“Glad you approve, Shadow.”

Well, shit. I should have caught on a lot sooner that he could read my mind.

“I’m Satan. There ain’t shit that I can’t do.”

I didn’t doubt it.

“How did you like that ride into the desert?”

“It’s fucking awesome!” I blurted, my insides fired up with all the excitement.

Macabre laughter surrounded my body as I noticed the red haze floating in Lucifer’s coal-black eyes. His mouth opened wide, revealing layers of shark-like teeth as his features widened unnaturally. His pleased expression wasn’t hard to miss, but oh boy, was that the freakiest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

“You never did answer my question earlier, Shadow. Do you still hear the whispers and the roars? And see the shadows from your childhood and speak to them?”

“I do,” I admitted.

“Have they ever gone away?”

“Not once since the day they appeared.” I wasn’t sure what he expected, but I didn’t have any reason not to be honest. He probably knew it all and wanted to trip me up. I wasn’t playing that game. Couldn’t catch me in a lie if I didn’t say one.

“Tell me, young Reaper. Do you want to keep your limp?”

That wasn’t the response I expected. “It’s not as bad as it used to be,” I replied slowly, wondering if this was a trick.

“Everything is a trick. We only see what we want. Hear what we want. Nothing is black and white. There’s always shades of gray.”

Snorting, I wasn’t fooled. “And you operate in those shades of gray.”

The shark-like smile was back on his face. “Of course.”

“I’ve been with that limp for so long now it’s a part of me.”

“And it will remain so,” he replied with a curt nod. “As it should be.”

“Am I supposed to learn a life lesson from this experience? Because it fucking sucks.”

The shots of whiskey I had must be doing all the talking because I couldn’t figure out why the hell I just said that to the devil.

His loud guffaw rumbled the earth beneath us. “You will sign the contract I’ve prepared for you.”

Huh? “Oh, all the powers and the shadows and stuff.” I waved my hand, nearly dizzy. Something was wrong with me because I felt my body swaying slightly.

“It won’t last long. Being in this plane is taxing on mortal souls. Don’t worry. You won’t be alone anymore.”

“What does that mean?”

“Your Reaper wants to bond with you. He’s been waiting for a long time.”

“Since I hid in the cupboard?” I asked, knowing that was the first time he gave me the knife, and it was also the first time I felt my fear stop ruling every second I breathed.

“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “This contract isn’t to be taken lightly. There’s no turning back, Shadow. Once you and the Reaper merge, it’s permanent.”

“You tryin’ to talk me out of it?” I slurred, nearly falling over before I managed to stay upright. “Isn’t that bad for recruitment?”

“No. I want you to remember you had a choice.”

Shaking my head, I disagreed with him. “No, I was born into this decision. It’s who I am.”