Whipping his tail, Kase slashes it across Micah’s wing, sending white feathers dancing in the breeze. “Bow to Hell!”

Again, Micah refuses. His dark eyes turn to meet mine. “Raven, please.” The words trickle into my mind instead of out loud, filling my soul with indecipherable emotions. They tangle with mine, sending my body humming. He’s praying. Not to the Higher Power but to me.

“Bow!” Kase shouts.

Breaking away from Dante, I charge toward Kase. I jump on his back, throwing him off balance. His tail misses Micah, slapping the ground. Micah tips his head toward the sky, erupting in light.

“Go!” I shout. “Get out of here!”

Micah bends his knees and launches into the air.

Kase spins toward me and snarls.

I stand frozen, staring at Micah taking flight.

Closing my eyes, I send out a silent prayer.

I hope he gets away.

Chapter 18



“TAKE HER HOME. I’m finishing this shit once and for all. Micah will fall even if it’s the last thing I fucking do. I will not fail our pretty soul.” Kase snarls and barrels away without waiting for a response from Dante.

I don’t know why I bother, but my brain screams that I better haul ass away from Dante. Kase might embody wrath, but Dante is still a ruler of Hell and can punish me just the same. What I did, intervening and allowing Micah to get away wasn’t exactly the smartest thing to do, considering it guarantees my eternity at the mercy of some twisted demon, but I can’t go through with this. I can’t stand by and force Micah to jump from grace because of me.

Dante snatches the back of my shirt and jerks me into his chest. Hooking his arm around me, he lifts me up but keeps me facing out. A hiss tickles my ear, and I hang lifelessly with my head down. I’m beyond fighting. I’m beyond all of this, really. I can’t win regardless, and I can’t bear to take everyone down with me.

“I need you to give me a good reason why I shouldn’t show you what true punishment from a devil is like,” Dante mutters, keeping his voice low.

“Do whatever you think you have to do, Dante. I might as well get used to it. I’m going to be a slave to some fucking monstrous demon who will ravage my mind, body, and soul. I just hope you’re right about the demon jizz. Maybe I’ll be tripping for the rest of eternity because apparently treating me like a cum bucket is the top method of torture.” I try not to think about being the target of a demon gangbang. Maybe if I can get over the freakiness and just accept that type of punishment, it won’t be so bad. I mean, Kase ass fucked me with his tail. Hell pretty much lowered my standards.

“Now you’re just making me jealous. I don’t understand you, pretty soul. I thought we were on the same side, and then you go and fucking ask to be saved instead of trusting that we can and will complete this mission.” Dante kicks the apartment door closed as he strides back inside. “I thought you liked me. Fuck, I thought you knew I was—still am—utterly obsessed with your sexy body, beautiful soul, and infuriatingly indecisive mind.”

I sigh, still refusing to move a muscle. “I can’t condemn Micah to Hell, Dante. I’m sorry. I thought I could. I really did. I accepted I’m destined for darkness and was going to fuck you on my way there...but I can’t drag him with me.”

“Raven, shut the fuck up. You haven’t listened to one damn thing we’ve said. You can’t drag Micah to Hell because he’s already almost there. He’s taking a goddamned elevator, for fuck’s sake.” Dante flings open his bedroom door. I expect him to carry me to the bed to tie me up again, but he moves me to his shoulder, dangling me upside down. “The guy is a glutton for you, and you can’t blame yourself. Now, don’t make me put a gag on you. I’m tired of hearing the damn bastards name on your lips. It’s bad enough he marked one of my favorite things on your body.”

“You’re insane,” I mutter, listening to what I think are chains rattling.

“And you enjoy it.” Dante sets me in front of a contraption hanging from a couple anchors on the ceiling. I’ve never seen a sex swing in person, but I’m pretty sure that the straps Dante gathers are intended just for that. “Now watch. Stand here, and be the good girl you desperately want to be.”

I plant my hands on my hips. “You are not hanging me from the ceiling. The bed restraints were good enough. You want to restrain me then you can do it there.”

He quirks an eyebrow at me. Without a word, he grabs my shoulders and yanks me the two feet to the straps and spins me around. His fingers tangle in my hair and he bends my head to the side. Leaning down, he brushes his warm lips to the sensitive spot below my ear.

“You told me to do what I had to do, and it is this, pretty soul. You’ve already bonded bodies with Kase. You fucking let Micah brand you and put his mark on you. I’ve been patient and have obviously failed to realize that you don’t even know what you truly want and only what you don’t want.” Dante clicks his fangs and nips me hard enough to make me clench in anticipation for a harder bite, but it doesn’t come. “I’m going to prove to you that I am what you want and show you that you will fight for me by making every damn angel fall. I’ll show you how I want you, and I will claim you as mine for eternity, so if you fail to suppress the lightness in your soul, you will know I will destroy Heaven’s entire army to keep you. Do you understand, Raven?”

“Yes.” Damn it. My rebel mouth needs to get its shit together. So does my body. Goosebumps prickle over my skin, and I shiver as Dante glides his fingers along my lower back, circling around me to trace his way to my stomach.

Meeting my eyes, he remains brooding and stone-faced, allowing part of his devil form to peek through with his expanding diamond pupils. “I’m going to strip you down now. You want that, don’t you?”

My heart thumps out of whack, battering my ribs violently enough to steal my breath. I can’t even summon a response to his teasing question.

He drops his hands from my shirt and steps away. “If you don’t answer me, then I’m going to have fun by myself.” Strolling toward his huge collection of toys, he picks out a couple from the shelf and smiles.