fingers on the top of Rae’s dresser. “Text Beckett too and keep him on standby.”

R.J. nodded, “Agreed.”

“I’ll be as quick as I can.”


I sat across from my father, perched on the edge of the red leather seat that squeaked as I slid in place. On the outskirts of Providence, an old trucker hangout, Aunt Mae’s Diner was one of few places Mack would agree to meet me. The restaurant had large glass windows and a 50’s vibe, but the best part was the way you could see the whole property from where we currently sat. A detail I knew was crucial.

Mack never took chances unless it was for Rae or his son.

Clearing my throat, slightly nervous now that I was here, I began, “Striker has an issue with Charles. They broke into the house at gunpoint.” Mack’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t interrupt. “Devlin tried to force himself on Rae and hit her when she mouthed him off. I nearly jumped and killed his ass right there.” I took a deep breath and released it. Mack never said a word, but the dark, thunderous look on his face said plenty. “Striker was called and they took Charles, but we both know it won’t stop there. I don’t know how deep he’s in with them, but it must be a lot. They threatened to take Rae . . . and said she’d never come back. Striker’s words. You know what Devlin would do and I can’t allow that.”

I could feel the tension rolling over him in waves and combining with agitation and anger.

“No,” Mack agreed in his gruff voice. “What about her mom and sister? They alright?”

“For now.”

“The whole family is a target. Striker takes that shit personal. He’s going to want retribution.”

I nodded. No surprise there, “Yes, where should I go? I need to take Rae somewhere until this all blows over, and I don’t want to involve Rafe.”

“There’s no choice. You aren’t involving the RRMC. Got it?”

“Yeah, but –”

“You think she will leave her family?” Mack interrupted, cutting me off. He sat back with his arms folded across his chest, a look of doubt spreading over his rugged features. There was a time when I was afraid of all those tattoos and the biker persona, but I had been a kid then. Mack still wore his leathers, the Ravage Riders MC Logo with the familiar skull worn proudly despite the past.

He was always a stubborn son of a bitch.

“No, which is why I’m not giving her a choice. R.J. and I will make sure she’s safe. Jake too if needed.”

He smirked, “She’s gonna be pissed at you son.”

Startled I nearly dropped the glass of water in my hand. Mack never called me son. It was usually kid or words I wouldn’t repeat in polite company, “Maybe, but I can get her to forgive me.”

Mack chuckled softly, then sobered, “You’re the only chance she’s got. I promised her dad. Don’t let me or Ron down.” His tone never wavered, but I knew how deep that brotherhood ran between the two men. Even death didn’t sever the bond. It was a blood oath. Time didn’t matter.

Once a brother, always a brother.

“And if things go to shit?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“You get her to the police. They’ll protect her. Most likely witness protection so if that shit goes down, you need to be far away. You hear?”

I opened my mouth to argue when Mack cut me off, “I said far away. If you get picked up, they’ll throw you in gen pop and I won’t be able to help you. Prison ain’t a fun place, boy.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Then you’re stupider than I thought. Protect Rae and don’t get your ‘pretty boy’ ass killed.”

I laughed, hard, “I’m not going down without a fight, and neither are my boys. Nothing will happen to Rae. If I have to, I’ll turn her over to the sheriff. He owes me a favor.”

Mack looked doubtful, “He owes everyone favors.”

“Yeah, but his son Beckett and I are tight. I got this Dad,” I assured him. The words left my mouth before I could stop them and I almost winced. Dad. When was the last time I said the word aloud?

Mack seemed not to notice my slip. “If you had this you wouldn’t have called me for help,” he pointed out, “now tell me what you’re planning.”