“I have to shampoo my hair or something.”

Half the room erupted in laughter. Great, we had an audience.

“I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll pick you up at seven so we can go for pizza first.”

He leaned closer as the bell rang, not budging. Kids jumped up from their seats, but the two of us remained, his body pressing nearer to mine. “Think about it. I promise you won’t regret it.”

As our eyes locked on one another the rest of the class gathered their books and bags, leaving the room as quickly as possible.

We were alone now, even the teacher had left for lunch.

I sighed, “Peter.”

He pulled me up, placed his hands softly on my cheeks, and lowered his lips to mine. I was so shocked I didn’t move. Did he just kiss me?

“Rae,” he leaned back, “you’re the only girl for me.”

I met his eyes, unable to look away, “Why?”

He smiled, “You know why.”

I shook my head. What was happening? I loathed him. Right?

He grinned, like a damn fool, “Maybe I should kiss you again. It makes you speechless . . .”

I arched an eyebrow, pushing against his chest, but he remained in place, holding me in his strong arms. “Peter . . . please,” I whispered.

His head lowered until his mouth was hovering above mine, “Stop fighting me, Rae. Don’t you tire of the same old games?”

Huh. That was profound, even for him. And the answer was yes. I nodded.

“Then give in, just once. Say you’ll come with me Friday.”

“Ok,” I acquiesced. “One chance. Don’t screw it up.”

He laughed and squeezed me in a tight hug, “I won’t. But be careful Rae.” At my confusion he grinned, “You might fall in love with me.”

Good God. He was ridiculous. See my point?

“Peter!” I shouted, punching him playfully on the arm. “You –”

I never uttered another word. He kissed me again and left, winking before he turned the corner.

“Rae! Hey Rae, where are you?”

My best friend Hayley was calling to me from the hallway, her voice echoing in the now empty concrete hall. I grabbed my backpack and headed toward the sound of her voice, completely baffled by Peter’s sudden change in behavior. We had been at odds the entire school year. Not a single day went by without him teasing and my sarcastic remarks. Was that what he liked? I shook my head. Silly boy.

“What’s up Rae? You seem a little distracted.”

“Sorry Hay,” I took a deep breath and tried to process the last few minutes. “Peter just asked me out and . . . he kissed me.”

Her eyes widened, “He kissed you?”

I nodded.

She squealed like a little pot belly pig, “How did the kiss feel? Did you like it? Do you like him?”

“Wait a sec,” I giggled, raising my hands. “It was soft and sweet. And I’m actually totally disgusted by him, at least I thought I was until five minutes ago. I have no idea now.”