”

My eyes widen with his revelation. “Shit. If Kase’s out there, he might need help.”

“Damn it.” Dante grabs a shirt from Kase’s closet and tosses it at me. “Kase will be pissed off that you underestimate him, but I know you’re not going to give up, so put that shit on. I’ll show you he’s fine. If you obey me and don’t attract attention, I’ll fuck you however you want when we get back.”

I hurry and tug the shirt over my head. The hem thankfully grazes just above my knees, so I don’t have to risk flashing my vagina at any angels or demons. “You mean I’ll bang you any way you want.”

His eyes flash with desire. “This is why I’m not letting you get away from me, pretty soul.”

Snatching a second dagger from the shelf, he offers it to me, and I look down, wondering where he expects me to keep it. I end up grabbing a hoodie from the back of the desk chair, concealing it in the pocket. Dante doesn’t give me a chance to search for bottoms and heads toward the slider instead of the front door.

He doesn’t even have to stretch to set me on the wall, and I wait for him to hop over. I might be anxious, but I’m not careless. I’m not getting out of his reach outside the safety of our apartment.

“Do I look like an angel keeper to you, Andre? If you get your head out of your ass, you might see that Micah isn’t with me.” Kase waves his arms around the apartment complex. “Maybe you should ask the Higher Power for an answer.”

“This is the last place I sensed his presence.” The raspy voice coming from a hot as Hell...Heaven? Whatever. The angel’s voice is far from angelic as is the rest of his black-clad presence in attire similar to what Micah wears. For being good, the saviors sure know how to give off some bad boy vibes.

“Until I chased him off. I told you. He only hung around long enough to see that his presence wasn’t welcome. Now get the fuck out of here. I don’t want to fight you, but I will.” Kase flicks out his tail, wrapping it around the angel’s neck.

“Tell me the truth. Where is Micah?” The angel’s persistence doesn’t surprise me.

Shit. I want to know the answer as well. Micah can’t be that far since I heard him. I don’t think he is capable of leaving completely. Not if Dante and Kase are right about him.

Growling, Kase transforms completely into his hellish form. He lights the angel off his feet with his tail and snarls in his face. The angel scowls and flaps his wings, stretching out Kase’s tail. I stare in horror as the angel unsheathes his flaming sword, preparing to cut himself free of Kase’s hold.

“Please, no,” I whisper under my breath.

Both Kase and the angel whip their attention to me. Kase recovers quickly and swings his tail, sending the angel whizzing through the air. The angel crashes into the side of the apartment, and the ground shakes under the force.

“Get her inside, damn it!” Kase shouts.

A light ignites behind Kase, haloing him in an angelic glow. Materializing before my eyes, the angel appears behind Kase with a flaming sword. I can’t even get my mouth open to shout for him to turn around.

The angel sinks his flaming sword into his back.

My vision turns red.

Chapter 20

Breaking Angels


“OH, NO YOU fucking don’t,” Dante says, snatching Raven by the back of the shirt.Myshirt. Fuck, she looks incredibly sexy, raging in fury on my behalf.

Burning pain sizzles across my back as Andre’s heavenly sword slides free. If Raven wasn’t freaking out, I might react with a grimace. The fucking wound hurts worse than anything from Hell, but I don’t want her to know. She tried to attack Lucian to protect Dante. If she tries to attack Andre? I’ll beat the shit out of the bastard for even touching her.

I wave my hand at Raven. “Hey, chill. What kind of devil do you think I am if I’d drop at this little flesh wound?”

Andre grumbles and shoves his sword into my back, sending it through my stomach. I stiffen and heave a breath, sliding my tail up and around Andre’s hand. Forcing him to tug the damn blessed weapon from my body, I manage to rip it free. He punches his hand into my wound, trying to rip it wider. It’s enough to drag my gaze from Raven.

“You son-of-a-bastard!” I holler, swinging my fist. I extend my talons and slice them across his chest. “Do you really want my wrath?”

Expanding his wings, Andre gathers his damn goodie light beams, threatening me with them. “Where’s Micah, Kase?”

“I don’t know, you fuckhead. I’ve already told you that. I don’t want to break you in front of our girl over there, so this is your one warning. Leave or you’ll lose those damn wings. Demonic affairs are none of your concern.” I gather hellfire in my hand and throw it, not waiting for Andre to attack.

He launches into the air a second before it whizzes through the spot he was standing and explodes across the dry grass, setting it ablaze. If this wasn’t my home, I’d leave it to burn, but we’re established for business here, and I’m fucking tired of dealing with humans. Raven is my main focus now. Her pussy is too damn sweet to let go. I want to fuck her and feel my darkness tangle with the light of her soul. I get a high just being close to her. She doesn’t know the extent of it yet, but the potential of her power as an angel-kissed soul is far greater than she can imagine. It’s why Hell needs her, and Lucian wants to ensure she ends up nowhere else. Her very being can bring balance to Hell, and ultimately, fix the bullshit the Higher Power created.