I rushed ahead of Bess and Noah and flung the door open, blocking them from the shotgun that was pointed at my chest. Chet stood in a heavy wool coat and jeans splattered with blood. Savage’s blood. Bodie texted my dog would survive but I couldn’t say the same for the motherfucker bold enough to enter my house.

Busted ornaments littered the ground, and the tree was on its side. Half the branches were snapped off. In a fit of rage, he destroyed the tree. I didn’t see anything else damaged, so he wasn’t here lo


“Looks like we finally get a chance to meet, Chet.”

“Fuck off, Jayce Riggs. I know who you are. Don’t think that because you’re a biker you scare me.”

I laughed, shrugging my shoulders. “I could really care less what the fuck you think.”

“I’m taking my wife and son back. Step away or I’ll shoot you dead.”

“That’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” My Reaper was slowly coming forward, not fast enough to draw too much attention. I wanted to take this asshole down but not too fast. He needed to suffer.

“Move.” He cocked the gun. “Or I start shooting.”

My mouth curved upward into a demented sort of grin. I could feel my Reaper and he was more than ready to tackle this piece of shit. With a roar, I rushed forward so fast all he could do was blink. The gun discharged when I reached him, and I heard Bess scream.

Blood coated both of our bodies as we hit the ground and I lifted his head, slamming it down onto the hardwood floors as Chet landed a punch to right jaw. I was barely fazed by it and snarled, hauling him up to his feet as I stood. Blood was spreading out from his stomach and soaking into the fabric of his jacket. I used the blood to my advantage and decided it was time I tapped into my own abilities for a change.

Yeah, I had a special sort of talent too. Not quite as dramatic as Jigsaw or Hannibal. I didn’t eviscerate or suck out the souls of my prey, crunching their bones into dust. Nope.

I simply drained and dried out the human body, pulling every bit of moisture out until nothing remained but dust. Blood kept leaking out of the wound in Chet’s abdomen. More and more as the fluid soaked into his clothes and puddled on the floor. He fought the hold I had on him but wasn’t able to move. I was far too strong as my Reaper.

This was usually a messy job, but I didn’t mind the carnage. Not today.

Chet began to squirm, clawing at my arms to release him but I simply smiled.

“You’re going to die,” I whispered, just a few inches from his face. “Tell the devil I said hello. Lucifer is waiting for you.”

Chet’s skin began to wrinkle, growing drier as every second lapsed and brought him closer to death.

“Don’t look, Bess! I don’t want Noah to see this!”

“Jayce!” she cried out, but I knew she was listening.

His skin stretched and grew taut over his bones as his body thinned out and his organs exploded inside. Terror flashed in his eyes and I watched with satisfaction as he remained alive through every single moment of his demise. Pain was clear in his expression.

“That’s for raping my woman,” I sneered.

Right before his body collapsed into dust, I reaped his soul. The dark shadows that hovered around him pulled and tugged, forcing him down and into the flames of hellfire that flickered but didn’t scorch the wooden floorboards. I lifted and hand and waved, grinning wider as he disappeared and all that was left was the powdery dust of his remains that swished with snow.

Spinning around, I let my Reaper linger long enough for Bess and Noah to see and then he retreated. Swallowing hard, I hoped like hell they didn’t reject me.

Noah broke away from his mother and ran into my arms. “You’re braver than all the Avengers.”

“Thank you, son.”


Bess was biting her lip, staring at me with awe and a tiny bit of fear. “Is he gone now?”

“Chet? Yeah, he can’t ever hurt either of you again.”

Relieved, she nodded. “Good.”

I held open my other arm and she stepped into my embrace. “You’re not scared?”