“So how are we going to make it to the safe house?”

“Not sure yet, but Beckett has a plan.”

“And R.J.? He’s vulnerable on that bike.”

“Then I guess he should have thought about that yesterday,” he snapped.

I sighed, “You can’t punish him forever you know. He took his chance and now we all know the truth. What’s so bad about that?”

Peter was watching the road and checking his mirrors, but he managed a quick glance in my direction, his foot pushing a little harder on the accelerator. The Nova lurched ahead as we merged onto the city streets as the speed increased.

“Nothing is wrong with the truth Rae, but how he did it, now that’s a problem.”

I braced my arm against the door as we took a sharp right turn, racing down Frontier Street.

“Hold on baby!”

Peter flipped a fast U-turn at the next light and slammed his foot down on the gas.

“What’s happening?” I screeched, falling over on the seat.

Pete pushed me down with his right hand, “Don’t sit up Rae. We’ve got company!”

“Shit!” I cursed as the seat belt cut into my side. I’d have a bruise later, no doubt about it.

“Fucking hell!” Pete yelled, swerving the car from left to right. “They’re right on us Rae. Just stay down!”

Chapter 21

Peter pushed on the gas again, driving the pedal practically into the floor with his boot. Multiple motorcycle engines revved behind us among several gunshots that seemed to ricochet off nearby buildings. “Pet?” I asked, terrified that a bullet would hit him while I was in the car.

What the hell was going on? Gunshots and car chases in the middle of the day? We weren’t in Providence, but that didn’t seem to matter. No place was safe!

“I’ve got this baby. Don’t worry!”

Um, worrying was all I was doing right now. How did this happen?

I screamed as I felt an impact hit the right rear bumper of the car and Pete fishtailed, the Nova spinning in a full circle before he gained control, and then we were off again as he gunned the accelerator.

The chase was on.

“I’m going to fucking kill Bryce. The bastard!”

Behind us I heard the heavy guttural engine of a Harley and hoped R.J. wasn’t hurt.

“What hit you?” I asked, trying to keep low.

Pete swerved the car to the right and turned quickly, his boot still heavy on the gas, “Another car. Son of a bitch who hit my dad’s Nova is gonna pay.”

“I thought the Nova was yours.”

“It is,” he shook his head, “It’s the only damn thing he’s ever given me that he loved.”

I nodded, understanding. Pete’s dad was a hard man. Mack had a reputation as someone not to mess with. Even I knew that, although I couldn’t think of a single reason why that instilled so much fear.

“Better try not to wreck it then,” I commented dryly when he hit a curb and smashed the left door with a metal trash can.

“Shit!” he cursed, grumbling under his breath.