“Holy shit! I got the whole damn thing on video!”

“Best faceplant I’ve ever seen, Sam!”

Fuck. I would never live this down. That video would go viral and become plastered all over social media.

Sputtering, I tried to inhale a deep breath, but it was nearly impossible with the weight of Sam’s body. He leaned forward, pressing down harder as I tried to shove him off.

Matt kicked at my right leg, and I cursed, laying my head back as white-hot sparks of agony shot up my thigh and into my groin. Snow and frigid rain pierced the skin on my face like needles.

“That was the fucking funniest shit I’ve ever seen,” Matt announced, kicking at my leg again.

My eyes threatened to close permanently with the pain that pulsed and throbbed from my right knee all the way to my hip. Panting, I fought panic as my lungs couldn’t inflate properly.

“You’re a tough little shit, aren’t you?” Sam asked, tilting his head to the side. “I don’t think you’re broken yet.”

Broken? What the fuck did that mean?

Matt disappeared, returning a few seconds later with a wooden baseball bat. “I want to hear him scream.”

As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I probably would scream if he hit my leg. A groan slipped from my lips as the two assholes stared down at me with anticipation.

Matt lifted the bat, ready to swing.

“What you gonna do with that bat, boy?” A deep voice I’d never heard before interrupted the beatdown about to happen.

Sam and Matt were startled, both turning their heads in the stranger’s direction.

“Who the fuck are you?” Sam asked, opening his arms wide like he was fearless and daring this guy to take him on.

Matt held onto the bat, narrowing his eyes. “Nothing.”

“Damn straight.”

Both teens smirked like they thought he was stupid.

“Gonna give you one chance to walk away,” the stranger warned, closing the gap between us.

I caught a leather jacket and some kind of logo on his back with a skull and crown. His face was painted to look like a demented skeleton, and I instantly thought of the grim reaper. He gave the impression that he wasn’t someone to fuck with, and I hoped dumb and dumber with the bat pushed him too far and got their asses kicked.

“Move along, creep,” Sam ordered.

“Guess you’re even dumber than you both look,” the guy announced as he stalked forward and punched Matt in the face, snatching his bat.

Matt howled in pain as blood gushed from his nose, and he ran toward the car, yelling that he was calling the cops.

The guy in leather appeared amused. “You do that and explain why I punched you while you’re at it.”

Sam held up his hands. “I don’t want trouble.”

“You already found it, kid.”

The bat swung, connecting with Sam’s right knee. I heard a crunch and knew he had broken a bone. Sam’s cry of agony was heavenly music to my ears.

Car doors opened, and a couple of the guys helped him inside before the engine revved, and they sped away.

“Hey,” the stranger asked, staring down at me as he held out a hand, “Let me help you up.”

I clasped his palm as he heaved my body upward and I managed to stand on both feet, but my leg buckled, and I nearly crashed to the ground again.