Gripping my steering wheel, I brace for one of them to pop up from my backseat, because my life has turned into a horror movie and such scares seem possible. It takes driving two blocks for my body to start relaxing. In another three blocks, I flick on my stereo.

“You got this, Raven,” I say to myself, peeking into the rearview mirror at the sun setting behind me. “This is your eternity. Don’t let anyone try to fuck it up. You deserve—”

Bright lights flash through my side window.

I don’t even have a chance to scream before a truck collides into me.

Chapter 7

Evil Angel


I CLUTCH ONTO my steering wheel, spinning out of control until I crash into the traffic signal pole. Fuck. So while demons didn’t pop up in my backseat, I should’ve considered an unexpected car crash to be the second thing on my-life-is-a-horror-movie checklist.

Groaning, I smack my hand to my steering wheel and scream in frustration. My airbag didn’t go off, which means this could’ve been a lot worse. It would’ve been nice had this small miracle been me escaping instead of wasting precious time.

A tap sounds on the window. “Hey, bitch. Get the fuck out of the car. You wrecked my truck.”

Bitch? Get out? I wreckedhistruck? What the actual fuck?

I turn my head, my chest aching from my hitting the seatbelt. “What happened to, ‘hey, are you okay?’”

The second our eyes meet, I know something is wrong. The man yanks my car door open and grabs my wrist, attempting to drag me out. My seatbelt keeps me in place. Grabbing my bag from the seat, I swing it at the guy’s head. He hollers in anger and bends closer. I punch and hit his head, trying to get him away, but he unlatches my seatbelt and drags me from the car.

“Help!” I scream, locking my hands around the guy’s wrists, jabbing my nails into his skin as hard as I can. “Help!”

“Shut up, filthy soul! No one will come for—”

Bright light explodes from above us, and the man freezes mid-sentence. His silhouette morphs before my eyes, and he transforms into a hideous humanoid creature with blood-red antlers, black fur from head-to-toe, and a mouth full of jagged brown teeth. I screech and yank away from him, but he doesn’t move. He remains frozen in place in his demonic body.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” I scramble farther back until my back hits...some seriously muscular legs.

Tipping my head back, I peer up at the silhouette haloed in blinding sunlight—no, not sunlight. The sun is just a sliver in the distance. Whatever this light is comes from nowhere and everywhere, and it stings the hell out of my eyes. Tears roll down my cheeks, and I rapidly blink, trying to clear my vision to focus on the being preventing me from moving.

“Don’t hurt me,” I whisper, my voice hoarse with my burning throat. “Please.” God, help me. I didn’t go through all this just to die. If I die, my soul will automatically go to the devils, and as strangely attracted as I am to their psycho asses, I don’t want to be at their mercy forever. I barely know them. They could be messing with me until I fail. Then, their horns will truly show.

“Heathen prayers don’t get answered.” A smooth, baritone voice hums through the air above me. “If you want another deal, you’ll have to ask your soul keepers.”

My eyes widen as glorious bright white wings unfurl and stir a cool breeze through my bath-damp hair. The wings shade the glow emanating from the angel enough for me to catch sight of his achingly perfect features. I mean, talk about the epitome of tall, dark, buff, and handsome beyond this world. And this angel isn’t a cherub—no white diaper or billowing white robe like I’ve seen in paintings and depicted in stained-glass windows. This man is a sex dream come to life. I already feel heat building between my legs, but a part of me knows that there isn’t going to be any magical climax. I’ll just wake up panting, in need of serious sexual relief, and with a case of lady blue bean.

Thick lashes rim the angel’s gold eyes—and not brown-gold. His irises look metallic and shimmery—the perfect complement to his smooth, flawless complexion. I blink in awe, unable to form coherent thoughts. My mind registers what the angel says, but my body and soul refuse to accept hearing anything at all.

And honestly, if I didn’t know deep inside me how pure and good this man was, I’d think he was a devil in disguise.

Especially seeing him raise a flaming sword into the air.

Holy shit.

Raising my hands protectively, I brace to get sliced in two under the burning grace of his angelic weapon. “Wait, please! Please, don’t! I’m begging you. Don’t kill me. I was hoping to find you. I need help. I was manipulated into making a deal with Lucian and—”

“Call him by his true name!” the angel hollers, his voice echoing through the air. “The betrayer must be recognized.”

I cringe and try to scoot forward out of his looming shadow, but the angel slams the tip of the sword into the concrete right between my legs. If I had a dick, I’d be sweating in fear. Shoving myself back and harder into the angel’s legs, I try to escape the heat of the sword. I thought Kase and Dante radiated heat—fuck, the hellfire used to transport Lucian into their apartment was scorching—but neither of those fiery temperatures compare to the burning flames licking across the surface of this sword.

“I never wanted to be in this position,” I whisper, my voice struggling to escape my dry tongue. “I don’t want to have a deal with Lucifer, but he manipulated me into it. He was going to put me in a position that would send me to Hell regardless. I was trying to save myself from a worse torment.”

“Those worthy of help wouldn’t turn their backs on the Higher Power and the good in the world to save themselves. Your selfishness and lack of regard for the greater good would have sent you to Hell, not Lucifer. Not the demons. Not even Joel’s pitiful existence. You made your choices and now must live the rest of eternity with the consequences.” The angel jerks his sword from the concrete and holds it above me.