

I’M GOING TO kill him. I will cut off Micah’s wings and eat them for being the fucker I knew he could be. What makes it worse is that Raven sought him first. She called to him, which means she still resists the place she belongs by my side. Her resistance pushed me forward, igniting a burning need inside me that yearns to prove to her that everything she knows of the universe is wrong.

At least Micah’s rejection might’ve helped. The fucking idiot, completely lost in the light that blinds him. Just the thought of him touching Raven enrages me even more. It is my job to help finish what the brethren and I started so long ago. I know this. I thought I’d be okay with our mission and helping Raven seduce the angelic traitor, but I want to keep her far away. Lock her up so he will never be graced with her presence again.

“Kase,” Raven murmurs, her voice breathy and sexy as fuck. Hearing my name on her lips is hotter than I could’ve ever imagined. I want to hear her scream it. “Kase, come on.”

I ignore her, focusing on the world in front of us. It’s all I can do to control the intense need inside me that wants to capture Micah and fuck Raven in front of him to show him that he’ll never have her, especially knowing the soft sensation of her lips against mine.

If she didn’t release the sexiest groan I’ve ever heard, I’d drop her on the porch and play a game of hunt the bird-brain bastard.

“You know I can walk, right?” Raven asks, smacking her hands to my back. “You’re giving me a head rush like this. The angel is gone. You can stop flaunting your psychotic persona.”

“Persona? Hardly, angel-girl. And no. Your naughty ass is staying right where I can smack it until we’re inside. I will not risk the chance that Micah might be following us to steal you from me. It’s already taking every ounce of my willpower not to tear the fucker in half.” I consider proving my point by spanking her as she lies over my shoulder.

She squirms, trying to get down, but all it does is make me adjust my hand to squeeze her thigh. “Why? Are you mad that I’m capable of doing shit on my own? That yours and Dante’s flimsy plan will fail?”

“Mad? Fuck no. You’d know if I was mad. You’d feel my wrath burn through you. I’m annoyed as fuck. You betrayed me, Raven, calling Micah out on your own. What were you planning to do? Beg him for mercy?” Heat burns in my palms, replaying the thoughts in my head. “I told you praying to the Higher Power was useless. If anything, you should fucking beg me for forgiveness.”

Raven wiggles on my shoulder and huffs a breath. “Your forgiveness? Yeah, sure. Forgive me, you psycho bastard, for I have realized your true desire and don’t trust you.”

Damn, she sounds so hot all worked up.

“I was trying to get him to show himself, so I could make him fall. I don’t think you’re really down for helping me with this fucking task,” she snaps.

I growl loud enough that I know she feels the vibration against her perfectly curved hip. She clenches her tight ass, squeezing her legs together. My cock hardens, her reaction eliciting the thought of her riding my fucking horns while I growl against her clit until she squirts on my face.

Fuck. I want that. My balls ache with desire, and it pisses me off.

“You are full of shit, angel-girl,” I mutter, turning my head so she can feel the heat of my words on her leg. “You can’t lie to me.”

Flipping her off my shoulder, I set her in front of me and get her to walk by slapping her ass. She startles, but not in fear. One look into her wide blue eyes as she peeks at me from over her shoulder tells me exactly what’s on her mind. She wants me to do it again. She loved it.

“I’m not lying.” She stops in her tracks and turns to face me. Like she can’t resist herself, she steps into my space and grazes her fingers against my palm, testing to see if I’ll allow her to slide her fingers through mine. I do. “I know you would be okay either way. You want my soul forever. It wouldn’t bother you if I failed. Admit it.”

I smirk, turning my gaze to her pouty lips as she rubs them together. Fuck, I want to kiss her again. If I didn’t know she was trying to use my lust against me, I would. “That’s not what I was talking about,” I say instead of telling her that of course I want her soul forever. I want more than just her soul. I want all of her. “You didn’t pray to get him to reveal himself. You begged for help. He wouldn’t have shown up to deny you otherwise.”

She frowns, proving me right. Narrowing her eyes, she yanks her hand from mine and crosses her arms. “It was instinctual. I was being attacked by a demon.”

I tighten my jaw. “I guess I’ll have to remedy that.”

I uncurl my tail from its hiding place camouflaged with my lower back and snake it around her, tying her legs together. She yelps in surprise and stumbles. Catching her, I lift her into my arms and graze her cheek with my tail, nearly moaning at the sensation of her soft skin.

She snatches my tail and squeezes her hand around it. “Can you put this thing away? It’s weird.”

“No,” I mutter, tugging free from her hand despite how fucking amazing it feels. I can imagine her fingers locked around my cock just the same. “I plan to use it to tie you up. I wasn’t joking about punishing you. I never, and I meannever, want you to ask for divine intervention again. You will only call to me or Dante, understand? We are your soul keepers. You need to trust us. I don’t think this is a game, nor would I give up power just to control your soul.”

Her frown deepens with my words. “Okay.”

Is that disappointment in her voice? Fuck yeah it is. And I can’t stop the smile breaking across my face. She wants me to want her and she dislikes that I won’t give up the mission just for her, even though it’s not what she truly desires.

“Don’t sound so sad, angel-girl. I’ll have you regardless. You’re mine, remember? I’d just rather you be my queen instead of my servant.” The look she gives me sends a burst of energy through me, and I pick up my pace and stride the rest of the way to the apartment.

Her blue-green eyes stare off into space as she thinks about what I’ve said, and I wish I could listen to what’s swirling through her mind. She’s conflicted, but not over the fact that I just told her the reason I want to complete our mission. It’s something else.

I open my mouth to ask her, but Dante flings the door to the apartment open. It breaks Raven from her thoughts, and her eyes glass over like she feels bad for her behavior. It gets under my skin. It’s not the same as when I found her and she regretted breaking the rules because she put herself in danger and failed whatever she had planned to accomplish. No, it’s far from that.