“You doubting my girl?” Pete was behind me, “Vader’s not here.”

The tallest one laughed. He eyed Peter with humor and quickly dismissed him, “You give him that name?”

My chin rose in the air like I was defiant. So not true, “I did.”

Both men laughed. The one who stepped forward a moment ago let his eyes travel over the length of my body, “You like to play?”

Peter stiffened as his arm slid around my waist, “I think you should leave.”

“Or we can party,” R.J. was leaning against the doorjamb, sharpening his long hunting knife. His shirt was swept aside revealing the gun tucked into his waistband.

Tense silence stretched around us for more than a minute.

Finally the taller one laughed again and turned to leave, “Tell Charles the MC says hello.”

Peter and R.J. didn’t move until the motorcycles had pulled away and disappeared out of sight. I saw the logo on the back of their jackets. Satan’s Outlaws. What the hell could they want with Charles?

“Inside now.”

R.J. nodded, his eyes scanning the neighborhood as Peter yanked me into his arms.

Once the door was closed and locked behind us, I shoved him back, “What are you not telling me?”

“Baby, there’s no need to be upset.”

I glared at him, “Don’t call me baby. I’m not an infant. What the hell is going on?”

R.J. shrugged, “He’s right, no harm done Rae.”

“Don’t you lie to me too R.J.,” he received my cold stare. “Not you. We agreed at the hotel.”

He swallowed hard, “We did.”

“Why do you both have guns in my house? I thought I was safe.”

R.J. opened his mouth but Peter beat him to it, “To protect you.”


“Danger,” Peter barked the word through clenched teeth. “I said we should have stayed back at Mack’s cabin, but you insisted on coming home.”

I sighed, exasperated with the entire situation, “No shit I’m in danger.” On a Sunday afternoon? In my house? From Satan’s Outlaws MC? Why?

I thought the issues were mostly resolved.

“Now Rae,” R.J. warned, holding up his hands, “don’t get pissed. We’re only looking out for you.”

Pete shook his head, “Life is dangerous. Let us protect you, Rae.”

“You had guns at the drive-in too,” I pointed out. “Then all that mess at the cabin. You said not to worry. Do you always carry them?”

R.J. nodded, “Yes.”

“Why are Satan’s Outlaws coming to my door?” I folded my arms across my chest. “Tell me. Now.”

Neither one answered.

“Start talking,” I stared down R.J. first and then Peter.