I lose my shit.

What the fuck kind of angel just casts me aside and writes me off as a heathen because I discovered there was Heaven and Hell after not believing and was terrified of eternal punishment at the hands of demons? Anger rushes through me at his accusations, and I slam my back hard enough into his legs to send him reeling. It’s like the strength of my deal with Lucian gives me power unlike anything I’ve had before, and now that I once again face a shitty fate, I can access it.

I roll out of the way and push myself to my feet. “You righteous bastard! I’m begging you for help, so I don’t have to go through with the task I’m bound to. Maybe if you or whoever else is supposed to be some sort of savior would have, oh, I don’t know, given me proper divine intervention when I needed it most, then maybe I wouldn’t have agreed to this deal. I’m not selfish. I’m human. If I were truly the heathen you claim me to be, I wouldn’t be pleading for your mercy.”

I heave a few breaths and clench my fingers into fists. The angel, one who is more evil than Kase and Dante could ever be, stares at me with unblinking eyes. I shift under his scrutiny, feeling his gaze penetrate me on a soul-deep level, and it leaves me wanting more and more space between us.

I step back, listening to my instincts. I have no idea how I’m going to get out of this mess. I either have to run and hope he lets me go, fight and face the fact that I’m no match for a warrior of the Almighty, or I have five seconds to try to make him fall.

Shuffling back, I grab the hem of my shirt and yank it up, flashing him my boobs. And fuck. It doesn’t work. The pure bastard doesn’t even glance at my naked breasts as he strides closer. I screech and try to get out of his reach, but I’m not fast enough. My back hits against something solid, and the angel scowls, baring his teeth, his handsome features turning dangerous.

A strong, hairy arm grabs me from behind, and the frozen demon comes to life, launching itself at the angel. Bending his knees, the angel launches in the air and takes flight. My eyes burn at the brightness of his form ascending into the purpling sky of twilight, and I squint, peering at him through my lashes. I’m afraid he’ll come nosediving at me, sword pointed, and dead-set on sending my soul to Hell.

But the angel disappears.

The hairy arms don’t though, and the demon tightens his hold on me from behind. Growling under his breath, the demon blows strands of my hair from my throat. His disgusting breath permeates the air, twisting my stomach. It smells like death and far from Kase and Dante’s irresistible fragrances.

“Lucian’s going to be pissed that your soul keepers let you out of their sight. That bastard angel almost ruined everything.” His grumbly voice vibrates across my back. “You can tell Lucian I saved you. If you do that, I won’t kill you myself. You can be my filthy soul. Wouldn’t you like that? Not being shared?”

I stiffen at his attempt to manipulate me. This fucker is out of his demented mind if he thinks I’m going to just give in to his ultimatum. I’ve already been pushed around enough and forced into shitty deals. But even my deal now is better than the one he tries to offer. If I agree, I’ll lose what little of a fighting chance I have.

“You want me to give you my soul in exchange to live? But also for you to keep my soul for eternity? Are you fucking kidding me? No. I’d rather die and end up with—”

The demon screeches, startling the words out of me. The intense sound of his wail pierces my ear, and I wince in pain. He shoves me away from him. Stumbling, I land on my hands, scraping my palms on the gritty asphalt. Shadows crowd my vision as I try to look around. Soft light emanates from a yellow lamppost overhead. I would’ve thought onlookers might be watching this freak show go down, but it’s eerily empty.

And then a familiar beast roars.

I catch sight of the blood red, feline-like beast lashing its long black tail at the demon man, slashing his skin. Smoke wafts from the hairy demon as he tries to dodge out of the way. Instead of fighting, the demon looks like he’s trying to run.

“Please, my liege, I saved the soul. She’s alive because of me. Don’t hurt me.” The demon turns toward me, flashing his gross teeth. “Tell him. The angel was trying to send you to Hell.”

Fury rushes through me. I don’t know where I find the nerve, but I suck up my trepidation over getting within feet of the same beast that sent Joel to Hell. The same beast that was in Kase and Dante’s apartment when they summoned Lucian...shit. Is that—

The monstrous demonic beast rises onto two legs and whips its tail around the demon’s ankles, flipping it upside down. “Raven will not lie on your behalf.”

Oh shit. I recognize the voice despite its throaty, guttural growl. I thought the beast might’ve been Lucian in another form than the one I saw, but it’s Kase. This is his true demonic form. The guys don’t summon some Hell beast to do their bidding. They take care of things themselves. I don’t know why I didn’t consider it.

“She would be lying if she didn’t tell you the truth!” the demonic man screeches, thrashing in an attempt to break free. “You can’t trust a mortal. You know this.”

While recognizing Kase in this form threw me off, this bastard demon drags me right back on my mission to...I don’t know. I’m not a good fighter and definitely not great at facing gross creatures. But damn it. I won’t allow him to speak against me.

“Oh, shut the fuck up, you asshole! You couldn’t even stop the righteous shithead if you wanted to. Your godforsaken bastard self was frozen in time or some shit. I’m the one who saved you—by accident. You were the one who crashed my car. You wanted to use me against my demons in an attempt to bow before Lucian and suck his cock, hoping you get the piece of Hell you’d never deserve.” I fist my hands and meet the demon’s scowling face straight on as he dangles in front of me. Swinging my arm, I punch him in the side of the head.

“Gotta do it harder than that, angel-girl,” Kase says, whipping the demon back and forth before slamming him to the ground. Dragging him up again with his tail, Kase bobs him in front of me like a monster in a trap. “Show me what you got. Teach this asshole where his place is.”

Kase’s words of encouragement ignite something dark inside me, and I step back and glance around the ground. I spot a piece of sharp metal debris from the wreck and scoop it up. The demon roars, watching me from upside down, hanging like the perfect evil piñata, waiting to have his insides spilled.

Grinding my teeth, I yell out as I rush the demon. Darkness laces around me, squeezing my chest and possessing my body until it consumes me. The world slows and my movements feel as if I fight through jelly until I watch myself from another pair of eyes. Light and shadows blend and merge around me as my figure rushes forward and jams the metal fragment into the demon’s stomach and drags it down to his chest.

A shockwave of energy zaps through me, jolting me back into my body as hot liquid spills over me. The ground shakes and cracks, and I shriek and scramble away as pieces of the demon dissolve into a molten pit of fire. Kase’s beast roars and whips the demon around, sending his insides raining through the air. I cover my face and heave a few breaths.

A loud screech echoes through the dusky world, and I peek through my fingers as Kase slams the demon into the pit and it closes up as if the burning fire never existed at all. He stretches his enormous form and gathers fire into his clawed fingers, igniting himself ablaze. My eyes widen, watching the red flames engulf him. My heart pounds in my ears, my body humming.

Kase’s demonic beast form burns away, leaving him behind as his breathtakingly sexy self. His chest heaves with his deep breaths, and he curls and uncurls his fingers. Red light glows in his eyes, and he jerks his attention in my direction. Trembles shudder through me, and I hug myself, trying to suppress the fear rattling my soul. I take an automatic step back.

Kase hesitates, tilting his head to the side. “What’s the matter, angel-girl? You afraid of me?”

I blink a few times. A strange glowing light shines in the distance behind him, and I realize it’s not Kase setting off my panic. I spot the righteous evil angel peeping at us like a damn creeper.