“So then you know something about your contract was altered? Lucifer put out a beacon, inviting demons here. He’s using your soul to do so,” he says, tightening his jaw. “Whatever happened...your binds to Kase and Dante have been severed. Your soul is basically free for any demon to take.”

Confusion puckers my brows. “What?”

“You didn’t know.” It’s not a question. “Of course you didn’t know. The devils wouldn’t have told you.”

I shake my head, peering around the quiet world. Micah shields me in the weird dimension that feels as if time outside the two of us fades completely. On the ground a few feet away lies a puddle of burning goo, and I know without having to ask that it belongs to the demon Micah blasted with holy light.

Micah touches my chin, getting me to turn my gaze away from the mess and back to him. “I know you struggle to trust me, but I have to know, Raven. What kind of work are you obligated to do for Lucifer? What did he offer you? What was so important to you that you’d give away your entire eternity?”

I swallow, my mouth going dry. “You don’t know?” I ask, my nose scrunching. How does he not? He was a part of the angels who were supposed to jump. “You were aligned with Lucifer at one point.”

“That is untrue. I was always aligned with the Higher Power, Raven. I’d never betray it.” Micah searches my eyes. “I don’t know why you would think that? What have the devils said?”

Fuck. This could go one of two ways. Either Hell has been lying to me about finishing the kingdom and the brethren who were supposed to jump or Micah is playing dumb and will smite me the second he knows Lucian’s plan starting from this point.

Either way, I’m in for an eternity of punishment.

“You can trust me, Raven,” Micah says, his bottom lip puffing slightly with his words. “I know you were manipulated into this position. I know you did what you thought you had to do.”

“I don’t want to suffer for all eternity,” I whisper.

“That’s why you need to tell me everything. I can use it to help you. This could be what we need for divine intervention on a level no angel can manage.” Micah tips his head back, staring at the dark sky above us. Flapping his wings, he stirs a crisp breeze around me, making me shiver. “Please. Trust me. I’m begging you. Whatever happened with Lucifer today—”

“Is none of your goddamn business, Micah.” Dante steps from a shadow of a building, crossing his arms over his chest. “Nice try with the shield. You need more work on keeping it up if you’re trying to take our pretty soul away from us.”

That’s strange. I was so distracted by the demon attack and Micah’s help that I hadn’t realized that Dante was taking longer than usual to interrupt. I thought he could always see me because of the binding of my soul, but with one look at his hard features, I’m no longer certain that is the case.

“She no longer belongs to you, Dante,” Micah says, summoning a ball of heavenly light in his palm. “Were you ever going to tell her the truth, or do I need to?”

The truth? “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing,” Dante snaps, stalking closer. “He’s trying to get into your head, pretty soul. All he wants is to send you to Hell. Nothing more.”

“That’s not true.” I turn my stare from Dante to look at Micah. I know it’s not true. If it was, he’d have already done so. “You said it yourself that there was more to it. It’s what we’ve been working on, so don’t try to make me feel stupid.”

“What have you been working on with the devils, Raven?” Micah asks, his voice a low breath against my ear.

“Don’t tell him, angel-girl.” Red light illuminates from the nearby parking lot, and I catch sight of Kase standing near his car. “It’s important to our mission.”

“Raven, let me take you away. We will get this all sorted out.” Micah expands his wings, lighting the night with his ethereal glow. “I don’t know what they made you believe, and maybe it was true at one point, but things have shifted. I can sense it.”

A guttural growl echoes through the air, stealing my attention away from Micah’s soft pleas. My stomach twists in fear, and I jerk my attention back to Kase. But the vicious noise doesn’t come from him. The shadows behind him grow, looming across him with the appearance of a demon in all its demonic glory.

Kase spins around, unleashing his hellish glory, and guts the monstrous demon with his sharp claws. The innards spill across the roof of his car, and he slams his fist into the window, smashing it under the force of his hand. Whipping his feline head back toward us, Kase kicks off the ground to catapult in our direction.

“Give her to us,” Kase hollers, trying to tie his tail around me. “It’s not safe.”

“She’ll never be safe with you.” Micah summons more heavenly light in his palm and chucks it through the air.

I expect it to knock Kase off his feet, but it barrels past him and engulfs another sneaky demon trying to best Kase as if he isn’t one of the devils ruling the kingdom of Hell. Dante spins and strikes another demon, cutting the bastard in half before it can even make a sound.

“What the fuck?” I mutter, my mind and body whirring with panic. “Why are they attacking you guys? What aren’t you telling me?”

“You don’t have to worry, Raven. We are handling it,” Kase says, moving closer. “Now come here. We need to go back inside.” Snaking his tail around me, he tries to yank me from Micah, but I hold onto the angel tighter.

“She’s not going with you. You deceived her after she trusted you,” Micah says, unsheathing his flaming sword.

“We haven’t. We’ve just hit a snag until she fulfills her part of the deal with Lucian.” Dante shuffles closer, reaching his hand out to me. “Now, come on, Raven. Let us take you back to the apartment. We will sort it out.”