Dante moans at my touch. “Raven...”

I tug his cock free right in front of Kase. “It’s too irresistible not to play with, right?”

I keep digging myself deeper into this lust hole that I might get buried and never get out. Swiveling my torso, I glance over my shoulder at Kase. His eyes glow red, heavy with lust. I slowly continue my exploration of Dante as he flexes in my fingers. And then Dante kisses my bare shoulder, drawing my attention back to him.

I release a shuddering breath. “I think I’ve taken things too far,” I murmur, staring down at his cock in my hand. Did I really just say that out loud?

Dante groans. I guess I did. “See what you fucking did, Kase? I should kick your ass.”

“You should thank me,” Kase replies, chuckling in my ear. “Doesn’t she look so sexy with your cock in her hand? I’m the jealous one now.”

Dante leans in and kisses my throat. “Would look even better if you let me paint your nails. Get you all dolled up for me, pretty soul.”

Slowly releasing him, I slide out from between their two hot bodies and plop down on the edge of the bed. “This is why we shouldn’t take things too far, you guys. I can barely control myself. You’re both so damn attractive that I devour your attention, not even caring that you say weird ass shit or talk to me like I’m your play thing.”

“You can play with me all you want, angel-girl,” Kase says, twisting my hair in his fingers. “It’s more fun that way.”

I sigh. “You were right about my poor taste in men and terrible judgment. My ex was a serial killer for fuck’s sake and you ripped him apart as a gift to me.”

Kase scoots closer, tracing his fingers over the top of my hand. “You still need to thank me for that. Now’s a good time.”

I stand up and spin, shaking my head. “We’re never going to get anything done. We have a damn mission, and it doesn’t involve painting my nails for pretty hand jobs, fucking my face for your satanic jizz to get me high, or getting tied up to this bed naked.”

Shadowing my every move, he envelops me in a mixture of vanilla and spice, the heat of his body warming mine. He catches me by the waist. “Want to bet?”

Dante snatches my wrist and pulls me to him, making me stand between his legs. “I’d let you restrain me and sit on my face if I thought you wouldn’t leave after you cum to watch another three-day marathon of mortal trash TV. Haven’t you heard of moderation? Save that for Micah and his gluttony.”

His comment about Micah knocks all the lust right out of me. The fucking angel was peeping in the window, trying to apologize before I had fallen asleep. That’s the initial reason Dante and Kase left. They’re trying to figure things out.

I scrub my hands over my cheeks. “Why didn’t you start with the fact that you confirmed what will make Micah fall? Are you sure it’s gluttony?”

Dante’s jaw twitches, and he allows a few of his demonic scales to peek from his façade on his cheek. “Yes. He can’t stay away from you despite what it means for him. We watched him leave and come back over and over again, just watching you sleep.”

“He’s taking away from those who need him, and not only mortals, to obsess over your devil marked soul.” Kase straightens his back, clenching his fingers into fists. “That’s what we need to focus on to break him. He will do everything he can to save your soul to prove what a righteous asshole he is. How greedy he is to be in your light. And once you fuck him? It’ll be impossible for him to stop. He’ll want more and more. It’s perfect.”

“It’s insane,” I mutter. “Do you really think he’ll be a glutton forme?”

“And his mission to save you. That’s how we’ll get him. We’ll put him in a position he won’t be able to resist,” Dante says, his lips curving into a wicked grin, showing off his fangs.

“What if it doesn’t work?” Because really. It’s hard to believe that Micah’s downfall will be because of gluttony. I’ve only heard people called a glutton for two things—food and punishment—which I am neither. “What kind of position are you talking about? I went out in a sheet, and while it brought him out, he didn’t bother to stay.”

The two devils grin at each other, and then Kase says, “We’re going to put you at risk of dying and going to Hell.”

My eyes widen. “What? No. That’s a terrible idea. What if he doesn’t do whatever the fuck you think he will? I’m not going to risk failing and ending up in Hell.”

Dante stands up and looms over me. “Either way, you’ll be fine. You’ll be with us.”

“I’ll be dead,” I snap.

“It’ll be better than living and failing. If you die trying, at least Lucian can’t blame us.” Kase gets to his feet, joining Dante like they can intimidate me with their sheer sizes.

“You guys are fucked up.” I try to break away from them. “I’m not doing this.”

“Sorry, pretty soul. We’ve already decided. You don’t have a choice.” Dante touches my cheek. “Now don’t be afraid. You’re worrying for nothing. Micah will come through for you. He’s a savior, after all.”

Too bad I have one unholy as fuck soul.

Chapter 12