“Where the hell haveyou been, prospect?”

“Sorry.” I ducked my head, trying to appear contrite before I ended up cleaning the whole Crossroads naked or some other humiliating punishment. “What can I do for you, Mr. Lanford?”

Grim smirked, crossing his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes. “We need to talk. My office. Now.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Rael’s frown before I followed Grim to his office. The president of the Royal Bastards sank into his leather chair behind the desk and pulled his pack of smokes out, lighting up as he turned his focus in my direction.

Silence stretched between us as he seemed to enjoy leaving me dangling about his next course of action.

“I apologize if you feel I’m not giving 100 percent. I’m fully committed to this club. Nothing changes that.”

“Not even a girl?”

“No, sir.” I put every ounce of feeling I had into that statement because it was true. The club saved me and introduced Stefanie. I owed the Royal Bastards more than I could ever repay.

There was only one thing I couldn’t do—break up with Stefanie.

“She’s underage,” he growled, leaning forward. “Don’t do something stupid before she turns eighteen. You feel me?”

I did. Nodding, I swallowed hard. I’d already thought of that and knew I wouldn’t have sex with her until she was legal. I was still technically a teen myself, but the law wouldn’t see it that way.

“Not gonna have this discussion again.”


“No, you need to understand what I’m sayin’. Stay clear of Stefanie. That’s an order from your pres.”

Blanching, I shook my head, knowing I could never obey when I already loved Stef.

“I’m tellin’ you it’s gonna mean nothin’ but trouble, kid. I can’t have any backlash on the club.”

“There won’t be,” I promised.

“You can’t guarantee shit.”

Nope. He was wrong. I could. I’d see her in secret if I had to and keep things under the radar but letting her go and walking away? No way in hell.

She was worth it—whatever risks I had to take, whatever the consequences. They didn’t matter.

I’d endure every punishment imaginable for Stefanie. And I think Grim knew it.

He blew out an exasperated breath, slamming a hand down on his desk. “No underage pussy. It’s a rule of the club. If you can’t promise me that you’ll follow that rule, then you’re out, Shadow.”

Devastated, I jumped to my feet, shaking my head and backing toward the door just as it swung open. I nearly got clipped by the biker who suddenly appeared, his skeletal mask twisted with frustration.

Rael rushed in, grabbing my shoulders as he spun me around. “You’ll obey the pres, won’t you, Shadow?” There was a hint of desperation in his tone I’d never heard before as he shook me once, forcing an answer from my lips.

Once I gave my word, I knew I would have to follow through. Days like today when I could drive my girl all over the state of Nevada on the back of my bike were going to end until after her eighteenth birthday. The promise loomed over my head like a noose, but I didn’t have a choice. Leaving the club wasn’t an option any more than leaving Stefanie.

My chin dropped, and I sighed, gathering the courage to glance up and look Rael in the eye. “I promise.”

Rael’s grip relaxed as he gave me a light push toward Grim. “Tell your pres what he needs to hear.”

“I promise I won’t pursue a physical relationship with Stefanie until she’s eighteen.” That was easy. I didn’t have a problem with waiting. It was the rest of the promise I couldn’t abide by.

“And the rest of it?”

Lying to my pres was the worst kind of deception, and I couldn’t do it. I’d have to keep my promise, and that meant I couldn’t see Stefanie every day like I did now. “I’ll keep my distance,” I choked out, unable to hide the pain in my voice. My fists clenched as I held them close to my hips and refused to show further weakness.