I clung to him and the firm resolve in his voice, both terrified and thrilled, certain we were headed on a collision course for disaster. Fate had already intervened, and now there was nothing to do but play our part. I hoped we were still left standing, together, when the last act ended and the curtain closed.

The motorcycles outside revved their engines as bright lights penetrated our foyer. It was a show of force, of power and authority. A warning, the Outlaws would come. Soon.

Pete held me in his arms, tightening his embrace, “don’t be afraid my Rae. I’ll neve

r let anything harm you.”

“I know,” I whispered, and I knew he would do whatever it took to keep me safe . . .

Which was precisely what I was afraid of.

IN THE WEE HOURS OF early morning I dressed and grabbed all of the bags, setting them by the garage door. R.J. was going to drive Peter’s Nova west with Jake and meet us at the rendezvous point once they were certain not to be followed. Peter, Leah, and I would take my father’s car south.

My dad’s jeep was in pristine condition, one of the promises my mother kept to my father. He wanted me to have it one day. My dad had been a motorcycle enthusiast, particularly Harley Davidson. The jeep was bought so my mother had another car, but he didn’t drive it often.

We would take the jeep and drop it at a checkpoint and pick up another car before we reached our final destination. Pete had a generic prepaid visa and plenty of cash, so the chances we would be traced were minimal. He thought it best we used fake names in public as well. I wanted to roll my eyes but he had a point. Who knew how long it would take the Outlaws to figure out Leah and I were gone?

I tried not to think what that would mean for my mother.

Protection would be given to her, in the form of Beckett, Shane, and a few selected others who Peter trusted. Sheriff Daly knew what his son confided and promised to keep a watch from a distance, so she wasn’t at risk.

I prayed, as I hadn’t done since I was a little girl, that God would allow us all to survive the coming weeks. Maybe such a request would be granted for the truly innocent. My mother and Leah had done nothing wrong to deserve the danger Charles forced upon them.

Peter and R.J. watched for the motorcycles to leave, hovering around the front windows most of the night as I tried to rest on the sofa. Around three a.m. they finally sped away, one single rider still parked across the street. He finally left around five, long enough for us to make our hasty escape. Neither of the guys believed they would be gone more than an hour or two before more of the Outlaws showed up.

This was our chance.

I hugged my mother and tried not to reveal how afraid I was for her safety, “I love you, Mom.”

“Hey now, Pete’s with you and so are R.J. and Jake You’ll be safe with them. Keep our little Leah out of trouble. Alright?”

I nodded, my throat too tight to answer.

My little sister remained sleeping as she was buckled into the back seat by Peter. He tucked her in with her Belle doll as her head rested against the side of the car seat. It was early for her. We had a couple of hours before she would want to eat and play.

R.J. pulled me into a hug before he left, his voice clipped but heavy with emotion. “I’ll see you at the safe house. Take care darlin’,” he whispered in my ear and placed a kiss on my cheek.

I had the distinct impression that he was hurting, and for the first time I felt guilty of my promise to Pete. No, I didn’t regret my choice to marry him, but I didn’t want to be insensitive to R.J.’s feelings either, “Please, be safe. I couldn’t handle something happening to you.”

“I’m a big guy, nothing to worry about,” the smile on his lips didn’t quite reach his eyes, and I sighed as I watched him leave with Jake.

Minutes later we pulled out of the garage. I didn’t relax until we were on the freeway and headed out of town.

Rae. You good babe? Hayley.

I smiled. Miss me already?

Ha! Bitch, please.

I laughed, my fingers typing a fast note telling her to be safe and watch her back.

Luv I always watch my six.

You better!

I’m good. Jake took care of me. Did she just say that?

I bet he did. I couldn’t help sending that response.