“You’re not even curious?” he prods, playing with the button of his jeans.

I whack him in the shoulder. “Just stop and give me some space. I feel hungover, and the last thing I want is for the two of you to show off your demon dicks.”

“Maybe you should show her your tail. It might be less intimidating,” Dante says, amusement lightening his voice.

He strolls closer with the towel now slung across his hips, though it does nothing to stop my wandering gaze from focusing on the bulge of his groin. I can’t get over how huge he is. I know the vagina stretches, but really. I wonder if it could ever go all in. He’s also attractive beyond comprehension. My mind turns to mush the closer he gets, and once again, I can’t stop thinking about how I was fully prepared to suck him off in exchange for my freedom. I mean, what’s a little sore throat? Desperate times.

“Would you like that?” Kase asks, sitting on the edge of the couch. “I’ll let you touch my tail if you want. It won’t whip you unless you’re a bad girl.”

Acting as if my feet aren’t even on the cushion, Dante plops down at the end, forcing me to move my legs or get them crushed by his solid, muscular frame. “Don’t fall for that. He likes it as much as getting his cock stroked.”

Seriously? How do I respond? They’re both loving this too much. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you two act as if you’re desperate for sex. Probably because you send women running in terror.”

“Hardly, but you don’t have to worry about that.” Kase sucks in his bottom lip and smiles. “You will have no competition with other souls. I like yours too much. I’d hate to see you get jealous and try to deny us all pleasure.”

Okay, I can’t deal with them. Maybe the Higher Power will take pity on me now.

“God? Can you hear me? Smite them or something so I can go back to sleep. I don’t know how to make it clear that I don’t want their sex.” Throwing myself back on the couch, I rub the heels of my hands into my eyes. What started off as an absolute nightmare now feels like a crazy drug-high, and I’m seriously tripping.

Nudging me over, Kase lies beside me and rests his head against my shoulder. His closeness awakens something wildly dark and delicious inside me like my soul wants to escape my body to merge with his. I shiver, the thought making me cross my legs. What is up with me? Hell. Of course it’s Hell. It has to be Lucian’s brand making it easier for me to look past their evil incarnate natures and focus on their sex appeal.

“Aw, come on, angel-girl. You’ve been asleep for what feels like fifty years. We have shit to do before Lucian comes back.” Kase points at the ceiling, tracing his finger in the air in some invisible pattern. “Five feather-heads to break, one bastard human to send to Hell, and hours and hours of getting acquainted. It’s important to know each other on every level. It’ll make it easier in the long run. You seem so stressed, and I have a cure for that. How about I show you that I’m not some demonic piece of shit and rub your clit for you until you cum? You’ll feel better. I won’t even make you pay me back later.”

I groan and shift toward the back of the couch, hiding my face in the cushions. “I can do that myself, thanks.” Maybe if I ignore them, they’ll go away.

“Then I’ll give you something to fantasize about to help out,” Dante says from the end of the couch. The bastard reaches over, snatches the cushions, and tosses the pillows onto the floor. Taking their place, he squishes me between his and Kase’s chests. “We’re a team now. Might as well try some icebreakers. Get you into shape to boldly seduce a savior. Those fuckers won’t make the first move.”

“So having sex with an angel will make them fall?” I purse my lips, the heat of their bodies warming me up. I can’t believe I’m the meat in this demonic sandwich. If my parents previously disapproved of my life choices—fuck. They’ll shun me for eternity.

“Not exactly, angel-girl, but why not have fun when changing their purpose? It won’t do anything but help.” Kase stretches up to whisper in my ear. “It’s easier to start with something...addicting. At least two out of the five of them won’t be able to resist coming back to you for more.”

Shit. “Why is that?”

“Because of the sins they’ll embody. Lust and gluttony won’t ever get enough of you, especially with how brightly that broken soul of yours shines, even marked by Lucian.” Dante grabs my hand, caressing his fingers over my palm.

I can’t bring myself to pull my hand away, the light feathery touch of his finger stirring something exciting inside me. Like he knows, he turns his gaze from my palm and meets my eyes. His emerald irises sparkle in the light, drawing my attention to his oddly-shaped diamond pupils.

I swallow and nod as if his words even make sense. Sins? Gluttony and lust? As far as I know, those are cardinal sins—two of the supposed seven deadliest ones around. What that means in relation to the angels? I have no idea. I’m afraid if I ask, my head might explode or something. It throbs enough as it is. So instead, I focus on something simple. “This is a lot to process, and you two make it hard to think. I have only slept with three men in my life, and now you want me to bang five? How soon?”

“Yesterday would’ve been best. But I was actually thinking you’d bang six men,” Dante says, smirking.

“He means seven,” Kase adds, caressing my shoulder. “You should be fair, Purgatory. Give everyone, including us, what they deserve. Fuck, we can even bond in one go. Think of it as a team building exercise.”

Oh, my fuck. He did not just suggest what I think he did. “You make this sound like a job.”

Dante wags his eyebrows. “Because it is, Raven. Think of this as a perk. The ultimate payday. We can bang and make sure your pussy is nice and ready for a trip to paradise.”

“After that, we’ll fuck up the bastard in apartment thirteen. Give you the justice included in your bargain with Lucian.” Kase aligns his hips with my ass, pressing his hard bulge into me. The excitement in his voice over his twisted words should freak me out, but I struggle to feel anything except the heat and hardness of their bodies. I’ve never had two hot guys give me this much attention in my life. “We’ll make him suffer.”

“Then come back here for some more fucking to celebrate. What do you say?” Dante licks his lips with a hiss, a spark of fire lighting in his eyes as he searches my gaze. “Lucian shouldn’t be the only one getting to savor that light of yours. We’ll be doing all the work since he can’t cross the planes.”

My mind shuts off, ignoring everything after his idea of returning here after punishing Joel. “I don’t know. Your cocks are so huge that I think I might pass. You look better equipped for pain and punishment and not pleasure.”

“Thinking you might pass still leaves room for possibility. Don’t assume anything until you give it a go. Have you been denied foreplay? Never get to ride someone’s face? Play with toys? Slip and slide with lube? Foreplay is the best part, pretty soul.” Dante rests his hand on my hip, lightly drawing circles over my side.

Kase groans under his breath. “With enough workup, you can take anything. We can start nice and slow. How does that sound?”

I realize now how thrilling the idea of being adventurous and trying new things truly is for me. Their assessment of me was right. Joel was a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am sort of lover, and he never cared whether or not I orgasmed. Apparently it was my fault if I took too long to cum.