“I know,” she whispered, cupping my cheek. “I love you, Rae. I know I haven’t been the best mother –”

I cut her off, “don’t say that.”

“It’s true. None of that matters now. Just know that sometimes we make decisions in life because we feel that’s our only choice. We have to protect the people we love the most. Since Ron died,” her voice broke as she continued, “I’ve done everything I could to give you the life we dreamed of. I’ll always love him, and I’ll always love you and your sister. Remember that Rae.” She yanked me into a hug, crushing me against her chest as I heard a sob let loose and wet tears fell from her eyes.

I haven’t seen my mother cry since my dad’s funeral.

Choked up I hugged her back, my own voice strong somehow, for her, even when I didn’t feel that way inside. “I will.”

R.J. stood off to the right as dusk settled outside, watching through a slight gap in the curtains of the front bay window as the light faded into a perfect meld of warm and vibrant colors, “Turn on the lights by the couch, but I’m keeping the foyer dark. Pete should be here soon.”

I paced anxiously, alternating between sitting next to my mom and nervously circling the room as I chewed my bottom lip. Where was Peter? Why wasn’t he here yet?

Was something wrong? Was he hurt?

“It’s alright Rae,” R.J. tried to soothe, but we both knew neither of us would feel better until Pete was here.

Half an hour later the Nova pulled slowly into the driveway and cut the lights. Peter entered the front door and closed it, latching every single lock before he ran to me.

“Rae baby, are you alright?”

I nodded as I sank into his arms, “Where have you been?”

“Taking care of business,” he murmured before placing a kiss on my forehead. Pete turned to my mother, his voice tight and strained. “I’ll keep them safe. I swear.” He seemed to know the plan already.

A sad smile graced her lips, “With my blessing Pete. You understand?”

He swallowed hard and nodded, “Everything is ready, we’ll wait until close to dawn.”

“Peter? Where will we go?” I searched his face, certain my life after this night would never be the same.

He lifted his palm and let it rest against the side of my face, “We’ll be safe. Together, forever Rae. I’m asking you, right now, for forever with me. Trust me baby, I’ll never let you down.”

“Oh Pete,” I gushed, throwing my arms around his neck, my throat stinging with unshed tears, “I love you.”

My mom stood and removed the charm bracelet she always wore from her wrist. Laced through the chains was a white ribbon slightly yellowed with the passage of time, which she yanked free, her voice soft as she approached, “this is the same ribbon Ron wrapped around our hands when we promised to love each other forever.” She reached for our intertwined hands and wrapped the ribbon around them, tight. “Love each other always. Stay faithful. Treat each other with respect, and you’ll have a long happy life together. I hope and pray you get the chance Ron and I never had.”

Peter leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, a gentle but passionate kiss that sealed the promise of his next words, “Forever Rae. I love you baby.”

“Forever,” I whispered back, “always Pete.”

My mother hugged us both, her voice catching. “Take care of my girls Pete.” She reached a hand toward R.J. “And you also R.J., you’re all Rae has.”

“I promise,” R.J. choked out, his eyes falling on the ribbon that wrapped around my hand and Pete’s. He turned his head, not meeting my curious gaze, “You can count on me.”

My mother stepped up to R.J. and hugged him close, lowering her voice, “Sometimes heartache leads to better things.”

He nodded as I stared, wondering what my mother was saying to R.J. since I couldn’t hear most of her whispered words.

Peter pulled me around the corner. “Rae,” he exhaled and fell to one knee, clenching our free hands, “I don’t have a ring yet, but I’ll get one soon. I love you. My heart has always been devoted to you alone, since that night at the drive-in and we celebrated my tenth birthday with our dads. I knew then, as I do now, that my heart was always meant to be yours. The future doesn’t matter as long as we are together. If we hold on tight, we won’t let go.” His voice croaked slightly and I smiled at the sound, “I pledge my love and my life to you always baby if you’ll have me.”

Tears filled my eyes, spilling over and running down my heated cheeks, but I didn’t care, “oh Peter.”

“Marry me, Rae . . . as soon as we can? Will you do me the honor, please?”

“Yes,” I managed to squeak out, the emotion of the last few minutes overwhelming and engulfing me, like a tidal wave from the ocean, washing over me as I was swept away.

Pete stood and kissed me with all the passion that filled his heart. A kiss that scorched the earth beneath my feet and singed my lips, searing them forever and branding me as his. From this moment on I was ruined for anyone else. Peter was the love of my life and instinctually I knew that no man, not ever, could possibly own me as completely as he did.