Micah groans and kneels again, staring at the floor instead of the window. “I should send you to Hell to protect the greater good.”

“But you’re not.” I might be testing my already bad luck by saying the words, but I need answers. I’m already living with a ton of unknowns. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”

“And I won’t. I just—I need time. I need to know what the plan is and how to help you. I can’t in good faith deny your request for salvation.” Micah laces his fingers together in silent prayer. It’s the strangest thing, experiencing what feels like an electrical current dancing across my skin as he asks for guidance and help on my behalf.

“Whatever it is you think you’re doing...stop. I’ve accepted my fate, and I can’t handle anymore disappointment. You said it yourself. Saving my soul isn’t possible.” I hate how even an ounce of hope leaves me breathless. “I’m a realist. Save the hope for someone who has faith in the Higher Power. Only Kase and Dante haven’t let me down, despite their flaws. At least they’re honest.”

“Raven, it’s not possible to save your soul now, but I want to try.” His sincerity whips through me stealing my breath. “The devils don’t deserve you. Look at what they put you through today. You were hurt.” Micah turns his attention to me again. “The dark soul was going to defile you, and they found great amusement in the act. I’ve never felt such torture as I had in that moment. It was unbearable. I never want to experience anything like that again.”

Anger sneaks up on me. His confession snaps me out of the tranquility settling down my soul. “What do you mean you felt tortured?”

“You prayed to me, opening a spiritual connection that I tapped into. It’s why I reacted as I had.” Micah straightens his shoulders, getting to his feet. “I couldn’t bear it.”

“Youcouldn’t bear it?You? What aboutme? I know you were stalking me, Micah. You know I know. It’s why I had prayed to you.” The more the thought crosses my mind, the angrier I get. “But what I don’t get is why it took so long for you to do anything? If I hadn’t have opened myself up for you to feel my agony, would you have done nothing?”

He scowls at my question. “Raven, the devils—”

“Don’t bring up Kase and Dante. This is about you, Micah.” I yank the ends of my dark hair. “You know, all my life I thought of angels as being these sweet, loving beings who fought to protect the innocent and protected those who needed it.”

“You must understand,” Micah says, expanding his wings, filling the room with his holy presence. “I’m not supposed to intervene in demonic affairs.”

“Bullshit! You’re already intervening. Face it, Micah. Whatever this is—” I swirl my fingers around him. “It isn’t about the Higher Power. It isn’t even about Kase or Dante. It’s about you. You’re not doing any of this for anyone but yourself. It’s why you waited to help me. Instead of intervening before anything bad happened, you waited until you suffered too.”

Something shifts in his expression, and his wings droop. “Raven, I—”

“If you plan to apologize, don’t.” A new level of pain battles inside me. My soul weeps with my words. I’m angry, but I’m conflicted. I know I don’t say everything I do because it’s what I believe. Micah’s purity, his grace, I know these things influence him. But I have to say them. It’s what is required in my mission.

Because Micah’s right. He can’t save me.

I can only save myself.

It just hurts that it means I have to destroy him in the process.

“I want you to take me home, Micah,” I add, crossing my arms over my chest. “This is pointless.”

He tries to grab my hand, but I recoil. “Please. Let me—”

“Take me home!” I yell, spinning to find a door. The only way out of the room is through the crystal window, shining with rainbow light. “Give up on this self-proclaimed mission. You can’t save me, okay? It’s over. My life is over.”


Ignoring his pleas, I rush toward the window and crash through.

Light swallows me whole.

Chapter 14

Gift from the Devils


“LOOK WHAT THE bird-brain brought home.” A silhouette hovers over me, blocking out the yellow glow of the porchlight. “You owe me a fucking blowjob, Dante. I told you he wouldn’t be able to handle more than a couple hours with angel-girl.”

Dante groans, appearing next to Kase. “Damn it. She was pathetic enough that I thought for sure it’d be overnight.” Squatting beside me, Dante combs my messy hair from my forehead. “You’re fucking lucky I don’t mind sucking cock, Raven, or I’d be pissed that you didn’t even manage to seduce the angel.”

Gathering my strength, I swing my arm and punch him in the thigh. “You guys are fucking bastards. You weren’t even looking for me.”

“Because we knew where you were. Micah would’ve only taken you to his house. What did you expect us to do?” Kase’s voice lowers in annoyance. “You’re mad at the wrong guys.”