
Dammit. I wasn’t kidding, “Fine.” I walked to the door and opened it. “Leave.” If they weren’t talking, then they weren’t staying.

Peter shook his head, hard, “No, Rae.”

“I said leave.”

R.J. pulled Pete toward the door, “We’ll go Rae.”

Pete was beyond angry, “I’m not going far.”

He never did. I knew that now, “I know.”

Pete shook free from R.J.’s grip and crossed to me quickly. His lips met mine as he crushed me into his embrace, “You can’t be alone.”


He kissed me again but gentler, “I’m coming back.”

“No, you aren’t.”

R.J. yanked on Peter’s arm, “C’mon. Give her some time.”

My eyes met R.J.’s sympathetic gaze. He winked at me and I found it hard to stay angry with him. Pete, I could stay angry with forever. Sighing, I blew out a breath, “Thanks.”

“Sure thing honey. Text if you need us.”

Peter’s jaw clenched. “I’m coming back,” he repeated.

I sighed, “Don’t.”

“Damn Rae. This isn’t the fucking time –”

R.J. placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder, “Pete.”

They exchanged a look. Peter stomped out of the house as R.J. followed.

What was up with the two of them lately? Best friends one moment and worst enemies the next.

I shut the door loudly, making sure it was locked. Sighing, I slid to the floor, drawing my knees up to my chest. Tears slipped down my cheeks, dropping onto the fabric of my jeans. I hated secrets. I wasn’t a child. Peter better stop treating me like one. Or else.

Why did everyone always act like I’m some helpless little girl who couldn’t defend herself or handle tough situations?

“I wish you were here,” I whispered, thinking of my father. “You always knew exactly what to say and do, and you never treated me like I was helpless. I miss you.”

The garage door began to open. Vader and mom were back.

Before I had to endure their company I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. All I wanted was to close my eyes and forget this afternoon and my argument with Peter. Lately everything seemed to spiral out of control around him, and I hated the fact that I was unable to stop it.

“Shhh, don’t scream.”

I spun, my eyes widening at the gun pointed directly at my head.

“Don’t move, little girl.”

Chapter 23

I paced in the backyard, refusing to leave Rae’s house, even for a second. My boot kicked at the lawn, clumps of grass and dirt flying up in the air. I was pissed, but it was more than my anger that was eating me up inside. I could sense Rae’s sad and frustrated emotions. My chest was aching with her pain and I wanted to run inside to her and take it all away.