I groan. “Can we just start over? These last few months have been like Hell on Earth for me, and I’m sorry if I have trouble believing you’re any different than the assholes who want to ruin my eternity. You haven’t given me much to convince me otherwise.”

Hanging his monstrous head, he bows forward. “It’s too late to start over, angel-girl. We’ve wasted enough time.”

At least he doesn’t blame it all on me.

Pushing away the blip of fear squeezing my chest, I reach over and touch his leathery skin, tough yet smooth and hot like he’s just stepped out of a sauna. Kase lifts his chin, his eyes glowing red as they flicker over my face. Something dark spills over me, but it doesn’t feel as I’d expect—his darkness doesn’t scream evil. It radiates with mystery and intrigue and the dozens of answers to my questions hide somewhere in the shadows of his being.

My fingers travel up his sharp, protruding jaw until I reach the three horns on his head looking like a crown. He releases a groan as I lace my fingers around them, feeling the bone-hard density of his demonic features.

The world suddenly hazes around us with warm golden light until the room fades away, and Kase sits before me in his achingly handsome form—the same form he took on as an angel. He doesn’t look much different apart from his lack of tattoos and piercings, and instead of the burgundy depths of his irises now shine golden brown like the sun glows on a jar of honey. His face lights with a brilliant smile, and I return my own, unable to resist.

It’s in this moment I feel everything in his essence. I touch the light he’s long since lost and bathe myself in the shadows dancing over my soul. Without thinking about it, I lean forward and brush my lips to his, savoring the sweetness of his mouth. My soul merges with his being, shooting energy through every molecule on my body. I gasp and kiss him harder, sliding my tongue into his mouth and running my fingers over his soft hair and down his neck until I feel the knotted, puckered skin of two long scars. Scars where he once had brilliant white wings.

“My beautiful angel-girl,” he whispers, his voice swirling through my mind. “It’s hard for me to let your soul go.”

I hum in agreement. “Then don’t. You’re so—indescribable. I want to feel more.”

“I must let your soul go, Raven. My darkness will get to you if I don’t.” Easing away from me, Kase’s presence steals the warmth he brought to me, leaving me cold and shivering.

The light around us fades, and I blink my eyes, adjusting my vision to the dimness of the room. I expect to see Kase in his true form, but he sits before me as a man, light bruises covering his half-naked body that I just want to kiss and care for, showing him that his worry about his darkness affecting me are unwarranted.

Our eyes meet again, and I can’t stop from continuing where we left off in our moment of bonding souls, and I slide onto his lap and cup his face, kissing him deeper, more passionately, like I can somehow merge my soul with his again if I try hard enough.

Kase tightens his arms around me and pulls me higher onto the bed with him, matching my desperation for his affection with his own. Heat blooms between us, and I reach between us and stroke my hand over the hard length of his shaft pressing into his jeans. He moans and grabs at my shirt, yanking it over my head. His hand roams up my back until he finds the clasp on my bra and unhooks it, letting it fall between us.

Breaking away from my mouth, Kase kisses down my throat and I arch my back, silently showing him where I want his mouth to explore. Heat flicks over my nipple with his tongue, and I moan and stroke the bulge in his pants faster. He unbuttons his jeans for me, tugging them down until all he wears is a pair of boxer-briefs.

“I want to fuck you with my fingers,” he murmurs, kissing his way back to my mouth. “I want to feel what I do to you.”

Kase rolls me off of him and kneels between my legs. My heart pounds like crazy as he drinks in the sight of my bare breasts. I bite my lip between my teeth and nod, easing my hips up to let him tug my pants off. Red light glows in his eyes, and I squirm under his smoldering stare. I half-expect his tail to sneak from behind his back to rip my panties off, but it remains hidden, and he uses his fingers to pull off my lacy thong like he knows I’m still nervous about things I’ve never dealt with before.

Lying beside me, he kisses me again, slipping his tongue into my mouth, exploring me with hot sensuality that leaves me breathless. His warm hand slides over my thigh as he grazes his hand up and between my legs at a torturously slow pace. I can’t even remember the last time someone touched me like this and just the thought of him fingering me makes me wet in anticipation.

I ease my leg up, inviting him to do what he wants. Kase groans as he grazes his fingers over the soft folds of my body until he slides his finger inside me. Tingles burst between my legs, and I gasp in pleasure at the sensation of his warm finger fucking me how he said he wanted to. His thumb rubs over my clit in circles, the pressure making my legs shake. I haven’t felt so wanted in a long time like I do now. Kase draws his finger in and out of me like my pleasure is all that is important to him in this moment. Instead of taking, he gives me the attention I had no idea I’ve been starved of, and I kiss him like he’s all I need to survive.

“You’re so perfect, Raven,” he whispers between kisses. “You have no idea of all the things I want to do to you. You love my fingers, don’t you?”

“Mmmhmm,” I say in agreement.

He combs his fingers through my hair, locking me in his gaze, increasing the pressure with another finger. “Just wait until you’re brave enough to ride my horns. Get fucked by my tail. Only after that will I fuck you with my cock.”

The only noise that escapes my mouth is another moan, my body suddenly not caring how he fucks me and only that he does. My mind on the other hand, well, shit. It’s screaming to let go of my mortal hesitation and to give into the dark allure of one of the kings of Hell.

“You want that, don’t you, angel-girl?” he asks, pulling me in to kiss him again. “To get fucked by me anyway I please over and over. You crave it.”

I moan, my whole body buzzing as Kase brings me to my peak. I reach out and grab onto him as I scream in pleasure, the intensity of my orgasm shaking me to my core. He hums under his breath, continuing to stroke his thumb over my clit as my muscles pulse, refusing to let me go. It’s like he ignited a bomb inside me and wants to enjoy the destruction for as long as he can until I can’t take it anymore.

I grab his hand, slowing him down so I can finally breathe. My chest heaves and Kase caresses his lips to mine like he wants to ensure I will never get enough air again. And I don’t even care. I’ll suffocate if it means his lips never stop exploring mine. I’ll burn under his touch as long as it means I’ll never be cold from his absence. As for my soul? He already has it, so I might as well enjoy every delicious thing he has to offer. If I’m going to Hell, I’m going to embrace the darkness rising inside me. Because for once, I see things clearly. I’ve adjusted to the shadows unlike with the light. Staring into the light will always leave me blind. It’ll leave me weak.

I’m ready to be strong.

Kase traces my jawline, drawing my attention to him. “I’ll never get enough of you.”

“You never have to,” I say, smiling. “I’ll make sure of it—”

A door slams, dragging my attention away from Kase. It’s now that I realize the door to his room is wide open and Dante saw us like this. Sighing, Kase sits up and adjusts his still hard cock in his pants.

He touches my cheek. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to talk to him.”