I ushered my guys toward the only open pool table which had suddenly cleared just for our use. We never had to ask. When we walked in the door, a pool table would always open up. Yeah, it’s part of the biker persona and the culture of fear that kept the locals at a distance, but I didn’t give a fuck.

We weren’t here to make trouble. The owner was a brother and we kept our promise not to start shit in his bar. I picked up the chalk and decided to break, taking the first game with R.J.

About two hours later we’d drank enough liquor and beer to kill a person with alcohol poisoning but I knew my limit, and my brothers’. Leaning against the wall, I tilted my long neck bottle back and gulped a few swigs. I had a nice buzz going, almost enough to make me forget about the shit from earlier tonight.

I wish things hadn’t gone to hell about twenty seconds later, but life is like that.

I had the worst fucking luck imaginable.

My eyes flicked about the room, taking in the scene. I was always on alert. It was a hard habit to break, I’d saved my own ass more than a few times by keeping a close eye on my surroundings.

The front doors swung open with force, the heavy wood banging against the solid walls and cracking with a finality that seemed like some rabid harbinger of death. I immediately recognized the guys who entered. Their leathers bore the Satan’s Outlaw's emblem.

“Edge . . .” R.J. whispered, ticking his head in their direction so slightly I might have missed it if I wasn’t already clued in.

“Chill, let them make the first move.”

Ghost was next to me on my right only a few seconds later. R.J. stayed on my left, but I saw his hand hover over his shirt ready to lift and grab his gun at the first sign of trouble. Valan and Jake kept to their game of pool. GQ stayed just slightly to my six, his arms around two hot blondes, one of which had been fondling his junk all night. I swear that fucker gets laid ten times more than any of the rest of us, but I saw him stiffen slightly, so I knew he had seen the Outlaws too. In all outward appearance you’d never know we were ready to rumble, but that’s how that shit is supposed to look.

The next five minutes will be forever ingrained in my memory.

The seven members of the Outlaws strode forward with purpose in our direction at the exact same moment the front doors of the bar opened again. I blinked. What I saw next defied logic. Frozen to the spot, my beer halfway to my lips, in total disbelief and shock, I stilled, not moving a muscle.

Are you shitting me? How is this happening? Where did she come from?

What the fuck was she doing here!?

My girl, my lost love and my deepest regret stood next to a group of girlfriends fully oblivious to my presence or reaction and in total and complete danger.

I hadn’t seen her in four years.

“Fuck,” I whispered, the beer slipping through my fingers and falling to the floor with a shatter.

R.J. saw her next, his own jaw dropping open and gaping like a fish out of water, “Rae.”

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, that was my first mistake, but it certainly wouldn’t be my last. Had I been watching I would have seen the knife that withdrew from my nemesis’ hand and his quickened steps. I’d been at odds with Bryce ‘Killer’ Hutchinson since middle school (yeah he has a stupid name and nickname). We hated each other, but the roots of that hatred had much more to do with how bad we fucked with each other more than anything else.

He was a dick.

I was shoved to the side as Ghost blocked Bryce’s intentional attempt to gut me with his knife. The blade sliced into Ghost’s forearm but wasn’t deep enough to make him pause. Without hesitating, his elbow met Bryce’s chin the same moment I snapped into action. Before I could think it through, the five of us ended up in a brawl with the seven of them.

I always liked low odds. Maybe I’m just the underdog but I liked proving people wrong, and I enjoyed shocking them when they found out how strong and fast I was, like in the ring. Boxing had lots of perks. Not many fucked with me once they saw I could kick some serious ass, even less when they found out I was a member of the RRMC. Toss in the fact that I was smart and educated, I was lethal.

Right in the thick of things, throwing kicks and punches, I noticed Bryce recognize Rae and a devilish smile curved his lips. Only a second later my eyes met her startled brown irises, wide with shock.


With that one look, so intense and heated, I knew I still owned her heart.

Tonight she’d know she still owned mine too.

Bryce broke free of Jake’s hold and ran in her direction. I’m not sure how I made it to her before he did but my only thought was that I had to reach her first. I moved so fast I hardly registered the motion. There was something odd about the way my body jolted forward, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. In a split-second decision, I tackled Bryce to the floor, raising my fist and punching him as hard as I could hoping to knock him out.

While we grappled on the floor, the entire bar erupted in chaos.

Fights were breaking out all over as my brothers tried not to involve any citizens, but it was near impossible. The Outlaws were brutal, using more than fists and heavily booted feet in their attacks. I witnessed several sharp blades flying through the air. I heard a grunt and then a scream and lifted my eyes as one of the Outlaws grabbed Rae, a blade pressed to her slender throat.

I don’t really know what happened next.