“Same thing that’s bothered me every single minute since those Russian assholes came into Nevada.”

Fuck. I forgot about Trish’s cousin Stefanie. Shadow was into her and it wasn’t hard to see why. The girl had been a beauty before she was kidnapped, raped, and killed to send a message to Grim and the club. Barely close enough to be legal, Stefanie was only 17 when she died. Grim’s Trish was devastated. Half the club was ready to go on a murderous spree and hunt those Russian assholes down, specifically Sergei Resnikov.

Retribution was coming. Both the Scorpions and the Russians were in for a rude awakening. Grim was still working through the details but we had a plan. The disrespect to our club wouldn’t go unpunished.

My jaw locked as I nodded my head and squeezed his shoulder once before releasing it. “I’d say I’m sorry for the bullshit that went down but it’s more than that. Those Russian assholes are going to go down. It’s only a matter of time. You’ll get the vengeance you seek, Shadow.”

No one ever called him by his road name. We mostly proved a point and referred to all of them as prospect. You had to earn the patch and the membership in the Tonopah chapter of the Royal Bastards MC. Minimum requirement was a year, but we didn’t accept a new member into the club until they completed the Devil’s Ride. Nothing was quite like that vicious ride out into the desert. Devil was a sick and twisted son of a bitch and he was the one who ultimately decided the members who patched in. Grim was the pres and his vote held the most sway. Of course, we always brought that decision to table during church.

“Mr. Riggs,” he began and fuck if that didn’t make me feel old, “I got to be the one to gut that Russian fucker. I want his blood on my hands. I need him to see my face before he dies. Got special plans for that rapist.”

Snorting with both a little pride and dark humor, I shook my head. Easy words to say before the day you took your first life. After that, killin’ was never simple. “Bloodlust is a funny thing, son. Give into it far enough and you’ll get what you want. Feed it too much and that monster will suck you into a black hole you can’t ever escape.” I should know. Been down that scarlet road plenty of times. “Ask Rael and he can tell you the same. Don’t forget about Solonik and Rancid and all the bullshit that’s happened. And remember,” I continued, “You’ll have to get behind the pres. For what Resnikov did to his ol’ lady and her family, there’s gonna be hell to pay. Our Reapers want justice and they’re gonna get it.”

Shadow made a face and kicked at another rock. “She was my girl. I should have the right to kill the man that took her from me.”

He was right but the pres had the final say in that. “I get what you’re sayin’. You just need to remember no matter what you’re feeling there’s a code and way things work. Grim is the pres. It’s his club and he runs shit the way he sees fit to do it. Be careful that your hatred and need for retribution don’t overstep your place. Gotta do what you’re told, kid. Don’t fuck it up.”

“He won’t.” Rael stood behind us with his arms crossed over his chest. Crazy fucker had all his skull makeup in black and white smeared on his face as well as red contacts in his eyes. Guess he wanted to prove a point tonight although who knew what the fuck it was. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t do something stupid.”

“You do that,” I replied with a chuckle. “Got some shit to do.”

Rael gave me one of his demented smiles. “Sure thing, Papa.” He winked in my direction. “Saw that well-fucked little blonde on her way out the of the Crossroads. You might need a nap after all that exercise, old man.”

I flipped him off as I headed for my bike. “Kiss my sexy ass, Rael.”

He made smoochy noises as I straddled my Harley, and I shook my head. Two minutes later I was heading down the road, knees in the cool breeze, and the plethora of stars in the Nevada skyline glittering above my head.

Life was simple for me. I lived one moment to the next. Kept myself busy and worked on my bike when I was home. Most of the time I was either helping out Grim and the club and or working as a volunteer for Hope’s Refuge.

When I pulled up in my driveway, I spotted an oversized truck a few houses down the street. New neighbors must be moving in. I hit the remote for the garage door and it lifted as I rumbled inside and killed the engine. Standing up, I pulled my smokes and the lighter from my pocket and lit up, inhaling deeply into my lungs as the brisk night settled into the cold interior of the garage.

I was nearly done with my cig when my cell began vibrating. Tossing down the butt, I made sure it wasn’t burning anymore and stomped out the cinders with my boot. Reaching inside my leather, I pulled the device free of my cut to glance at the screen.

“What you got, Mercy?” I asked as I swiped across the screen and answered.

“New arrival for Hope’s Refuge. Ghost status.”

Damn. Another domestic violence or rape victim. “Lily’s Hope?”

“No. Sparrow not Lotus.”

Whew. I hated hearing about rape victims. The DV victims were bad enough. No woman should live in fear or be at the mercy of a man who only tore her down and made her feel worthless. I wasn’t alone in thinking that way. One of my best friends knew the horrors firsthand. Murder had a hell of a past and the women in his life had been avenged for the crimes perpetrated against them. I’d have done the same in his position. Mercy was no stranger to that info either since he’d started Hope’s Refuge and knew Murder’s story.

“Give me the contact info. I’ll establish connection.”

“Good. I’ll text the info when we hang up. Appreciate your help, Avenger. We’ll be in touch.”

He ended the call and I headed inside, grabbing a beer as my rottweiler Savage barreled into my legs and nearly knocked my old ass to the ground.

“Easy, Savage. I ain’t been gone that long.”

Setting down my beer, I reached into the cabinet and grabbed his favorite, opening the can as I smirked in his direction and poured the expensive wet dog food onto the half bowl of dry he had left. Once the contents were spilled inside, he began slurping it up like I hadn’t fed him in days. Gravy covered his lips and snout as he gobbled up the choice cuts of beef. Damn dog was spoiled.

“Better slow down and enjoy it. I’m not giving you more tomorrow. Gives you the shits even if you do like the stuff.”

Savage didn’t care as he wolfed down the food and then his tongue fell out of his mouth, drooling and happy as he panted in my direction.

“No begging,” I replied sternly.