“I don’t even know what that means,” I say, frowning.

“It means my brethren won’t be the first angels you’ve ever made fall.” Lucian rubs his lips together. “If you want to know more, you must agree to my deal.”

“So help you make your brethren fall and you’ll ensure I don’t suffer for eternity?” This is so hard to wrap my mind around. I didn’t even truly believe angels existed. Or demons—devils, whatever. I didn’t need the threat of Hell to be a good person. But now? Damn. What he asks feels so utterly wrong, corrupting the supposed purest entities in existence...I think.

“Yes,” he says, remaining expressionless, his only reaction being the spark lighting up the onyx depths of his eyes. “You will control Purgatory and distribute souls accordingly. When our plan is completed, the Higher Power won’t see any soul first. They will all come to you.”

Fuck. What happened to resting in peace? The idea of Purgatory sounds like a lot of work. It still doesn’t sound like an eternity I’d want either, but what choice do I have? At least agreeing means that I hopefully won’t suffer, which I certainly will if I refuse. Because Dante’s right. Lucian will get what he wants regardless. “Fine. I will do as you want, but when I’m done, I’m done. No more. You’ll let me live out my human life and leave me alone. If I’m damned regardless, then I’ll be damned on my terms.”

A smile stretches across his lips. “If you succeed.”

I blink. “And if I don’t?”

“You will spend eternity serving two devils who desire you,” he says, petting my hair. “So don’t fail. They will surely rip your soul apart.”

Lucian snatches my hand and presses his palm to mine. Pain explodes over my skin, and his beautifully handsome façade cracks and reveals his monstrous form. He releases me and summons fire, turning the temperature hotter in this weird in-between realm. I squeeze my eyes shut, expecting for the fire to consume me.

Gasping, I open my eyes, lying on my side in the middle of the living room of Dante and Kase’s apartment. The ring of fire snuffs out, leaving behind a circle of soot and nothing else to indicate Lucian was ever here, yet his presence still lingers.

I press my palms to the ground and wince. Jerking my right hand up, I inspect my palm. My skin glows red with a branding that marks my flesh with a pentagram. The heat grows more intense, crawling up my arm to devour every inch of my skin. I scream out, my body trembling.

But then the heat fades.

So does the light glowing within the branding of my palm.

Lucian’s presence abandons me, taking my breath with him.

I lose myself to his lingering darkness.


“All right, angel-girl. Get your ass up. We can’t wait any longer. You’re not allowed to be the sadist and torture us like this.” Kase’s vanilla-vetiver scent wafts over me, dragging me from utter darkness.

I snap my eyes open to see him an inch from my face. Ramming my hands against his taut pecs, I shove him away. “Shit! Haven’t you heard of personal space?”

“There she is. Fucking finally.” Dante’s deep tenor voice grumbles from across the room. “What about personal space, pretty soul? We live together now. There’s no such thing. Get used to it.”

“That’s what you think...” My voice trails off as I turn my attention to him.

Unholy Hell.

I slap my hands over my eyes and shield my eyes from Dante’s well-endowed cock. He stands naked in the hallway, drying off with a towel. He was right about being bigger than Lucian. Inhaling slow breaths, I focus on controlling my out-of-control body. It enjoys the sight of Dante way more than it should. He’s so attractive and muscular, tatted, rugged, and tall. Everything I love about a man.

Kase shakes me again, bending over. His warm breath tickles the backs of my hands. “Come on, angel-girl. You need to get used to this. We’re in it for the long haul with you. Don’t be shy. There isn’t anything wrong with appreciating that sexy beast. He wants you to look.”

“I don’t want either of you to get any ideas, so no. I’m not looking even if that’s what he wants,” I mumble against my hands.

Locking his hands around my wrists, Kase pries my hands away from my face. “I don’t understand why mortals are so modest. This realm would be a lot more fun if everyone just stripped and partied naked. Which is rule number one in our apartment, so get used to it.”

In the light of day trickling in through the blinds of the front window, I notice the burgundy depths of his eyes. They’re not dark brown as I expected, but an unearthly color. Thick lashes cast shadows on his sharp cheeks, and he graces me with a smile, showing off his perfectly straight, white teeth. I break my gaze and flick my attention to his bare chest and the intricately detailed collection of skulls tattooed on his side.

Thank fucking hell he wears pants.

“You like what you see, don’t you?” he asks, his voice soft and seductive like he knows if he murmurs the words, I’ll have to lean closer to hear them. “I can show you more.”

Fuck. Me. I want him to. I really, and I mean really, do. But he looks cocky and ready to tease me.

I thrash my head, sending my hair sweeping around me. “That’s not necessary.”