I tapped my hand restlessly against my thigh in a flash of nerves. Where was this Akando fucker?

Shots rang out a few minutes later, erupting from one of the warehouse windows, smashed seconds before the gunfire began to spray bullets into the dark night.

It was only a matter of time before they realized their guys weren’t coming back inside. Didn’t matter. No one in that warehouse was walking away, so the point was moot.

We easily avoided the careless shots being fired and busted through the door, spreading out and clearing the two fucktards by the windows. I shot both before a second thought entered my head, my brothers right behind me as we entered the warehouse.

I’m a marksman and a damn near perfect shot. The heart or the forehead, the only two places I ever leave a bullet. No loose ends. No screw ups.

No second chances.

We kept moving, taking out more targets and searching the interior for any hidden MC members. A large table sat in the middle of the dusty room covered in bricks of coke and hundreds of little dime bags spread across the surface as it was cut for maximum resale. Stupid fuckers. There were other less dangerous ways to earn.

Not that Rafe listened to me or my opinions.

The RRMC club president knew best. Asshole.

“Edge, isn’t this a surprise?”

The voice echoed somewhere close off to my right.

Turning the next corner swiftly, we ended up face to face.

“Akando,” I growled, leveling my gun right at his heart. He wasn’t going out that fast but he didn’t need to know it.

“How’s Rae? I have to admit I jerk off every night thinking of her sweet little cunt.”

Rage pounded my temples, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction, “My girl is safe. Right where she needs to be.”

He snorted, both of us moving steadily closer to the other. There were only a few feet between us and the air rippled with expectation. Too much space. All I wanted was to smash his skull into the ground. But first, before he died, he needed to feel pain. I wanted to hear his screams. I needed to hear him beg.

Without warning he rushed me, his head connecting with my torso, but I was ready for him. We fell to the ground, the impact hard, but I ignored the jarring of my body against the hard concrete floor and brought my knee sharply up, connecting hard with his jaw.

Dazed, Akando was sprawled on the ground, it provided the d

istraction I was looking for. Seconds later I landed a brutal left hook, followed by another to his right cheek, his head flopping uselessly around on his neck. Several more hits gave him a busted nose and a black eye before I landed a few choice hits on his rib cage too.

Spitting blood and holding his side, he moaned, “Edge, I’m sorry.”

“For?” I roared.

“For not killing you sooner!”

Two minutes later he was swaying on his knees before me, my knuckles dripping his blood. I grabbed his head by the hair and forced his gaze up to mine, “You dumb motherfucker. You’ll die for touching my girl. I’ll never let you live after what you did.”

Behind me I knew the warehouse was secure. My brothers had my six.

I was free to torture, maim, and do what I wanted to this asshole.

“I wish I would have raped her now,” he sneered.

Wrong answer.

Taking my lighter, I flipped open the lid and smiled cruelly, “Hold him.”

For thirty minutes I tortured him, burning and slicing his body with my hunting knife, severing fingers until he passed out. Ghost found a bucket of stagnant water and threw it on him until he awakened, sputtering and mumbling curses at me.

“Any last words motherfucker?” I asked, ready to end this once and for all.