“Pete. You can hardly blame her for getting angry.”

Pacing faster, clenching my hands into fists, I nearly growled at him, “We can’t tell her. Not yet. She won’t understand.”

“I disagree.”

I spun and walked up to R.J., toe to toe, “Don’t push it.”

“I don’t answer only to you so remember that,” R.J. took a step back but it wasn’t in a pussy ass defeat, he wanted to keep us calm which still pissed me off anyway. “We’re best friends but don’t expect me to take your bullshit. Rae is my responsibility too.”

Running my hand through my hair in agitation, I was only a slight bit sorry, “She’s making me crazy.” I shook my head and began to pace again, “I can’t think around her bro.”

“You’re letting yourself get too close. I told you to wait.”

I laughed humorlessly, “And you think I haven’t tried? I’ve wanted to tell her how I felt for the last three years R.J.”

“I understand that, but now she’s in greater danger, and you’re too close. You’re gonna get one of us killed.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

> The garage door opened as Rae’s mother and Charles returned home. We slipped around the side of the house out of view. I felt a sudden moment of panic in my chest and hardly had time to blink before I realized it was Rae. Standing beneath her bedroom window, I heard a scuffle and then a man’s deep voice.

“Shhh, don’t scream. Don’t try anything either, little girl.”

“Rae,” we spoke in unison and exchanged a look, both of us scurrying to her rescue.

R.J. began to climb up the tree. I grabbed the awning and pulled myself up, catapulting my body onto the roof. I crept along, crouching until I was directly underneath the window sill.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Rae’s voice wavered slightly, but she was calm.

“You’re coming downstairs with me so we can have a chat with your stepdad.”

“That jerk is no relation to me.”

The man laughed at her response, “Move sweetheart, nice and slow.”

Slowly I inched my way up until I could see into the room. Rae was walking into the hall with one of the two men from earlier. The shorter guy. The one who looked at her like she was his next meal . . .

And he had a gun pointed right at her head.

Anger flashed through my brain, firing a string of curses in my head. If that bastard tried to touch her . . .

R.J. gestured for me to go in first. I slid inside my gun in hand, and crept slowly forward. R.J. was close behind. We swept the room and cautiously entered the hall. Another sweep and the upstairs was clear. Leah was still asleep in her crib. R.J. closed the door silently.

“Well Charles, isn’t this a nice surprise?”

There was a scramble, muffled voices, and then silence.

“That’s better. No one has to get hurt.”

R.J. met my gaze and we nodded, deciding to split up downstairs, each taking a side. We could surround the living room from the two exits with only the front foyer and windows to worry about. Making hand signals and gestures, we crept along, until I could see the biker’s back.

Rae’s wide, frightened eyes found mine, but she managed not to let the recognition show on her face.

Well done baby, I applauded in my head.

Charles was arguing with the intruder, “Devlin, this is not necessary. I was coming to the clubhouse tomorrow.”

“A bit late for that now, isn’t it?”