“You like the sound of my suffering, don’t you?” He chuckles at my nod. “You naughty soul. How did this happen? You weren’t supposed to be the one with all the power.”

“I guess this was destiny, huh?” Because it feels as much. “Maybe I’ll be the queen of Hell.”

“And as your kings, we will be at your mercy. The universe has no idea what is coming.” Kase tilts his head back and looks up as if he speaks to the universe itself. “Just wait until the angels fall.”

Chapter 16

Eternal Punishment


RAVEN’S SCENT CLINGS to me just from standing within her reach, and I can’t stop myself from pulling my shirt up and over my nose, wanting to savor her for a minute longer. My cock throbs, my balls aching with need. I know why Kase had me bear witness to him fucking the hell into our girl, but it doesn’t get any easier. All I can think about is how she’s in his arms instead of mine. I’d gladly suck his cock clean if it meant I get to taste even a drop of her excitement. It kills me that I can’t.

If I do it while I’m trapped in my intense haze of envy, I’ll fuck everything up. I’d kidnap her, ensuring she fails to break the rest of the brethren. I’d tie her up and fuck her over and over again until she forgets who she even is and only believes she is mine.

It wouldn’t be fair to drown her light in my darkness like that. If Kase didn’t remind me who Raven is and who she belongs to outside of my raging envy to keep her for myself, I’d experience far worse pain than a pair of blue balls. One I can’t take care of myself.

Swiping a bottle of warming lube from on top of my dresser, I tug my dick out and squirt the slippery liquid along my shaft. Usually I’d gather a couple of toys from my favorite chest and turn on some amateur porn, but my nuts feel like they’re going to pop if I don’t find fast relief.

I flop onto my bed and nearly bust a nut at Raven’s scent lingering on my pillow. I can’t fucking believe I missed her rolling around my bed, surely looking hotter than the deepest, fiery pit in the lowest level of Hell where Lucian rules over the darkest souls.

I snatch the pillow and hold it over my face, gasping in breath after breath of Raven’s fragrance as I jerk myself off hard and fast, rubbing the ache away, imagining it’s her mouth sucking my cock. Then me spreading her legs open to sink into her tight, soaking wet pussy, until I flip her over and finish in her sexy ass just how she’ll crave.

My muscles tighten with the thought and I groan as I cum so hard that the fucking jizz splatters the mirror on the ceiling to rain down on me.

I growl and roll off the bed, my annoyance and need driving me fucking crazy as the ache continues to pulse in my cock. I’m going to have to jack off at least a dozen more times to satiate my desire. Maybe if I get a good massage on my P-spot, I’ll finally settle down, though I really fucking wanted to wait for Raven to try my new plugs out.

Fuck this shit.

If only I didn’t feel the damn familiar quiver of Lucian about to break open the gateway uninvited again. The disgusting smell of the gate splitting open under his intrusion kicks my ass in gear, and I rush to shove my junk into my pants. I really fucking regret agreeing to have a summoning circle in the apartment, especially now that Raven’s soul allows him a tether to latch onto to drag his annoying ass out.

Snatching my favorite serrated dagger from the case in the hallway, I jog toward the living room. If Lucian interrupts Raven’s good time with his needy bullshit, I swear to the bowels of Hell he’ll regret every one of the decisions he’s made throughout all of time. He’s getting bitchier and bitchier, acting like the same know-it-all asshole he was while serving the Higher Power.

I drop to one knee and bow my head in time to feel the heat of hellfire swell through the room. The floor quivers and splits apart, burning away as Lucian rams his massive horns through the gate. The dramatic fucker snarls like always, the inconvenience of not being able to easily move from realm to realm always his biggest fucking complaint apart from being imprisoned in the kingdom he created. I have to admit though, I’d be a bitter fucker too. Had the rest of the brethren jumped like they were supposed to, Lucian wouldn’t have to remain trapped to keep Hell going. He’s a powerful son-of-a-bastard, but he’s not the Higher Power.

A wave of heat encircles me, and I finally lift my head, staring at Lucian’s scowling face. As hard as he tries to remain in his demonic form as if it’ll somehow intimidate me, without mortal eyes in the room, he can’t resist slipping into his former glorious form.

His muscular body ripples, his biceps flexing with his movements. Spinning on his bare feet, he peers around the room. I can’t stop my gaze from roving over the red, fiery scars on his back. The slash down his shoulder blades, reminding me of the day shortly after our descent when I gripped his red-feathered wing in my hands while he sawed them off his own back with a blade forged from the depths of Hell.

“Where is she?” Lucian asks, rubbing his hands over his shaved head. Tendrils of steam drift from his hot skin, and I kind of wish I had kicked on the AC to make his visit more uncomfortable. “I want to speak with her.”

“She’s out with Kase,” I mutter, remaining unflinching and expressionless to my lie. After what Lucian did to Kase, trying to put Kase below him and doing so in front of Raven, I refuse to give him even a second of either of their time. I can handle him just fine.

Fire flickers in his black eyes, setting them aglow. “Then I’ll wait. Time is up, Dante. I want five pairs of wings piled in front of me. If it doesn’t happen in the next minute, I will start with yours. Don’t test me.”

Lucian rams his hand into his side and snarls as he yanks a jagged bone from his ribs. Blowing a hot breath on it, he molds it into a dagger not unlike the one I clutch at my side. He flips the newly formed weapon in the air, a grin lighting his face as he watches me watch him. We both know he’s silently counting to himself, waiting for me to give in and admit that we’re nowhere close to bringing the brethren to their knees at his feet.

“You and I both know you’re not going to take my wings, Lucian. I can’t summon Kase back here like I can summon you.” I keep my voice even. “Why don’t I blow you while you wait? You seem tense, and I’m already on my knees.”

Lucian snarls and steps closer, toeing the barrier of fire between us. His cock loves my offer despite his wrath threatening to test the chains of Hell to try to keep me on my knees.

“Stop stalling and bring me Raven!” Lucian’s human façade flickers, revealing his devil form.

I square my shoulders. His wrath is nothing compared to Kase’s. I live with the fucking embodiment of wrath. Lucian carries all the sins in his veins, which is why his bastard ass could use a good time. And in this moment, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Raven out of Lucian’s path of Hell.

“Come on, Lucian. I told you, she and Kase are out. They’re bringing Micah to his knees as we speak, so you might as well enjoy me while I’m on mine. I won’t offer you this again.” I raise my voice enough for Kase to hear. I know he’s listening from his room. He’ll keep Raven hidden and let me handle this bullshit now.

I’ll do whatever and whoever to get shit done while Kase’s approach is far more violent. But after tonight, this shit will change. I have the sudden need to only suck the cocks of the men Raven lusts after. Her soul is mine, yet I’m the one at her mercy.