“Always,” I replied with conviction. “You get bored or need a pep talk or just want to hear my voice again, don’t hesitate to call or text. Okay?”

“You sure you won’t be too busy?”

“Never too busy for you. Promise.”


“Yeah, sweetheart?”

“Catch the kiss I’m tossing your way, okay?”

Holding out my hand, I opened my palm and then closed it around the affection she’d sent me. “Caught it. I’ll want a real one when I see you next.”

“Okay. Goodnight.”

“‘Night, my beautiful star.”

“Your star?” Her voice grew soft as she asked, and I knew she was probably blushing.

“My bright shining light. All I need in this dark world.”

“You’re my bad boy,” she whispered as my head tilted back, and I laughed hard at the cliché.

“If you knew how much I wanted to sneak over right now, kissing all over your body, you’d know that was true.”

Her giggle echoed through my cell.

“Bye, my star.”

“Bye, Shadow.”

As the call ended, I slid my phone into my pocket and turned back toward the Crossroads. The next months were going to be hell but worth it. For Stefanie, I’d wait as long as needed.