I turned to him with a smile, “See? Mom’s home. I’ll be ok.”

He glanced at me skeptically, “Call or text if you need me.”

“I will.”

He hugged me so tight I thought he wasn’t going to let go but then he walked away, his hands shoved deep in the front pockets of his jeans, with his head bent forward and gaze lowered to the ground. He kicked a rock and turned in my direction at the last second. His eyes betrayed their worry. I waved and smiled, opening the front door.

Both my mother and Charles were sitting in the living room on the couch, side by side. Charles looked beyond angry while my mother only looked curious. Was this an intervention?

“Hi Mom,” I walked up and planted a kiss on her cheek. “How was work?”

She smiled, “Fine. How was your day?”

Uh oh. The mom voice. I was in trouble for something, “Good, I hung out with Pete most of the day. I didn’t want to stay at that career fair. No point.” I informed her.

I sat down opposite them and smiled at Step-Vader. He seemed to seethe in anger. I guess my extra comment about staying with Peter all day upset him. A small smirk lifted the corners of my lips.

Served him right for being such an ass.

“Then you didn’t skip a full day of classes?” Mom asked.

Well, crap. I did. Sort of, “not like you think Mom. There was nothing going on but the career fair. I had nothing to miss,” I assured her.

She frowned.

“Rae, I expect you to attend classes when you have school, not skip them on a whim,” she admonished, and Charles smiled at her comment. “But I agree and see nothing wrong with missing today. Next time let me know so I don’t worry?”

Ha, like she worried last night? Like she noticed I wasn’t in bed all night? That I never returned home?

Charles looked ready to blow a gasket, “And why were you gone all night last night? Where were you and who were you with? That Peter boy? Is something going on between the two of you?”

My mouth dropped open in shock.

“I hope you aren’t insinuating anything improper between my daughter and her best friend.”

Mom’s angry tone surprised me. Was she actually sticking up for me?

“I did nothing wrong,” I answered between clenched teeth. How dare he? Jerk!

“I’m just looking out for you Rae. Someone has to with your mother working so much. I try to keep her from worrying needlessly,” he smiled at my mother like she was the most important person in the world. If only that were true.

“Oh, Charles,” she replied sweetly. “Thank you very much.”

I rolled my eyes. He was so fake it made my stomach feel nauseous, “I’m tired. Can I go to bed?”

Mom nodded and dismissed me, but not before I saw the glare Vader sent in my direction. I kissed her on the cheek and ran up the stairs to my room closing the door behind me, the lock sliding home with a loud click. I leaned against it. In frustration, I sma

cked the wood with my palm.

“What has you so upset baby?”

I jumped a mile and nearly screeched at Peter, “You scared me half to death!”

“Sorry,” he chuckled. “I couldn’t leave you. I was too worried.”

“If Charles finds you in here, he’s going to kill us both,” I warned.

He shrugged, “I don’t care. You need protection. Your mother does nothing to stop his behavior.”