
“I do pageants too.”

He laughed and then leaned closer, his face only a few inches from mine. It barely registered that he had pulled over on the side of the road. I wasn’t even sure when it happened.

“Meeting you tonight feels like fate.”

“I’m beginning to think the same thing.”

“Good, because I’m going to kiss you.”

My eyes widened. “We just—”

Before I could protest further, his head dipped, and his lips met mine. Warmth crept inward from our joined mouths and sank beneath my skin, caressing my entire body with a hint of desire that combined with a longing for more. Shadow didn’t try to breach the seam of my lips or take anything more without permission. His only touch came from the hand that cupped my cheek and the smooth, full lips that lingered against my own.

His head finally lifted as our eyes met. Something intense swirled in the chocolate depths, but I could also see the affection, curiosity, and hunger for more burning within. “Stefanie?”

Swallowing air, I fought to take a deep breath. Emotions churned in my gut in a way that I didn’t understand. No guy had ever made me feel like this when we kissed or cared about my artwork. We met an hour ago, and I already felt like I knew this strange, intense young man better than most people in my life. He was intuitive and caring, and intelligent. I already craved more time with him and wondered if he felt the same.

“I should take you home now. It’s late.”

Reluctantly, I nodded. “Yeah. My mom will kill me if I’m not home soon.”

He pulled onto the deserted highway and followed my directions, arriving at my house in less than thirty minutes. The engine sat idle as he cleared his throat, turning in my direction. “I want to see you again.”

“Well,” I teased, pleased he didn’t hesitate to let me know, “I’d like that. How about tomorrow?”


“Sunrise?” I was joking, but he didn’t hesitate to jump on it.

“I’ll be here. We’ll watch it together.”

Maybe that seemed weird, but I liked the idea. “Bring hot chocolate.”

“I will.”

Leaning forward, I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Let me see your phone.”

He handed the device over as I typed in my name and number, grinning at the name I’d given myself in his contacts.

Shadow glanced at the screen and laughed. “That’s perfect. See you at sunrise, pretty pageant girl.”

He added the pretty part, but I didn’t mind. My heart felt light as I exited the SUV and waved, knowing my dreams would be filled with a prospect and his limp, his warm brown eyes, and a kiss that could melt the ice from an entire snowcapped mountain.